Summary: Dave Cullen (an Irish vlogger) on his government’s attempt to criminalise dissent, on the Great Reset and on the need to ‘stand our ground’; two excerpts and clip (embedded).

Dave Cullen: ‘This is what it is to be in a relationship with a narcissist.

Dave Cullen is a vlogger from Ireland who offers a perspective on politics and societal issues that it is fully at odds with what is presented in the government-aligned media of most western countries. Commenting on the rally which took place in Dublin over the weekend in response to the Irish government’s attempt to crush dissent through a new bill which will criminalise so-called ‘hate speech’ by up to five years in prison, this Irish vlogger put out a clip on Sunday in which he firmly sets the recent protest by free speech activists in Dublin firmly within the broader context of the pushback against the current reshaping of western societies by their so-called leaders. The themes touched upon in this 10-minute long video of Dave Cullen include the betrayal of Donald Trump and the division the former US president helped to bring about in that country and elsewhere (which I believe was one of the main reasons why this man with no prior political experience was put at the helm of the US), the C19 con job, political distraction and controlled opposition in the so-called independent media, demonising of the so-called far right and ad-hominem attacks against independent political commentators who do not espouse the views deemed acceptable by our current political doxa and so on and so forth.   

Below are two excerpts taken from this video by Dave Cullen entitled ‘Stand your ground: a message to dissenters’ and which I have transcribed. As usual, be prepared to question your own assumptions, make the effort to try to understand the arguments presented by the ‘other side’ and be willing to look up information using search engines which do not filter results according to the prevailing political ideology


These prominent citizen journalists and content creators are labelled against their will as being far right and nasty and hysterical things are written about them to try to besmirch their characters and undermine the good that they’re trying to do. This tactic is being used throughout Europe against members of the indigenous people of the European country who stand up against policies that undermine their way of life, freedoms, rights, safety, prosperity and future, and threaten their ability to maintain their homeland, which their ancestors fought and died for. The people of Western nations are being abused by their governments and when the people resist their resistance, their descent is deemed to be hateful and extreme and far right and totally unjustified. This is absolute gaslighting. The system abuses its people and when the people stand up for themselves peacefully, the system attacks their character and plays the victim. This is what it is to be in a relationship with a narcissist. I believe this globalist system that appears to be at least coordinated through organisations like the World Economic Forum, the UN, among others. I believe it is strong, powerful and seemingly everywhere from a political perspective. But it is also brittle: when it is challenged, even at the grassroots level in a small town or village by a few protesters and some citizen journalists, it lashes out through the media with a desperate fury, attempting to control the public’s perception of reality by blatantly lying about why the protesters are protesting and why they’re raising concerns about government policies. Matthias Desmet has talked about totalitarianism and how we defeat it, which is that those people who are awake must continue to keep speaking out.

[...] but all totalitarian regimes throughout history always, inevitably collapse for the same reason: they implode internally, they collapse under the weight of their own impracticality, size, unsustainability and because they cannot fulfil the deeper human need. They are antithetical to human flourishing and too intolerable to endure. To all of the peaceful protesters and citizen journalists out there, please just continue to do what you do. Don’t be bullied. Don’t allow yourself to be scared into silence.

If the clip does not play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode after a right click with your mouse, then click on

Stand Your Ground: A Message to Dissenters
Computing Forever
First published at 18:33 UTC on 4th December 2022.

Lausanne, the above was published on the sixth day of the twelfth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.