Summary: C-19 was made in a lab;  ‘95 per cent efficacy’, they said.; Cristian Terheş grills executives of Moderna and AstraZeneca; a DNA sequence was patented by Moderna three years before the pandemic; the CEO of Moderna and his connection with the infamous Wuhan lab where gain of function research was conducted; Pfizer’s safety and efficacy records for the first three months were not good and the FDA knew about it, but everybody just went ahead at full steam; Klaus Schwab on gene editing in 2015; Bill Gates likes graphs showing a steep decline in population growth; Boris Johnson and his father are depopulationists.

The coronavirus scam

Articles on the coronavirus scam published on this blog so far (as I intend to write many more):

Cristian Terhes, member of the EU parliament, claims that Pfizer had access to COVID-19 before December 2019.

What they said to the American people about transmission, prevention, etc.

Ryan Cristián on ‘the stopping the transmission lie

Robert Roos fact checked!

Mislav Kolakušić sees Ursula’s vaccine procurement deal as ‘the biggest corruption affair in the history of mankind’.

Apparently, Pfizer did not test its vaccine for stopping transmission before making it available.

[copied on 24th October]
CONFIRMED – COVID is Man-Made & Fauci, Bill Gates, Daszak & Moderna are responsible
By The Exposé on October 23, 2022 • ( 48 Comments )
When you consider that Moderna had all 7 of its vaccine patents filed 6 months before the outbreak of the disease, and has the double CGG codon cited in 5 of its patent applications dating from 2013, you realise that they are on the inside of this game and a part of the team (through Fauci presumably).
So we know it was man made. We know who funded its creation. We know who created it. We know who profited from it. We know who used it for political control. All that remains is to determine whether those who profited from it and funded it and sought control from it deliberately arranged for its release in order to realise those profits and that control. That is for the reader to decide.


23 Oct, 2022 17:55
New study claims to determine Covid-19 origin
The virus behind the Covid-19 pandemic has a genetic structure typical of “synthetic viruses,” a fresh study claims

[added on 8th September]
95 per cent efficacy’, they said.
The efficacy rate of 95 per cent claimed for Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine deconstructed by Dr Philip Altman as well as by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance (relative versus absolute risk reduction)

[added on 8th September]
Cristian Terheş grills executives of Moderna and AstraZeneca
Cristian Terheş: ‘So in the case of ... in the case of Moderna, for example, you provided data showing that you tested these vaccines since 2017, 2018, 2019. So how were you able to test these vaccines back then when we found out about this virus in December of 2019?

’s uncanny DNA patent and its CEO’s connection to the Wuhan lab
Moderna’s CEO’s connection to the infamous Wuhan lab

Bancel responds to the allegation that a DNA sequence patented by Moderna three years before the pandemic was recently found in COVID.

Pfizer and the FDA (US drug regulatory agency) knew about the health issues early on
Adverse events and deaths from Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine for the first three months

Klaus Schwab (of the World Economic Forum)
It’s you who are changed’, Klaus Schwab on gene editing in 2015.

Bill Gates
Bill Gates likes downward pointing curves ... when they plot population growth (not when they plot his investment returns).

Boris Johnson
Meet Stanley and Boris Johnson, two depopulationists.

Lausanne, the above was published on the sixth day of the ninth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.