Summary: Bellicose France, UK, USA; entity attachment (e.g. Tony Blair); a few lines on facial muscles; one prayer almost answered; on the lunacy of the EU’s sanctions for EU consumers; exorcism; visual magic being performed by soldiers in Ukraine;  a further escalation in Ukraine is likely; stem cell harvesting in Ukraine from human foetuses; Joan Delancey Kapleau’s satori-like experience of enlightenment; Vatican II according to Lanza del Vasto; Twitter to remain a topic of debate; I am curious about the position of Pope Francis on lies and lying; First of May; Nick Fuentes on Musk’s acquisition of Twitter; Ukrainian mothers and wives protesting against conscription.

Electronic logbook for May 2022

Visita, quaeso, Domine, scripta mea et omnes insidias inimici ab eis longe repelle.
Angeli tui sancti habitent in eis et me in pace atque in bona valetudine custodiant.
Domine, fac me instrumentum tuum ut ubi error est veritatem inseram.  Amen.

Bellicose FUKUS   

On 27th April, I retrieved the following links using the Swiss search engine Swisscows:

America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776

The US Has Been at war 225 out of 243 years since 1776
The US Has Been at war for more than 92 percent of the time
Sabir Shah. 9 January 2020

I came across the following two links in February 2014 – in those days, I used to read the The Guardian (which is one of the main disseminators of the Marxist cultural ideology in the English-speaking world); of course, I hardly ever do so nowadays...

Although the French government has not been waging wars as often as its US and British counterparts, it invaded Russia during that country’s Napoleonic attempt at building a continental European empire. Hence the acronym FUKUS ( is amply justified against the context of the present conflict taking place in an European country between officially two European countries but de facto an alliance of several European countries plus the USA against Russia.

Another face which exudes evil.

Immediately after I had published my last mini-entry (see below), I told myself that I had to write a few lines about another face which to my eyes clearly exudes evil from almost every single pore. It is the face of Anthony Blair, the former British prime minister who, together with his accomplice George Bush Jr, launched a war of aggression against Iraq based upon totally spurious (and therefore fabricated and mendacious) evidence: namely, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. I shall say nothing here about my puzzlement as to how such war criminals like he and George Bush Jr were able to escape serving some time in prison except that war criminals who find themselves on the winning side of a conflict hardly ever have to go to jail – the more so if such a war criminal was the head of a country whose armed forces were victorious.

As far as I am concerned, there is no doubt that Tony Blair suffers from what I would call ‘entity attachment’, more commonly referred to as ‘possession’ – the difference being the degree of gradation between the two. To me, the eyes of Tony Blair (once of a pale blue, now eerily verging upon pitch black at times), the squint and smaller size of his right eye, the baggy lower eyelids which together with Tony Blair’s horn-shaped eyebrows draw the attention of the viewer to Mr Blair’s uncanny eyes, his ape-like cheeks, his fiendish grin and his quasi elf-like ears are all pointers to the dark forces which have taken hold of the man and have used him – and still are – to do their bidding: that is to say, as a conduit for the purpose of destroying as many human lives as possible.

[If viewed with the sound off, the features I have described will stand out even more conspicuously.]

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture mode.
If it does not, click on


As I do not know enough about the life of the former British prime minister, I can only offer some conjectures as to how these dark entities (which have used – and I would assume are still using – Tony Blair as their tool) were able to attach themselves to this man. In the literature about this topic, and if I recall correctly, entity attachment’ may take place only if a  breach in the aura of the person concerned has been opened for these forces of a different plane of reality to latch on to the ‘victim’ – for instance, if such a person abuses alcohol or drugs, if they indulge in sexual promiscuity (especially of an exploitative, coercive or simply purely lust-induced nature), if they have experienced extreme physical pain or some intense emotional trauma, if they have dabbled in the so-called dark arts (i.e. magic) or if they have engaged in other occultist practices such as contacting spirits (for example, through a séance – as explained in the section of the Q&A which starts with ‘What are some of the dangers at séances?’ on page 28 of a booklet written by one of the main occultists of the 19th century –, through an ouija board, because of a poorly conducted invocation or even through other mediumship activities like automatic writing), by sporting a particular tattoo on one’s body or as a result of performing some secret society’s initiation ritual. Given the affair Mr Blair is rumoured to have had with Wendi Deng (then married to the Australian newspaper magnate Rupert Murdoch) and the allegations about Tony Blair pertaining to the domain of the flesh made by Joachim Hagopian, I would suspect that for Mr Blair this would have happened when he engaged in activities of a peculiar sort in connection with the gratification of specific bodily urges of his.

Yes, I concede that my phrasing in the above sentence is extremely clumsy but this is simply because I wanted to avoid using either the standard phrase containing the word ‘intercourse’ – and which is preceded with an adjective – or the three-letter word from which this adjective I have just alluded to is derived. It is also for this reason that I have bowdlerised the following excerpt in which an American who claims to be a Christian whilst being a Zhengyi Daoist priest, a practitioner of Chinese martial arts and a doctor in traditional Chinese medicine, Professor Jerry Alan Johnson, PhD, DTCM, DMQ (China), describes what he calls ‘the possibility of spirit oppression or possession’ during intimate bodily contact through the reproductive organs as told to him by ‘one of [his] clairvoyant kungfu students’:

[...] People who are extremely promiscuous often tend to have spirit entities that accompany them, and help them facilitate their sexual encounters in order to energetically feed.  [...] he noticed a spirit suddenly enter into the room from the ceiling. In amazement, he watched as the entity descended into her body from the top of her head, which immediately caused her eyes to roll up into her brain. At that point, he suddenly felt a powerful upward surge of energy as the spirit that was now possessing his old girlfriend simultaneously vampired both of their energetic fields [...]

Given that I do not have any personal experience of the above, I must be prepared to believe Mr Johnson’s words (continued by the way on pages 89 and 90 of the second volume of his book The Hidden Teachings of Christian Mysticism) and those of other people who make such claims – for instance, Bernhard Guenther. What I know, however, is that in Europe there was for many centuries the widespread belief in specific entities which would seek bodily contact with humans at night, the incubi and succubi (plural forms of incubus and succubus).

If you disagree with my claim that the former British prime minister Tony Blair is possessed by some entity (or entities), I would suggest that you bear in mind the wars in which Great-Britain was an initiating party (Iraq, Afghanistan) during Tony Blair’s misguided stewardship of the country and that he was a great proponent of a multicultural Britain both in words and deeds, not to mention the economic liberalism his supposedly pro-worker party pursued during his term at the helm of Britain.

Should you wish to look at other faces which to my eyes also exude evil, you might want to copy and paste the names of Bertrand Russell and Lenin (towards the end of his life) in the picture section of a search engine.

Lausanne, the above were posted on the thirtieth day of the fifth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.


A few lines on facial muscles (further to my rant of yesterday against ‘Evil Bill’)

To me, there is no doubt that the man I have nicknamed ‘Evil Bill’ is one of the main agents of Satan on this Earth (see below). If you are not happy with the concept of Satan, just take this personage to stand for those forces which are inimical to humans and which are trying to destroy as many of us as possible. So as a kind of follow-up to the few lines I wrote and posted yesterday about the face of ‘Evil Bill’ being so transparent about what he is working so hard to achieve, let me start with this quote attributed to George Orwell (whose veracity I have unfortunately not yet checked to my greatest shame): ‘At fifty everyone has the face he deserves.’ [Source:]

Well, I am not going to write an essay on this topic – after all, most of the ideas I put forward on this blog are only intended to serve as pointers or, rather, as incentives for further research to be carried out by my readers, if they so wish. As an easy way out for me, let me quote an English psychologist and university professor, Richard Langton Gregory (1923-2010), who wrote in his entry on physiognomy, on page 620 of The Oxford companion to the mind (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987), that

[...] there are good grounds for associating expression with character traits and habits of thought. The point is that groups of muscles are associated with emotions, moods, and activities; and the use of facial muscles both modifies the countenance and produces permanent changes, such as lines and wrinkles. The first scientific study of this notion was by the distinguished Scottish anatomist-surgeon and neurologist Sir Charles *Bell, whose Essay on the Anatomy of the Expressions [me: Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting] (1806) related specific muscles to * facial expressions.

Think what you wish of this claim. For my part, I am going to close this mini-entry with a clip showing the face of a man who was indirectly responsible for several thousand instantaneous deaths (many more after the explosion of the bombs whose paternity has been attributed to him) and whose face seems to have suffered as a result of the terrible force he had worked to help unleash on to the world for his contemporaries and the many generations to come after him, J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967):

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture mode.
If it does not, click on


The music is highly annoying to me, but, hey, this is part of the imposition of noise upon us, probably to keep us unable to focus on important stuff; source unknown: I stumbled on the clip 31m and 55s into the following video. Finally, do you believe that the tear Mr Oppenheimer sheds in the interview (a television documentary with the title of ‘The Decision to Drop the Bomb’, shot in 1965) is genuine? For my part, I cannot brush away the suspicion that it is the tear of a crocodile.

On the connection between the eyes and the soul

‘More light is needed on and for the agents of the forces of darkness.’

Lausanne, the above was posted on the nineteenth day of the fifth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.

One prayer answered? (Which probably means that I need to pray harder!)

Well, to me, it certainly feels that way – because, whenever I pray (not every day – shame on me!), I ask (among several wishes) that the conflict in Ukraine may end with a victory of Russia, with minimum loss of life on both sides and as quickly as possible.

So yesterday, when I saw the following headlines, I felt a bit as if one of my prayers had been answered:
(Please do not forget that you can copy the links and paste them in the Wayback Machine [] if your government is restricting you from accessing ‘subversive websites’ of the likes of Russia Today [RT].)

17 May, 2022 17:02
Ukrainian troops holed up in Mariupol begin surrendering
Kiev puts on a brave face as trapped Azov fighters give themselves up to Russian forces

17 May, 2022 14:31
WATCH: Ukrainian fighters at Azovstal surrender to Russia
Moscow says 265 members of the nationalist Azov Battalion and Ukrainian troops have already laid down their arms

17.05.2022 - 12898 views
Evacuation Of Ukrainian Fighters From Azovstal Continues. No Promises Of Their Exchange (Videos)

And the cherries (plural) on the cake were these other two headlines:

17 May, 2022 18:11
US aid to Ukraine looks ‘like money laundering scheme’ – Congresswoman
American aid to Kiev goes to NGOs run by “friends and families” of US politicians, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene claims

17 May, 2022 21:42
Turkey’s list of demands to NATO revealed by Bloomberg
Ankara’s threat to block Finland and Sweden’s bids reportedly has nothing to do with Russia

One of my other wishes I mention whenever I pray is that those who are working to depopulate this planet of humans through their evil schemes may see their ambitions fail and that they may be brought to justice. One such ringleader (of this very dark scheme) is the following billionaire (who looks just as evil even without his glasses on; note the fiendish smiles from time to time on both faces, reminiscent of the facial expressions of some plotters unable to conceal their glee whenever they discuss together the desired outcome(s) of their plotting):

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture mode.
If it does not, click on

I hope that you know of the following article (but do your own research and draw your own conclusions):

‘Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation’, John Harlow, The Sunday Times
24 May 2009

Lausanne, the above was posted on the eighteenth day of the fifth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.

Mercouris on the lunacy of the EU’s sanctions on Russian oil for EU consumers

The following transcript has been sitting on my desk – metaphorically speaking – for two days now... Well, higher oil and gas prices are likely to remain topical for some time to come given the ‘leaders’ we have in most EU countries. So there is really no rush. However, I want to get the following off my mind. Alexander Mercouris: I like to listen to him every so often as I believe that he offers some ‘food for thought’. Here is his take on the lunacy of the laundering process that is probably taking place to circumvent these very ill-advised sanctions and their highly unfortunate end-result for EU consumers.

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture mode.
If it does not, click on





[…] but that’s what’s going to happen. So we’re going to have sanctions on Russia to prohibit the export to the EU of Russian oil. There will presumably be some restrictions, so some restrictions on these sanctions, some um provisions to allow Hungary and Slovakia and Bulgaria and all of those to continue to import Russian oil directly from Russia as they’re doing at the moment – at least for a while. But overall we will probably be getting this sanctions package, but in practice we will still be importing Russian oil – only we are going to have to pay much more for it than we probably would have done previously. Of course, it’s not the Russians who will be pocketing the extra price – that they will be pocketing some of it: because in a time of oil shortage, the price of oil will always be higher than it would otherwise have been and. Of course some of that will end up in Russian hand, some of the money for that expensive oil will end up in Russian hands. I mean the middlemen will be prepared to pay more for that Russian oil because they know they can sell it at an even higher price to the European Union … but anyway – in the European Union. But anyway, the people who are going to benefit most of this are the middlemen the Greek ship owners, the various uh merchants and brokers and all of these people. Some of this is quite a complex and curious world, not all of which is based in London contrary to what many people think. Anyway, these people are going to make a killing; they are going to make a huge amount of money out of this sanctions package. So the Russians will get some money for their oil, the middlemen will get a huge amount of money and the people who will be, well frankly, made to pay will be the EU’s consumers. I mean it doesn’t make any kind of sense to me whatsoever but that is what the EU, what the EU governments, what the [EU] Commission seems determined to do. Of course, it will all come with brave words about how various steps are going to be taken to prevent these transfers happening […]
[...] This is not something that I’m talking about which I don’t already know quite a lot about. And by the way, it seems that Russian oil production after a steep fall in March is now growing again, which perhaps tells you a lot about the fact that the Russians are finding customers for their oil. So a military strategy being followed by Ukraine in Donbass which makes no sense to me and a sanctions strategy being followed by the EU which also makes no sense to me. If anybody as I said can explain the logic of either, well, I invite you to do so in the thread to these to this video [ or].

Some RT links
Ruble named world’s best-performing currency
Bloomberg says the Russian currency topped 31 major peers in growth this year
12 May 2022 11:39

More EU firms meet Moscow’s gas payment demand – media

German firm meets key demand on Russian gas payment

10 EU countries quietly buying gas with rubles, Hungary says

Europe buying natural gas at premium – media

Addendum to my mini-post on visual magic

The picture of the Wagner Group I have embedded below has a caption which reads as ‘Wagner Exorcist Group’. That possession and its remedy – exorcism – do both exist is as sure as day follows night, even though such facts have been trivialised by Hollywood to make them appear as less ‘real’. And please do not make the erroneous assumption that exorcism is only performed by Catholic priests (, as such demon-chasing also takes place in the Muslim world:
An Islamic Exorcism is traditionally used to repair the physical, mental, and emotional damages caused inside the victim’s three bodies from black magic. When performing such an exorcism, the victim is placed lying supine (on their back), while the exorcist places one hand over their head and begins to loudly speak sacred scriptures from the Quran (the Holy Book of Islam). In other cases, the victim may also be given Holy Water to drink while specific verses from the Quran are read out loud that talk about God’s judgment and mercy.
Page 211 of Dr Jerry Alan Johnson’s The Hidden Teachings of Christian Mysticism, vol. II.

And here is a visual from North Africa that was used for such a purpose:

Finally, bear in mind that the Quran’s penultimate surat, Al-Falaq (day-break), is an invocation to God asking for protection, in part against black magic, in part against evil in general:

As for the other faiths, I have not done my homework – yet.  Finally, this reminds me that I still have to write an entry on the other forms of black magic (mainly) the neo-nazi military formations have been performing in Ukraine.

Lausanne, the above was posted on the thirteenth day of the fifth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.

Visual magic being used by elite troops in Ukraine?

Yesterday, I came across the following representation of the slaying of a devil-like creature displayed as a thumbnail for a video about a Russian private military company (PMC), the so-called Wagner Group.

Member of the Wagner Group killing a demon.

According to the clip hyperlinked above, this PMC has been active in Syria – hence the logo they were using then: a human skull in sights with the caption ‘ISIS hunters’ in English and presumably also in Arabic.

Interestingly, the (magical?) representation of the defeat of a devilish being which is shown above seems to have been recycled by members of some special unit(s) of the Ukrainian armed forces, as several pictures can be found on Telegram and elsewhere of a spear-throwing devil piercing a heart, for instance:


The comment the owner of the channel ‘UkraineHumanRightsAbuses’ added to this picture, which calls for execution of the wearer of such a badge, is because the picture might be some kind of military slang for a particular method of executing captured enemies (of course, forbidden by the Geneva Conventions, but these have been violated so many times in Ukraine by elements of that country’s forces):

Notice the flag on the right.
It's something called the "canoe".
It's slang of the US army, when you execute someone putting a gun up his mouth, the top of the head splits open like a canoe.
It's something US soldiers have done a lot in the Middle East, and they are doing it in Ukraine.

Proof that this is being carried out on some Russian soldiers: (or at However, I would not view the clip if I were you – I certainly have not.

Some Ukrainian units are not afraid of having their photo taken whilst displaying this magical representation of a desired outcome together with a symbolic canoe on their flags:

Russia has a new enemy in Ukraine: the Forward Observation Group, 4 March 2022, Francesco Bussoletti
(Found doing a reverse picture search on a famous American search engine.
Note that this article is pure propaganda of the crassest sort: ‘unlike their counterparts, sent to fight without fuel and with food rations that have expired for years’.)

Apparently, a Russian ‘fired back’, as this is the (magical?) representation I came across when performing a reverse picture search on the Russian search engine Yandex:

So, some are still able to keep a touch of humour even at times of war (the most lethal form of human sacrifice before the advent of the recent mRNA inoculations forced upon maybe as many as two to three billion people).

Lausanne, the above was posted on the twelfth day of the fifth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two

A further escalation in Ukraine is highly likely (courtesy of our dumb and probably also highly corrupt politicians).

However pedantic Alexander Mercouris (of The Duran) may come across at times, I find myself agreeing with him (or Alex Christoforou) more often than not. This was the case yesterday evening when I listened to Episode 1277 of their show, entitled ‘Victory Day, Putin praises allied forces. Olaf Scholz and EU look to rewrite history’, and in particular with the segment which runs from 23m05s to 25m20s.

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture mode.
If it does not, click on



Alex Christoforou
[...] and seeing the… the video today once again of what happened to the Russian ambassador in Warsaw, um they’ve got buy- in. I think the neocons, if they don’t have it 100%, they’re like at 95 percent buy-in from the populations in Europe for the … for them to say ‘Yeah let’s …let’s go in, let’s uh let’s go into Ukraine because we …we can win this’. And that’s exactly what the neocons want and I think they’ve got the population buying…
Alexander Mercouris
I …I… I completely agree and I think that’s the danger and I mean that is the very …very great danger. We’ve got weak leaders like [Olaf] Scholz who talks like he’s just done and uh fanatical individuals like Ursula von der Leyen and Annalena Baerbock in Germany and all the rest. All the more so, as bear in mind that European leaders have bet the entire house on defeating Putin in Ukraine. So I mean because, you know, we’re now getting more and more mounting economic news across Europe uhuh you know, the … the CEO of Bosch in Germany has now come out and said we’re heading into a massive crisis. Uhum the … there’s uh you know, Christine Lagarde is telling people ‘We know, we don’t need to worry about stagflation’, which proves to you that stagflation is actually very much on the way. So given that this is so … I mean, you know, the … the great risk they run is that they will lose militarily in Ukraine and they will be faced with an economic crisis um in a few months time. So what do they do given their rhetoric? It’s very difficult to retreat and when people are trapped by their own rhetoric and are trapped in these political positions with … well which is where the neocons want them to be, the huge risk is that there’s going to escalate. So, you know, highly likely we will be seeing um NATO troops. They won’t be from, you know, they won’t be officially NATO troops but there’ll be troops from NATO countries starting to enter Ukraine later this month. I think that’s now a very strong possibility…

Some links (do not forget that you can copy them and paste them in the Wayback Machine [] if your government is restricting you from accessing such ‘subversive material’):
Russian ambassador attacked in Warsaw
London unveils new sanctions against Russia

So the mini-prayer we would need to utter several times a day would be ‘Domine, libera nos a malo causato a stultissimis publicis viris atque mulieribus’ if we sincerely wish to avoid seeing the war in Ukraine spiral out of control…

Human foetuses were aborted for stem cell gathering purposes in Ukraine.

If one were to listen to, watch or read western mainstream media, one would be led to believe that Ukraine is a place of virtue and goodness. On the contrary, it is place where some highly despicable and evil deeds were and still
are being perpetrated by the locals. One such instance is the fact that human foetuses were aborted so as to obtain stem cells for medical research purposes. My sources are the following broadcast plus the links provided by this same independent news outlet based in Britain (‘The Lotus Eaters’):

Stem Cell Harvesting From Abortions
The Podcast of The Lotus Eaters
First published at 19:48 UTC on May 7th, 2022.

Stem Cell Harvesting From Abortions]

Ukraine babies in stem cell probe - BBC (2006)

The babies who are murdered to order - Evening Standard

Stem Cells, Abortion, Baby Parts, & the Ukraine - Physicians for Life

Fetal Tissue From Abortions for Research Is Traded in a Gray Zone - The New York Times

Please note that I do not have anything against ordinary Ukrainians (except that they were foolish enough to vote in Zelensky but, hey, the French, the British, the Americans, the Italians [although Draghi was not elected by the Italian people, he was imposed upon them by their politician clique] are not any better in this respect) and that I sincerely regret the loss of life, the injuries (physical or psychological) as well as the destruction of the cities where fighting is taking place as a result of the misguided policies of NATO, France, the UK, the USA and the Zelensky regime. May the conflict end soon with as minimal loss of life as possible on both sides. Amen.

Lausanne, the above were posted on the tenth day of the fifth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.

A satori-like experience of enlightenment

Also on Saturday afternoon, I came across another excerpt which I feel I need to share with the ideal visitor I have pictured in my mind for this blog – a person sufficiently open (intellectually, spiritually, etc) to be willing to question the paradigms imposed upon us by the educational system and what I would call the ‘moulders of public opinion’ (the press and other mass media, those intellectuals, writers, philosophers who are put in the limelight by the former only because what they have to say does not rock the boat too violently…). So, on Saturday afternoon as I was browsing two books I had borrowed a week earlier, my eyes fell upon the passage I am about to quote in an anthology published in Paris in 1989 under the title ‘Anthologie de l’extase: Textes rassemblés par Pierre Weil’. The passage appears on pages 47 and 48 of that anthology. Given that the title of the excerpt was ‘Mrs D.K.’ and the author of the original material Philip Kapleau, I guessed that the original text could only have been published in English (although there is no mention that the passage is a translation in ‘Anthologie de l’extase: Textes rassemblés par Pierre Weil’, probably because the anthology was not a book but part of a publication issued four times a year and that the standards must have been more lax). The appropriate keyword string ( quickly allowed me to retrieve the passage as well as find out who was the enigmatic Mrs D.K. Joan Delancey Robinson, who became Delancey Kapleau after marrying Philip Kapleau, a teacher of Zen Buddhism, was the woman who penned the following powerful description of an experience of enlightenment mediated through the prism of Zen Buddhism.
[Please note that all words in green and yellow highlights are of my making, not Philip Kapleau’s.]

Six years later

One spring day as I was working in the garden the air seemed to shiver in a strange way, as though the usual sequence of time had opened into a new dimension, and I became aware that something untoward was about to happen, if not that day, then soon. Hoping to prepare in some way for it, I doubled my regular sittings of zazen and studied Buddhist books late into each night.

A few evenings later, after carefully sifting through the Tibetan Book of the Dead and then taking my bath, I sat in front of a painting of the Buddha and listened quietly by candlelight to the slow movement of Beethoven’s A Minor Quartet, a deep expression of man’s self-renunciation, and then went to bed. The next morning, just after breakfast, I suddenly felt as though I were being struck by a bolt of lightning, and I began to tremble. All at once the whole trauma of my difficult birth flashed into my mind. Like a key, this opened dark rooms of secret resentments and hidden fears, which flowed out of me like poisons. Tears gushed out and so weakened me I had to lie down. Yet a deep happiness was there.... Slowly my focus changed: ‘I’m dead! There’s nothing to call me! There never was a me! It’s an allegory, a mental image, a pattern upon which nothing was ever modelled.’ I grew dizzy with delight. Solid objects appeared as shadows, and everything my eyes fell upon was radiantly beautiful.’


Lanza del Vasto on Vatican II gave me the historical background to understand Pope Francis

On Saturday afternoon (i.e. on 8th May), I happened to come across a passage in a chapter (of a book borrowed a week earlier) consisting in the highlights of an interview an Italian poet, philosopher, sculptor, music composer, metaphysical traveller, peace activist and founder of a religious retreat for like-minded spiritual seekers and pacifists better known under the pen name of Lanza del Vasto (his real name was Giuseppe Giovanni Lanza di Trabia Branciforte) gave to a French author and fellow seeker of the metaphysical dimension of the human experience.

In connection with my recent rant against Pope Francis, this passage struck me as being particularly relevant to the process of subversion of the Catholic Church the current incumbent of the papal throne, Pope Francis, appears to many analysts to have been actively engaged in since at least his election to the position of pontifex maximus.

The people who believe that the Catholic Church has been subverted from within by treacherous elements will usually mention the numerous (in their view) heretical decisions that were taken at the so-called Vatican II Council (1962-1965) under the auspices of not one but two popes, John XXIII and Paul VI. It is the latter pope who is referred to indirectly in the aforementioned passage taken from the interview of Lanza del Vasto by Jean Biès which I am about to quote.

To the Frenchman’s question

What are your thoughts on how the Roman Church has changed since the Second Vatican Council? The disappearance of Gregorian chant, the use of the vernacular, the mass facing the people (and, therefore, with [the priest’s] back to the East*), the socialist interpretation of Jesus whereas in your eyes the ‘poor’ is the ‘poor for the Spirit’.

Lanza del Vasto starts by recalling that it was with this council in mind that he undertook his longest fast: 40 days (of water fasting during Lent in 1963 in the hope that the Roman Church would take a position against war in general, although I must add that this information is not mentioned in the interview) and then provides a brief list of his grievances against the reforms or against the papal initiatives that followed under Paul VI:

‘It is true that the reforms are not all to my taste, that I would prefer masses in Latin, even if badly pronounced, and the Gregorian Kyrie, and monks in monk’s habits... [...] It is true that I don’t like the Gospel in a Marxist sauce. [...] What great things we have seen, unimaginable in other times! The Pope going to India and advocating Gandhi; the Pope embracing Patriarch Athenagoras; the Pope in the Holy Land, seeking reconciliation with the Jews; the Pope crossing the ocean to speak about peace at the United Nations... The Vatican Commissions for non-Christians... The Vatican Commissions for Justice and Peace... [...]

As I am no historian of Vatican II and its immediate aftermath years, I did not know of the above information. I now view the many anti-Catholic instances of the behaviour of Pope Francis as simply belonging to general ‘regime of heresies’ (my coinage) that the Catholic Church has been pursuing since Pope Paul VI closed the second Vatican council on 8th December 1965.

* This point is crucial in my opinion as the flow of energies which would normally be distributed to the faithful during Catholic mass is broken as a result of the priest’s new (and Vatican II compliant) position during mass. The same holds true for the layout of the churches built after Vatican II: they no longer benefit from the positive energies derived from the careful positioning of a church according to the rules of ‘sacred geometry’. So, in more than one way, these reforms can be said to have been effected with a view to weakening Catholicism… [This is my comment, not that of Jean Biès.]

PS Please note that I am no longer a Catholic; however, I strongly disapprove of what has happened to the institution (and of the societal changes effected probably in large part as a result) since Vatican II.

Finally, our times seem to be characterised by SUBVERSION of the many systems holding together our societies – which is why I felt compelled to provide a translation (mine) of this excerpt of Lanza del Vasto’s interview given probably in the early seventies to Jean Biès.

Page 27 of Jean Biès, J’ai dialogué avec des chercheurs de vérité, Paris (Éditions Retz), 1979

Lausanne, the above were posted on the ninth day of the fifth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.

More chatter about Twitter likely for many days to come...

A few instances of such chatter from a source (Russia Today) which has been banned from the West’s ever-increasing Soviet-like and monolithic marketplace of ideas. Should the links not open in you browser because you live in a country which does not allow its citizens access to the Russian point of view on geopolitical, economic or societal events, simply copy the URL and paste it in the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, at  Yes, bypassing western censorship unfortunately requires a little effort on our part.

5 May, 2022 15:44
Is the West at war with disinformation or dissent?
As populism rises in the West, so do crackdowns on narratives that deviate from those of the state
Rachel Marsden

5 May, 2022 13:41
Elon Musk is not the free speech superhero we’d like him to be
The tech billionaire’s government contracts and transhumanist aspirations must not be disregarded
Memoree Joelle

5 May, 2022 05:51
UK Parliament summons Elon Musk
The tech magnate was invited to tell British MPs about his plans for Twitter

4 May, 2022 21:41
Soros and EU-backed NGOs flag Twitter boycott
Organizations funded by European governments and George Soros say Musk’s goal of free speech will “toxify” the internet

3 May, 2022 13:05
Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ is another propaganda tool
The so-called proponents of freedom and democracy have given themselves the right to designate what the ‘truth’ is
Ian Miles Cheong

The puppet Pope who should know better about lying.

Or rather I should have written the Globalists Pope because the following news headline made me wonder about the moral integrity of the Pope when I stumbled across it:

3 May, 2022 12:56
NATO may have provoked Russia over Ukraine – Pope
The pontiff also said he requested a meeting with Putin to discuss the Ukrainian conflict but has not received a reply
In an interview published on Tuesday by Italian daily Corriere Della Sera, the pontiff speculated that “the barking of NATO at Russia’s door” could have driven the Kremlin into launching the military campaign on February 24.

“I can’t say if it was provoked, but perhaps, yes,” he said.

Francis also said he requested a meeting with Putin during the early weeks of the conflict, but has still not received a reply. He said he had asked the Vatican’s top diplomat to contact the Russian president about setting up a meeting about three weeks into the hostilities.

"We have not yet received a response and we are still insisting," he told the paper. "I fear that Putin cannot, and does not, want to have this meeting at this time. But how can you not stop so much brutality?" he added.

My reaction to the above was something in the vein of:  ‘Common, Pope Francis, you cannot be as politically naive to ignore that it was provoked, you pawn of the Globalists!

May I remind you that for St Augustine (whom your predecessor seems to have been more fond of than you are) believed that to lie was a mortal sin. Here are a few links about this topic:

‘Lying: Treatment of the moral concept’, 19 Nov. 2018

‘The Sin of Lying’, January 11, 2005

‘Is Lying A Mortal Sin?’ Sam Ellis,  26 August 2021

‘Is Lying Ever Right?’, Jeffrey A. Mirus, 1 Sept 2008

There was no doubt in my mind that such a statement from the Pope was only meant to help demonise the president of the Russian Federation... I certainly consider this Pope to be a poodle of the Globalists – i.e. those who are really in charge but hardly ever appear in the limelight (in part because they are agents of darkness).

Lausanne, the above were posted on the fifth day of the fifth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.

Too late for yesterday, the first of May

Yesterday, I would have liked to write a short blog entry on the first of May and its associations with pagan civilisations as well as with practices carried out in secret – I used the phrase ‘practices carried out in secret’ because to have described them with the convenient umbrella term of ‘the occult’ would have been a little too much to the discredit of the latter. So on Sunday, I found it difficult to take my attention off an eighteenth century author who wrote one of the fist fantasy novels in the French language and I could also not refrain from reading a few articles on the situation in Ukraine (in particular, I wanted to know a little more about the possibility of a spillover of the war into the neighbouring region of Transnistria or of either NATO or Polish troops crossing the border into the western part of Ukraine. As such, I was not able to share here any of the clips I had retrieved from BitChute on the subject of the first day of May and the aforementioned associations. Given that I am one day late (and that I might thus as well keep most of my links for next year), I shall embed on to this page only one such clip. I decided to go for this particular clip (10 minutes in length) because it has an excerpt of a speech (dating back to early April of last year, I think) in which Joe Biden, the president of the United States of America, can be heard talking about a time frame for vaccination of US adults which, surprise, surprise, falls smack within the so-called ‘Season of sacrifice’ (roughly 4 minutes and a half into the clip). What were the odds of this being purely fortuitous? Although I must admit that, in a way, this is a bit similar to the COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Moderna holding a patent for a DNA sequence found in a strain of coronavirus dating back to three years before the official outbreak of the pandemic...
As usual, do your own research (a possible starting point could be; if in a hurry, do ctrl + f  ‘April 19’ to get to the point without much further ado) and draw your own conclusions.

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture mode.
If it does not, click on



Quo vadis Twitter?  (from a right-wing perspective)

Nick Fuentes: I do not know much about him. At most, I may have listened to as many as five or six of his clips. Strangely, it was the simplicity of the title of the clip embedded below which drove me to it like some tiny pieces of metal are drawn to a magnet. I also like the name of his channel – which means ‘free will’ in English (even though I must reiterate that I have not watched many clips of his). In ‘Elon Musk buys Twitter’, Nick Fuentes (a right wing political commentator with quasi fascistic proclivities much maligned by the American Left) raises some concerns about the acquisition of Twitter which I deemed to be pertinent enough to want to include them here after having listened to Nick Fuentes’s opinion on this last business move of Musks earlier today. This hostile takeover of Twitter by the maverick US-Canadian billionaire businessman could indeed turn out to be a real game-changer for free speech, not only in the United States but also in European countries, with implications for future US elections as well as for major societal issues in the so-called West. The two excerpts for which I provide a transcript come respectively 17m53s-19m59s and 21m03s-22m28s into his broadcast, dated 25th April and originally streamed on his own channel (

But we also have to know what he means when he says in this letter that he wants to authenticate all humans. So what does that mean? He says he wants to ban all the spam from the platform. OK, I agree with that, I don’t like spam. But ban all spam and authenticate all humans. Now those things taken together to me sounds like no more non-authenticated human accounts – meaning, everyone who gets a Twitter account is going to have to not be anonymous. Now that is what some people are saying. I don’t think that’s what that means. What it sounds like to me is that, if you’re a human being, you’re going to need to register with your phone number and your email. That’s what it sounds like to me, which is already what exists. But it very well could mean the loss of anonymity on the platform, and if that’s what he means, that’s worse. That is actually one way that this could be worse than before. Worst case scenario is if Elon Musk lets some people back on, but not all of them, and then moves to authenticate all the anonymous accounts. That would be way worse than the current system. I told you it couldn’t get worse. That’s a way that it could get worse. Because if the free speech that he has in mind is inadequate, what this is going to do is effectively kill platforms like Gab and recreate … and it’s going to force people to buy back into Twitter. Not everybody, but it’s going to force most people to buy back in, and the alternative platforms will become non-viable if Twitter is a little bit less censorious. Gettr and Truth and Gab and Telegram become less viable because the people that are permitted back on Twitter will go back to Twitter and they will leave where they came from. So that would be worse. Additionally, if you lose the anonymity, what good would it be for me to be back on Twitter if, in order to re-tweet me, you had to put your real face and name out there? How many people are going to be willing to do that? That’s just going to be a honey pot for people to be compromised and for people to be cancelled.


I think he wants to make Twitter a free speech platform in a way that is satisfying to us. And I think he has the managerial expertise to do that. Now what remains to be seen is what is the pushback going to look like. How severe will it be? And that’s a whole other battle because then that can be fought too. If the Apple App Store moves Twitter well, then there’s an antitrust lawsuit and then we have Twitter and Elon Musk on our side in a battle about the App Store. And honestly, that may be the best outcome. You know, if the Apple App Store bans Twitter and Twitter joins with Epic Games in a lawsuit against Twitter and say this is anti-competitive behaviour, this is monopolistic or something and then they win the lawsuit, guess who else gets an app on the App Store? Cozy TV! So enlisting Elon Musk in the battle for free speech with Twitter is actually not the worst thing in the world. He will be embroiled in the battle that we’ve been fighting for years and people say ‘Well, that’s a reason to be pessimistic’. I think it’s the opposite. People say
Oh well, the Apple App Store’ll just cancel him and then he’ll have recourse. Then they fight with the richest man in the world who now owns Twitter. So maybe that’s not actually the worst thing in the world now. He’s fighting the battle over free speech on the back end with us. I don’t think that’s the end of the world. I think that’s actually a good thing. If we get the right outcome.

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture mode.
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Lausanne, the above were posted on the second day of the fifth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.

Ukrainian mothers and wives protesting against conscription.

Two or three days ago, in the town of Khust (in a far western region of Ukraine called Zakarpattia), some women took a step in the right direction. These women congregated in front of what appears to be some administrative building used for the compulsory enlistment of their sons, husbands, brothers or fathers and they almost stormed the building to protest against the imminent despatching of their sons, husbands, brothers or fathers to the front lines where they will be used as cannon fodder by the government for a war the Zelensky régime cannot win unless NATO steps in.

Unfortunately, few such protests seem to have taken place in Ukraine in spite of the heavy losses the Ukrainian armed forces are presently sustaining in several locations where fighting is taking place. So more women (i.e. mothers, wives, daughters or sisters) definitely need to stand up for the beloved members of their families who might otherwise soon be sacrificed on the altar set up by the Zelensky régime and their handlers – some claim for the depopulation of the country.
Remember that we are in the ‘Season of sacrifice’ (as I explained in an entry I published last year).

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture mode.
If it does not, click on


Lausanne, the entry above was posted on the first day of the fifth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.