Summary: Moderna’s CEO’s connection to the infamous Wuhan lab according to Dr Peter McCullough (in an interview granted to Alex Jones).

Moderna’s CEO’s connection to the infamous Wuhan lab

On 4th September, BannedVideo, the content platform of Alex Jones’s Infowars news outlet published an interview of the famous Texan cardiologist turned anti-C-19 vaccine activist Peter McCullough in which the latter revealed a real informational nugget. This precious piece of information is that there is a link between the French CEO of Moderna, Stéphane Bancel, and the infamous Wuhan laboratory where gain of function research was conducted on behalf of American institutions. The segment where this extremely important information release is made is some 15 minutes into the interview, just after Alex Jones and Peter McCullough opine that the mRNA boosters most likely come with weaker dosages, which then allows Alex Jones to mention the second manufacturer of mRNA vaccines, Moderna.

Alex Jones
And … and …and … and … and now we have Moderna suing Pfizer, saying basically it’s a copy of their shot, just weaker.

Dr Peter McCullough
Now that’s an interesting development, Moderna suing Pfizer. Recall that Stéphane Bancel, the billionaire CEO for Moderna, previously was the CEO for bioMérieux. And bioMérieux is the French conglomerate company that Jacques Chirac negotiated with the Chinese to build the biosecurity annex in Wuhan, China. Stéphane Bancel orchestrated the construction of the biosecurity lab in Wuhan, China. And then, in 2015, he changes from bioMérieux and joins a one-person company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Moderna. Stéphane Bancel joins Moderna.

Alex Jones [interrupts Dr Peter McCullough, which he often does in his shows.]
Do you see long-term planning for this virus that just actually shows up?

Dr Peter McCullough
Well, you listen … listen to this.

Alex Jones laughs

Dr Peter McCullough
So Bancel then joins Moderna, he starts working with the US National Institutes of Health on the Moderna patent for the SARS Covid 2 vaccine. So within a few days of announcing its own emergency under former President Trump, Moderna announces ‘we have a vaccine. You don’t come up with a vaccine in a few days. This vaccine was in the works for years. And in Peter Breggin’s book COVID-19 and the Global Predators [We are the Prey], the … it’s a …it’s a very, very important book; it has over 1,100 citations. In the back is a timeline, Alex, and the timeline has 36 pandemic planning preparedness events that Breggin uh chronicles, starting from 2012. 25 of these have written documents generated and six of them were filmed. So Breggin outlines the timeline. In our book COVID-19 and uhm the … uh uh … The courage to face COVID-19 that I wrote with John Leak, we actually highlight these developments as well and put it in the context of a story.

The above prompted me to carry out a quick search on My query on that search engine ( yielded some interesting results (although probably 60% of the results are in French as I am based in French-speaking Switzerland), including the following blog article:

What is the likelihood of Bancel overseeing the design of the WIV level 4 lab, then, leaving bioMerieux to become the CEO of the mRna vaccine company Moderna? Moderna was perfectly positioned to make billions of dollars through global emergency use authorizations after this illegally U.S. government funded (through Echo Health alliance via NIAID and Fauci according to DARPA documents obtained via a FOIA request) Gain of Function research created the Chimera spike protein which was inserted into the backbone of a Sars Cov virus.

This reminded me of the allegation made earlier this year that Moderna had patented in 2016 a DNA sequence which was subsequently found in COVID-19:

Of course, I also remember Moderna’s recent press release informing investors and the general public about its legal proceedings against Pfizer. Here are some short excerpts:


This foundational platform, which we began building in 2010, along with our patented work on coronaviruses in 2015 and 2016, enabled us to produce a safe and highly effective COVID-19 vaccine in record time after the pandemic struck.
Moderna scientists began developing this chemical modification that avoids provoking an undesirable immune response when mRNA is introduced into the body in 2010 and were the first to validate it in human trials in 2015.
None of the patent rights which Moderna is seeking to enforce relate to any intellectual property generated during Moderna's collaboration with the National Institutes of Health to combat COVID-19. That collaboration began only after the patented technologies at issue here were proven successful in clinical trials in 2015 and 2016.
In the same interview, Dr Peter McCullough also mentions the following (two medical studies and an article):

SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence
14 March 2016

A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence
Published: 09 November 2015

Wuhan coronavirus hunter Shi Zhengli speaks out
31 Jul 2020

Dear reader, it is now up to you to reach your own conclusions

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Source: Infowars,
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Lausanne, the above was published on the fifth day of the ninth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.