Summary: why is 11 associated with war-causing events or the death of a pope?

A spooky car plate for a world-war-causing event

Contrary to what I wrote last year in commemoration of Remembrance Day, the agreement for the cessation of the hostilities between the Allies of WWI and Germany was not signed on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918 as the agreement had been signed a couple of hours earlier. 11 am was simply the time when the warring parties agreed that fighting would stop. However, it is clear that this repetition of the number eleven cannot be the result of chance. This because 11 + 11 + 11 = 33, which is associated with freemasonry, as well as it corresponds to the age of Jesus when he was crucified and to the number of vertebrae humans have, plus it is an interesting latitudinal degree in the Levant.

To come back to the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918, the event which was used as a pretext to start a war which would leave millions dead – the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife at Sarajevo – did not take place on the eleventh or on the twenty-second (a multiple of eleven) of June 1914, as it happened on the twenty-eighth. However, it seems that the couple died probably not more than thirty minutes after eleven o’clock in the morning!

By a very strange twist of fate, the car in which Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were being driven to their deaths bore a strange plate number: AIII 118. If we allow the Roman numeral ‘I’ to be interchangeable with the Arabic numeral ‘1’ and either add or remove a bit of white space here and there, we get ‘A II I1 18’, or 11 11 18 – that is to say, Armistice 11 November 1918. Even if Waffenstillstand is the word used in German, armistice (Latin: arma, arms; stitium, stoppage) is the word used in both English and French (the languages of the two main Allies).

The pretext the so-called West has used to wage a war against the Muslim world was the attacks perpetrated in the USA on the eleventh of September 2001. Now, if I did not know that the number eleven is connected to New York in ways which are even more incredible than the car plate of Archduke Ferdinand on 28th June 1914, I would have dismissed AIII 118/Armistice 11 November 1918 as nothing but sheer idle speculation. Yet I am even less inclined to do so given that I very well know that the death of Pope John the First was also closely associated with the number eleven (33 days after his election to the Papal throne; death believed to have occurred at 11 pm; body left as is until 11 am the next day).

As usual: do you own research and come to your own conclusions.

Lausanne, the above was published on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.