Summary: on self-censorship, Google deplatforming and governments’ curtailing of the free flow of ideas.

Qui tacet consentire videtur.

I have been suffering from some kind of (self-induced) writer’s block for five months minus a week. On 19th April 2023, I had an entry ready to be converted into HTML but I was unable to open my HTML editor for fear that my website would be totally deplatformed by Google as a result of my post (which was about some controversial views held by Robert F. Kennedy Junior on vaccination). Not that it really matters because if you copy and paste the following in the search box of that search engine, namely site:, you will realise that this is already the case given that from my personal computer (known to Google for many years), the above search on that specific search engine yields only six results. So out of the close to two hundred pages published on this website, Google is only willing to display six to the public (as you can bet that anything that has been published on has been indexed by Google and is stored somewhere in Mountain View, California, or in one of the many server farms which this company owns elsewhere). So this is freedom of speech the Google way.

As it is going to get really worse starting from next year (, I have decided to make use of this very short window of opportunity we have left before neo-Bolshevik censorship is applied through the agency of US multinational corporations and ideas deemed subversive by our governments are thus prevented from reaching the marketplace.

As Pope Boniface VIII wrote in 1298 in Liber Sextus (De Regulis Juris) ‘qui tacet consentire videtur (‘who remains silent is seen as consenting’), i.e. to remain silent is to consent. Worse, to keep quiet is to be complicit. As such, may the powers above grant me the fortitude to write in the coming weeks many an entry on topics which our governments want to hide from us!

chemical trails above Lausanne, 6th June 2023
Some nice trails above our home in Lausanne as seen on 6th June 2023 (note that I have removed the metadata); click here for a larger picture.

Given that yesterday was the twenty-second (i.e. 2 x 11) anniversary of an important event, here is a reminder that our governments do lie to us:

If the clip does not play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode after a right click with your mouse, then click on
Source: James Corbett

‘And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’
  John 8:32

Lausanne, the above was written and published on the twelfth day of the ninth month of the year two thousand and twenty-three.