Topics still in
embryonic form – i.e. those which did not make it to here in
November is almost gone and I have not written about
any of the following topics – which I jotted down in my electronic
list of possible topics to write about: ‘For those of you who feel that we are in the end of times and that
society has never been this abundantly evil, I want you to know that
it has always been this evil —we are just finally awake to it. Our
awakening is the hope. Keep faith. In the end, goodness wins.
Candace Owens, 29 October 2021’; ‘Swedenborg’s Habeas
Corpus’; ‘Deus
paratus est dare; sed nos non semper parati sumus accipere.’ (St
Augustine); ‘The body language of Pfizer’s CEO in relation to his
claim that his company’s jabs are safe for kids to be injected with’;
‘The seven reasons why they are destroying the USA – and I am still
counting’; ‘Never accept sweets from your authorities [a piece of
advice I would extend to kids in NYC]’; ‘Dr Thomas Cowan’s totally
contrarian take on pandemics’; ‘relative versus absolute risk
reduction’; ‘1 Corinthians 6: 19’; ‘Symbols rule the world’;
‘Corbett’s red line’; ‘Now a third reality?’;‘ The neo-Gnostic view:
it’s a soul test.’; ‘Mens sana
in electromagneticis undis’;‘ Aztec glyphs’; ‘A message of hope’
;‘ Castaneda’s shaman and the loosh’; ‘How did they know?’ [excerpt
from ‘Early Warning’]; ‘Men in suits sitting behind desks – C.S.
Lewis’;‘ Shall we then understand the poem of our existence? Amiel’;
‘2020 vs 2019: the other mortality stats’; ‘Our modern scrying
mirrors?’; ‘the Degradation Ritual’; ‘We are having this near-death
experience’; ‘Docetism’; ‘666 days’; ‘the fear-mongering priest’; ‘the
proverbial deer, rabbit or hare caught in the headlights’; ‘The
anagram of moronic?’ and ‘Possible antidotes?’
Well, there is still the possibility of turning any
of the above into a fully-fledged entry within the blog section of
this website. Of course, this will depend on next month’s newsflow as
I suspect that the Latin proverb which says that ‘in the end things
tend to accelerate’ (‘motus
in fine velocior’) is likely to be proven true either in the last
month of this year or in the first three of next year…
posted during the last few minutes of the last day of the eleventh
month of the year 2021
unusual claims relating to trees
‘I have always
been very, very connected with animals. As a little child, it was
like I knew what they were feeling, I knew what they were thinking.
I was very connected with trees: I felt
like I could sit amongst the trees and hear beautiful poetry.’
What an incredible statement, no? Well, it took me until today to move
beyond this point in the interview (30m16s; see the entry immediately
before this one for the link), probably because of the seemingly
rather implausible nature of Mrs Blake’s assertion. The more so as this lady (Megan Blake) goes on
to add that she even
wrote down the poems she had heard from
the trees (some 500 of them)! This somewhat reminded me of
another extraordinary claim made in relation to trees: that they can play tunes to our emotions. The
‘conductor’ being an Englishman living in California, the
environmental artist Christopher Castle (source: 23m19s into
I have heard about the work of Cleve Backster or Daniel Chamovitz, so
I know that similar claims have been made in connection with ‘plant
consciousness’ before – for instance, read my ‘The pain of carrots and potatoes’
or ‘Plant consciousness is nothing new’.
Which is why I thought that I would add this reference to my blog –
which should probably also include the following book title I came
across in May of this year: ‘The
Secret Life of Plants: A Fascinating Account of the Physical,
Emotional, and Spiritual Relations Between Plants and Man’ (by
Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird).
The above should be seen as pointers for anybody
interested in delving deeper (which I suspect might require looking at
the Talmud, based on a
reference to this text made by a rabbi in Karen Sawyer’s ‘Soul Companions: Conversations With Contemporary Wisdom Keepers’).
posted on the eighteenth day of the eleventh month of the year
This surprising ability
of the human brain to make associations.
is strange how the brain is able to pair together elements of our
experience of reality without any conscious effort being exerted on our
part. For instance, by walking past the building owned by a bank that
houses some of its back-office functions near home yesterday afternoon I
was almost immediately reminded that my wallet was not where I usually
put it whenever I go out to town on foot. Earlier in the day, it had
suddenly dawned on me that poltergeist activity was most certainly
related to what
tes call a
tulpa, i
most likely highly
the European werewolf – all three
probably sharing so
in co
mmon with the
alleged creation of a ‘
ter (big and hairy,
things worse) as part of the so-called
tauk Projec
By the way, I feel that my initial trigger must have been this show
description I had seen a couple of hours earlier on
Animal Super Powers - See Why Transhumanists are Determined to Gain
These Abilities w/ Megan Blake
Sarah Westall - Business Game Changers
As I have not listened to this show, I do not know whether or not it
broaches upon the aforementioned ‘monsters from the id’. However, I am
convinced that humans possess abilities which, although being quite
extraordinary in scope, unfortunately remain totally dormant for all but
a really minuscule minority of men and women. Or maybe it is much better
so, as some immature individuals might be tempted to misuse such powers.
On the other hand, anti-lockdown demonstrators would certainly find
their confrontation with water-cannons to be a little more even if they
could summon, say, half a dozen big and hairy monsters through the
strength of their mental concentration.
posted on the fourteenth day of the eleventh month of the year
For the children, up to what age is it?
Not ten or twelve, but
being the mandatory jab in the US). Strange that this association
had not occurred to me earlier than maybe some three hours after having
posted the lines below (which provide some pointers on the number eleven
and the beginning and end of WWI).
Need I say more? No, because to paraphrase Swedenborg, ‘
hae enim res
absconditae sunt, prudenter dicendae’.
Lausanne, posted on the thirteenth day
of the eleventh month of the year 2021.
Eleven as in
It was on the eleventh
(11th) minute of the eleventh day
(11th) of the eleventh (11th)
month of the year nineteen and eighteen (1918) that an armistice was
signed between France and Germany, in effect putting an end to World
War One. This triple string of elevens cannot have been fortuitous
(i.e. the result of chance). And what about the event that
kick-started this terrible and highly lethal conflict? Although the
assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife took place on the
twenty-eighth of June 1914, it was still
on the eleventh hour
of the morning. In February of this year, I found out something
even more incredible about their assassination: Ferdinand and his wife
Sophia were being driven along the streets of Sarajevo in a car
bearing a plate with
the inscription ‘AIII 118’,
which some
claim should be read with two spaces inserted between the first
four digits and with the space between digits 4 and 5 removed, so ‘A II
I1 18’, and that if one allows for the Roman numeral
‘I’ to stand for the Arabic numeral ‘1’, it means Armistice 11
November 1918.
Even more extravagant, several people have claimed
that the passages in the interior of the Great Pyramid leading to the
chambers offer some
kind of prophetic timeline also pointing to the beginning and end of
the First World War! Others have suggested that the same number
permeates this highly iconic building in the form of the ratio
11:11. However, I do not intend to discuss here the number
eleven from an occult perspective (even if I have done so in the
past), for (if I may quote the eighteenth century polymath and mystic
Swedenborg) ‘haec
arcana sunt, prudenter dicenda’ (Experientiae Spirituales,
posted on the day after the eleventh day of the eleventh month
of the year 2021.