Summary:  9/11 as a sigil; Giordano Bruno’s sigils; massive Australian stadium vaccination as a Satanic ritual; London Olympics 2012 as ceremonial magic; the numbers eleven and thirty-three; a sigil needs to be activated through tension, then forgotten and finally destroyed; the collective unconscious in sigil-based magic; Credo quia absurdum est.

A sigil needs to be forgotten for it to be effective.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)

Well, at least this is what those who use this form of magic affirm needs to happen. For my part, I have not tried the process in full (i.e. I did not go beyond creating a glyph online), so I cannot either confirm or refute the above claim. In late Latin, sigillum means sign, trace, impress and the word itself is a diminutive of the classical Latin plural sigilla (little images, seal) [source: Shorter Oxford English dictionary]. My first encounter with a sigil was when in April 2019 I looked up Giordano Bruno on Gallica (which is the collection of digitised works made available on the Internet by the French national library) and restricted my search to those works of his published in Latin. I was thus able to retrieve a partial copy of his Explicatio triginta sigillorum ad omnium scientiarum et artium inventionem dispositionem et memoriam quibus adjectus est sigillus sigillorum, published in London in 1583. Even if the copy belonging to the French national library displays only sixteen of the thirty sigils mentioned in the work’s title (and none of the text), perusing through these near perfect geometrical representations of circles and squares aligned in quasi cabbalistic patterns or figures similar to those that were used for astrological purposes in Renaissance Europe for the first eight sigilla as well as looking at the eight drawings which I took to be representations of the sun and the universe as part of the second series of sigilla got me to wonder what Explicatio triginta sigillorum was all about.

About a year and two months ago, I looked up a few reference works on sigils on the Internet and subsequently borrowed a book specifically on this topic from Lausanne’s main municipal library. This gave me some basic understanding of what sigils are and of how they are supposed to work. It also strengthened my initial impression that the illustrations contained in Explicatio triginta sigillorum served some occult or esoteric purpose.

Last month, I came across a headline about an Australian vaccination initiative that had just started: ‘Watch: Australian Health Minister announces 24,000 students will be injected in stadium without parental supervision’. The words of Brad Hazzard, New South Wales’s Minister for Health and Medical Research, somehow did not sound at all true to me [‘I want to stress that, to the mums and dads, your children will be well looked after inside when they arrive. They’ll be literally ushered. We’ll have nurses, we’ll have a some of the youth command, we’ll have some of the young police from the various operations within police there, just to guide them through as to where they go. They will be looked after every moment inside the stadium and they’ll be well cared for. So mums and dads, feel secure. We’ve got about 24,000 students we are aiming to get through next week. The messages will come out this week and the opportunity is there but, really, you’ve got to take it, grasp it with both hands. I know that if you talk to any of our Olympians outside [... INAUDIBLE to me], you’ve just got to grasp opportunity. This is an opportunity, so don’t waste it.’] And after having listened to Mike Adams, a natural health advocate and researcher of both natural health and fringe topics, it suddenly dawned on me that this mass vaccination in Sydney could be viewed, on a different plane I must stress, as a response to the televised – and thus planetarymagical ceremony that took place in London in 2012 during the Olympics.

Owing to the nature of this post, a prayer of protection in Latin is probably warranted at this point:
Visita, quaeso, Domine, scripta mea et omnes insidias inimici ab eis longe repelle.
Angeli tui sancti habitent in eis et me in pace custodiant. Amen.

In turn, this made me realise that what happened in New York on 11th September 2001 could well have been the activation of a sigil (the more so as I do not believe in the official narrative regarding the series of events that occurred on that portentous date):

Twin Towers standing for the equal symbol
[For footage of the ‘aeroplane-free’ explosion shown in the picture above, go here.]

You see, a sigil needs not necessarily be set on paper, clay, wood or whatever.

At first, I interpreted the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre as standing for 11, an extremely powerful occult number (for instance, consider the following palindromic [i.e. which shows a structure which is the same in both directions] occurrences: 11 X 11 = 121; 111111 X 111111 = 12345654321; 111111111 X 111111111 = 12345678987654321). The more so as the date 11-9-2001 in the American system of recording dates by month, day and year is 9-11-2001 – shortened as 9/11 or even 911 (also the emergency dialling number in the USA). As surprising is that the sum of these three digits equals eleven:  9 + 1 + 1 = 11! [For more such coincidences go either here or here.]

Upon checking a month ago the use of nephesh in its context in Genesis 2 and upon coming across a mention there of the two rivers that are symbolised by two lines on the national flag of one country located in the Levant, it suddenly came to my mind that this particular national flag should be best understood as a sigil (i.e. the imprinting on some material support of a desired outcome which is then activated as part of a magical operation involving tension and thereafter   D E S T R O Y E D). In turn, this got me to interpret the standing towers of the World Trade Centre not as representing two ones (or 11) but as two straight lines waiting to be pulled down as it were by a rotation of 90 degrees clockwise, so as to constitute two superimposed lines similar to the mathematical symbol equal (in this case, symbolising the rivers Nile and Euphrates – i.e. not Tigris and Euphrates, as mentioned in Genesis 2:14).

Such territorial expansion has yet to take place. Even though it could have been meant to occur within 33 years (a very potent multiple of the number 11; further relevance could be the 33rd parallel) of activation of this particular sigil (which would have been on the 11th of September 2001 and 33 years later would thus be by the year 2034), it is possible that this may simply never happen. Apparently, sigils work on the collective unconscious through a state of tension (or activation), with both fitting very well with the 9/11 events which had been recorded (as well as doctored) and then televised to billions across the world in almost non-stop loops for weeks, if not months (and thus implanted into the collective psyche). However, a crucial precondition for the success of the sigil-based operation was not met, which is that the intended or desired outcome must be banished from the consciousness of the operators (or from the consciousness of their beneficiaries), as claimed by one practitioner:
Once sent into the collective unconscious, the sigil may then exert its influence. However, in order to ensure this it is vital that the sigil is both sank deep into consciousness through the aforementioned state of tension, as well as forgotten. If either of these two factors are lacking, the sigil may still be effective, but its efficacy is less certain.
However, sigils are not the best means of attaining desires which cannot be banished from consciousness. For these wishes, an evocation is preferable.  [The words in green are my emphasis.]
Lars Helvete, Sigil Magic: Common Forms and Variations – A Book of Chaos Magic

As I do not practise magic, I do not have much to add except this Latin aphorism: ‘Credo quia absurdum est’ (‘I believe because it is absurd’, based loosely on a remark in Tertullian’s De Carne Christi V, 4).

Should you wish to probe deeper into the above topic, you could start with the following links:

Lausanne, the above was written and posted on the twentieth day of the ninth month of the year two thousand and twenty-one.