Summary: some important questions regarding the vaccines the member of the European parliament Cristian Terheş dared to ask two executives of AstraZeneca and Moderna on 5th September 2022; clip plus transcript; links (at the bottom).

Cristian Terheş grills executives of Moderna and AstraZeneca

A session of the EU parliament’s Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic took place on 5th September during which the Romanian member of the EU parliament Cristian Terheş dared to ask Mr Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, and Mrs Iskra Reic, Executive Vice President at AstraZeneca for Canada and Europe, some pretty tough questions, in line with his previous stance on issues having to do with the pandemic, the forced vaccination of citizens in nearly all EU member states and the mandatory digital C-19 certificate across the EU (see the links at the bottom of this page).

I shall not comment on what was said except for three points.

To me, there is absolutely no doubt as to whose side the chairperson of the committee was on during the short interpellation of Mr Terheş. In fact, I even wonder whether the pretty plausible allegations Mr Terheş has made regarding corruption within the EU (he has made specific references to Ursula von der Leyen on several occasions) might not also apply to Mrs Kathleen Van Brempt, who chairs the EU parliament’s Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although the CEO of Moderna rejects the allegation that his company tested its vaccine platform for COVID-19 several years ahead of the outbreak (despite the fact that Mr Terheş even displayed some printed documents which he claimed to be from the European Medicines Agency), in the recent press release of Moderna announcing that it had initiated litigation against Pfizer for violation of Moderna’s intellectual property rights Mr Stéphane Bancel (CEO of Moderna) is quoted as having said the following: ‘This foundational platform, which we began building in 2010, along with our patented work on coronaviruses in 2015 and 2016, enabled us to produce a safe and highly effective COVID-19 vaccine in record time after the pandemic struck.’ [My emphasis]

Should this issue be of any interest to you, dear reader, then please take a quick look at two other blog articles of mine in connection with similar allegations made against Moderna:
Bancel responds to the allegation that a DNA sequence patented by Moderna three years before the pandemic was recently found in COVID.
Moderna’s CEO’s connection to the infamous Wuhan lab

Finally, in the document which Moderna gave the EU parliament’s Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic (I would suspect as background reading material for this particular session) the dosage of the company’s two bivalent booster candidates is given as 25μg (on page 2) and the same document states that, in Spain, Moderna has ‘a 10-year agreement with ROVI to manufacture drug substance and fill-finish’ (page 3). This makes answers to the questions Mr Terheş dared to ask regarding safety of the vaccines and the apparent lack of proper virus sequencing all the more pressing as the above would suggest that Moderna expects the EU Commission to mandate a flu/COVID-19 combination (bivalent, in their jargon) on the citizens of EU member states in the near future (otherwise it would not have concluded several long-term manufacturing partnerships in Spain, France and Italy).

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the ‘Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode.



[Please note that I have left the English of these non-native speakers as is.]

Kathleen Van Brempt [who then displays a grimace of displeasure, at least to my eyes.]
Mr Terheş.

Cristian Terheş
Thank you so much. The first set of questions is for both AstraZeneca and Moderna.
So the first question is: I would like to know the date, if it’s possible, when you decoded the full DNA sequence of this virus or you solely relied on the sequence provided to you by the Chinese government?
Second question: have you tested if the vaccines are stopping the spread of the virus or not? Because the data clearly shows that your products are not stopping the spread of this virus.
Third question: have you had people who died during human trials and, if so, what were the illnesses that they died from?
Now, I have certain questions uhm for Moderna, for Mr Bancel. You stated here that you relied on the sequence provided to you by the Chinese Government when you developed your vaccine. I have here an answer from EMA [European Medicines Agency], which is showing for every vaccine the kind of tests that were done. So in the case of … in the case of Moderna, for example, you provided data showing that you tested these vaccines since 2017, 2018, 2019. So how were you able to test these vaccines back then when we found out about this virus in December of 2019?
Second question: the contracts. You mentioned here that there are some secrets or some confidential information in these contracts that should protect your interests. Now, the question that I addressed to you: what about the interests of us and the interests of the European citizens? Because this is how some of the pages from the contract between Moderna and the European Commission is showing. [Cristian Terheş shows pages displaying lines filled mostly with black blocks, which means that the pages were heavily redacted]. So I’m asking you: do you think this is fair to all of us to talk about these vaccines, to talk about boosters, to talk about medical products when we don’t know the clauses of these contracts? So the direct question to you, Mr Bancel, is: when are you going to fully publish the contracts that you have, both with the European Commission and with the member states of the European Union?
Another question: the issue of liabilities. You were asked by our colleagues here about the liabilities and you avoided to answer this question. So my question too is: why are you pushing the liabilities on the state and on the people who receive these vaccines and might have – and I say I might have – adverse effects? Why you get all the profits?

Kathleen Van Brempt [who tries to put an end to Mr Terheş’s hard-biting questions.]
Thank you so much.

Cristian Terheş
Nevertheless the … … the bivalent boosters.
Kathleen Van Brempt [who again tries to stop Cristian Terheş.]
Thank you so much.
Cristian Terheş
This is the last question.
Kathleen Van Brempt
Yeah…but you already …
Cristian Terheş
You just stated here that these boosters were requested by the US government, who also approved the boosters without trials on humans. So I’m asking you: do you think this is fair? Do you think we can go and ask the European citizens to be vaccinated with some medical products …

Kathleen Van Brempt
[I think she says] Mr Terheş
Cristian Terheş
that were not properly tested or not at all tested in humans? Thank you.
Kathleen Van Brempt
Mr Terheş, next time, I’ll deduct 40 seconds from your speaking time. Respect.
Cristian Terheş
It’s an important … With all due respect, it’s an important issue. And the reason why they are here is to answer questions.
Kathleen Van Brempt
Yes …[inaudible]
Cristian Terheş
And I see that they are all avoiding answering concrete questions from my colleagues.
Kathleen Van Brempt
Yeah, but it’s also respectful for [inaudible]

Cristian Terheş
Well, they have to be transparent here. And so far, they haven’t been transparent. Thank you.

Kathleen Van Brempt
Uhm … I start with Mr Bancel and then I come to Mrs Reic.

Stéphane Bancel (CEO of Moderna)
Mrs Chairman.
Kathleen Van Brempt
And please, very specific answers to the specific questions please. Thank you very much.
Stéphane Bancel (CEO of Moderna)
Sure. So on the first question, as I said before, yes, we use the uh sequence of a virus published by the Chinese uh Government that was online and tested by many scientists in academic labs and government labs uh that we use for the design of a vaccine.
Uh you make a statement on the uh poor efficacy of a vaccine against preventing infection. Uh that actually was not correct in the 2021 timeframe where it was mostly alpha and delta. As you recall, the vaccines were holding very well to uh infection and of course hospitalisation and death, which was really important. What happened was exchange with Omicron. As you know, the Omicron virus was a big, big genetic drift from the original uh sequence coming out of China, which is why the vaccine needed to be retooled. The good news for public health is the vaccine held very well against hospitalisation and death, which as we all know is the number one priority of those vaccine[sic].
On the Phase III clinical trial: I’m not aware of any death that happened during the Phase III of clinical trial.
You mentioned the document from EMA, which I’m not aware of, but the vaccine that we tested before is what I mentioned to one of your colleague[sic] in my previous set of answers, which is, since 2015, we have been doing clinical trial[sic] with all vaccines. This is not of course against SARS-CoV-2 because the virus did not exist. It was against flu, RSV and also uh pandemic flu strains. So that is why we were able to get uh validation of a platform in a clinic.
On the liabilities: as uh has been done by all the manufacturers uh we wanted … I mean, sorry, governments wanted quick approval of a vaccine. And so for the conditional approval, uh it was important to give us some guarantees in term of indemnification because we cannot have our cake and eat it too. We wanted the vaccine quick without giving time to manufacturers to have long-term studies because of the nature of a pandemic.
And then uh the last question around testing in human[sic]. As I … I answered in the previous set of question[sic]., the vaccine that is uh has a conditional approval for booster bivalent against Omicron that has been approved in Europe last week did have [sic] clinical study happening for this vaccine. It is the one in the US that did not; but the one in Europe, there was human testing.

Kathleen Van Brempt
Mrs Reic.

Iskra Reic (Executive Vice President, AstraZeneca)
Thank you. Uh so, so first uh to try to add on the Mr Bancel[’s] reply to … to your question, Mr … Mr Terheş. Uh I can say that, as you probably know, our vaccine was uhuh developed uh from the ChAdOx platform, the adenoviral vaccine that already existed as a platform before COVID-19 and the … the preliminary pre-clinical work was done in the University of Oxford.
When it comes to liability, uh I … I …I do believe that … that you … I’m sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with the … with the responses, but uh I … I think we …we are trying here to be as transparent as possible. [Sic] liability indemnity clause was discussed and agreed with many governments around the world because everybody wanted to try to see how we can accelerate the development and the delivery on [sic] the vaccine. And again, as I mentioned, that … that … uh that is something that is considered to be a standard practise in the [sic] emergencies. And equally that … that protects and … and support[sic] everybody to move at outmost speed and do their outmost best for … for … on developing or manufacturing side. Also the liability or indemnities uh clause is uh valid only at the … for the certain dose that are contracted. So only for the pandemic uh … for the pandemic uh … for the pandemic phase.

The clip posted on the Facebook page of Cristian Terheş then displays the following slides:


1. Moderna continues to avoid answering the question of when will it fully publish the contracts signed with the EU member states and the European Commission.

2. The manufacturing companies acknowledge that they did not have enough time to test the vaccines, which is why they’ve asked the governments to receive guarantees that they will not be liable, which they received.

Even though the vaccines were not sufficiently tested, the politicians still passed laws to force people to be vaccinated with such products that were produced fast also at their request.
NO to digital tyranny!
NO to COVID certificate!
NO to restrictions!
YES to freedom!
YES for [sic] transparency!


Very short addresses of Cristian Terheş to the EU parliament
4 July 2022 - Strasbourg

22 June 2022 - Brussels

6 June 2022 - Strasbourg

24 November 2021 - Strasbourg

22 November 2021 - Strasbourg

10 November 2021 - Brussels

Lausanne, the above was published on the eighth day of the ninth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.