The recent comments of Russia’s president on Bucha (
provide me with the opportunity to finally publish this transcript of
a ‘video lecture’ of Gonzalo Lira’s, entitled ‘
Why the West hates Russia’, and
which I listened to on 5th April. Mr Lira offered his opinions on this
major instance of Ukrainian war crimes, the West
’s hatred of Russia (among other topics) a day
after he had
a thorough analysis of his (some 55 minutes long) of the mass killing
of what appears to have been mainly pro-Russian civilians in
Bucha (
as a pre-emptive move to avoid the loss of
channel on YouTube.
[Click on the picture with the right
button of your mouse, then on ‘picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the
picture at the bottom of the screen to display the ‘Play’
icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start
the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode.
If it
does not, click on
To watch the same excerpt on YT, click on the following
link: The clip’s title is ‘Why the West hates
Now uh the
first thing I want to talk about is
uh Bucha. Bucha is bullshit. It’s this complete bullshit,
okay? Uh it’s absolutely
positively clear that the Russians had cleared out Bucha in their uh strategic uh redeployment
on the 30th of March, okay? The 31st of March, the mayor of Bucha said
that they had complete control of the city,
that Ukrainian forces could come in and that everything was
hunky-dory. And
there were no bodies on the street and, because if there had
been bodies on the street on the 31st, he would
have said so. I mean, come on, you saw those
video images: the bodies were all over
the goddamn place, right? Now it’s very clear because that so
many of these bodies they had white armbands,
which is the way that the Russians
uh the Russians used white armbands to signal that they
were friendlies. And the Ukrainians
have blue or sometimes yellow. Now it’s clear that all
these people were assassinated: they were kidnapped, taken some
place, shot, probably tortured and then
their bodies were, you know, dumped very photogenically in
different places, okay?
Uh there was no question that it was the Ukrainians. No
question. And why is there no question? Because the Ukrainians have
done it before, simple. The Ukrainians have lots
of times done that. On my Twitter
feed: RealGonzaloLira [],
which I’m still locked out of for a few more days, uh, you know, on the first pinned tweet, there are the names of people that have been kidnapped, many
of them assassinated, from that list, some of them are still, you
know, held by SBU thugs and who, god knows who, but
uh yeah, and in so far as Mariupol [He
Bucha], the Russians did it, and there are so many testimonials of civilians in Mariupol who
said that the Ukrainians did it, that the Ukrainians shot at
civilians, used civilians as human shields, tied up, tortured
civilians, murdered them in cold blood while they were tied up
and dumped them wherever. So many accounts that it …
it’s not a psyop. It’s real, okay? And as I’ve told you, I
personally know two people – personally, okay? Now these
people have family in Mariupol and they have told me that, they have
told me that their parents or … or close relatives very close
relatives uh were experienced being shot at by Ukrainian soldiers,
okay? So it’s not like, you know … And of course, you know, who am
I? Maybe I’m making this up. Okay, fine, I’m making it up. But how
come all of these video testimonies pretty much back this up? You go on Telegram
and you just um put Mariupol human rights abuses
and you’ll find a whole bunch of videos, man. It’s
incredible, okay? It’s all over the place, hm.
And why would the Russians who’ve been
in … in Bucha for like four weeks – and they
allowed everybody to use
their cell phones to send selfies and Facebook
and all that good crap, right, for all those weeks, they
were like there for four weeks; they never
interfered with the civilian population; they never killed anybody
hm, any civilian okay? Uh there was … Bucha was
a hard-fought neighbourhood uh
but once the Russians had captured it, they never messed with
the civilians. The biggest thing that happened was that a lot of
times uh Russian
soldiers…would swap some of the foods they had for some fresh food –
you know, dried goods that they’d get, you know, for their rations
for like, you know, fresh milk or fresh cheese and bullshit like
that. I mean, you’re trivial, right? And not even contraband per se:
just swapping between civilians and soldiers – and it’s perfectly
acceptable. Anyway, the Russians never abused the civilians. Never,
okay? And then on the last day, they’re
going to shoot a bunch of people, you know – apparently 400 people – they’re going to shoot 400 people who had
been helping them distribute humanitarian aid in that
neighbourhood. That doesn’t make
any sense, it doesn’t make any goddamn
sense, doesn’t make any sense at
ALL, okay? I think the
mistake that the Russians made was that they should have
emphasised to these people: ‘Look,
helped us. You’re going to be targeted by these crazies. Get on
these buses and we will take you with us to wherever you want to
go’, okay? I think that was the low mistake the
Russians made, that they
should have evacuated these people because,
apparently, these
people were killed because they were considered to be
collaborators, because
they had assisted the Russians in distributing humanitarian aid.
They had done this trivial … trivial uh trading commerce, which is trivial because it wasn’t even with
cash; it was just, you know, swapping stuff
um you know. This trivial kind of thing and, out
anger, and of uh the
fact that they’re losing the war, which I’ll
get to in just a moment, uh all
this stuff, they just lashed out,
okay? They lashed out at the Ukrainians. Not the
Russians. The Russians, the Russians did not do this, period,
okay? There’s something else, too. Yesterday,
I did a video about this, you know, more lies. And I
floated the possibility that they might have been mannequins
because some of them looked so weird. They looked stiff.
And, now, I realise what must have happened: they
must have been shot
elsewhere, they were shot elsewhere and they started
suffering rigor mortis
and then later they were
moved and dumped in the street and because of rigor
mortis some of their limbs were still
stiff and they looked like mannequins, they … they looked
stiff, okay? Because they were starting to stiffen up
because of rigor mortis, okay? I think that’s what my hind brain must have
picked up and that’s why I thought ‘Oh,
know, they look like mannequins’. No, they weren’t mannequins.
It’s that they were starting to stiffen up from when they were shot
before. Because it seems … it seems that they were
um taken to uh different
places, different locations underground
uh tied, and of course tied up before they were tortured and
shot, and then their bodies were removed from these killing areas
and then moved over outside and placed in specific areas and dumped.
Now I’ve also seen some videos uh very interesting videos of like somebody filming from far away,
as “Russian”
makes the inverted quotation mark signs with his hands]
soldiers shoot these civilians, okay? It’s very grainy and it’s very
from far away like, you know, when you zoom in with your phone,
right? And there’s like heavy breathing and then these people are
shot, right? You know, what it reminded me of, it
reminded me of ‘lonely girl 15’. Those of you who are old
school Internet dweebs – like me – will remember ‘lonely girl 15’. ‘lonely
girl 15’ way back, I wanna … I mean it must have been two
thousand six, two thousand something like that.
Uh I mean 15 years ago at least, ‘lonely girl 15’ was the
first viral sensation. It was this girl who did these videos – and
very compelling videos – and she seemed to belong to some sort of
satanic cult, right? It turned out to be like a whole … just hoax,
okay? She was a professional actress, not some 15 year old girl and uh it was … it was … it
was just entertaining. I remember watching and I was like ‘Jesus, this is really compelling crap’, right? And a lot of people
were watching these videos, you know, it was on YouTube back in the day. And …and in the end it was just a big hoax,
okay? But some of the videos were like that, were like filmed from
far away. And you could hear the … the sound of … of breathing of
like, you know, fear on the part of the person filming this … this
distant event and I was like ‘Man,
this is just like lonely girl 15’. The whole Bucha thing is
bullshit and I
think actually the name of it, Bucha, I think it was
deliberately chosen because it sounds like butcher in English.
Butchery, I mean … I wouldn’t put it past these
fuckers okay these … these
people are masters at manipulation, okay? And they’re such cynical scumbags. One of
these guys, I’ve … I … I forget the name of the guy, Ironovitch or
something like that [I think he meant Oleksiy Arestovych]
I … I posted on my Telegram
feed [].
You know, uh Patrick
Lancaster, whom I admire tremendously – and if Patrick you’re
listening, you are a … since
my man you are just all kinds of cool. Patrick
Lancaster, a few days ago uh a little less than a week ago, he was in Mariupol and he came
across a dead girl who
had been tortured and raped and murdered. And they’d
uh sort of like cut or smeared – it’s unclear what kind of
wound she had; it was clearly like blood, probably her own blood,
and also but … like cut and burned – it was clear, but they had carved
in her belly and chest uh
a swastika. I mean: really disgusting and despicable.
And um and Patrick uh filmed
You know, it’s very powerful and it must have weighed on Patrick
quite a bit –it certainly weighed on me as a … as just somebody who
saw it, okay? I saw the video him being there, must have been
shocking to him, you know. And so anyway
um this … this um blogger
adviser to Zelensky, you know, some crazy ass, neo-Nazi, lunatic,
right? He was the guy who did this video
uh, this adviser to Zelensky, did this video where he admired
ISIS and … and said how ISIS was just wonderful, what they did,
okay? Just a crazy guy, he took Patrick Lancaster’s
uh uh a still from Patrick Lancaster’s footage and claimed
that it was uh um a
woman, a Ukrainian woman killed by Russians in
um Gostomel or some place … place and someone place around uh Kiev. When of course
it was a Ukrainian woman who had been killed in Mariupol by
Ukrainian forces, Azov battalion forces, indisputably,
okay? I mean: think how cynical it’s – such a cynical bastard – to …
to take something that his own people had done, a victim of his own
disgusting neo-Nazi thugs, and pass it off as having been done by
Russians. And … and you know, oh poor us, you know, how cynical, how
evil, you know, I mean: really evil. It’s on my Telegram channel [].
Go check it out: it’s one of the last posts I made
uh before this broadcast, okay? So, anyway, the whole Bucha
thing screw, that … that’s all Russian and it’s all like desperation because what’s
going on is that, see, the Ukrainians are losing and everyone knows
it and so far as the professional militaries around the world every
ministry of defence … defence department, everybody in Europe and …
and certainly China, Indian [sic], all the professional military men
they know that it’s over, okay?
28 Mar, 2022 18:07
Woman found dead in Ukraine with swastika carved into body
The brutally murdered victim was discovered at an abandoned
school-turned-military compound in the city of Mariupol
This terrible set of war crimes happened
the redeployment
of the Russian army to the Donbass region so that it may
concentrate its forces to crush what is left of the Ukrainian
encircled in
that region.
As a rule of thumb, whenever the West’s mendacious media are
peddling the same news story, this is usually a
sign that they are acting in unison to further
common objectives:
in this case,
further sanctions
against Russia and
an escalation
of the West’s (and Japan’s and South Korea’s?)
involvement into the Ukrainian-Russian conflict
plus régime change in Russia.
Although Russia
’s international news outlet RT has been made
inaccessible in the West (so that one needs to use a
proxy, a commercial VPN
or the
browser with the VPN option activated to read the articles
RT or
Sputniknews), those
to gain access to the perspective of the other warring party may
do so by consulting the many articles, interviews or other pieces of content
made available by the
many (non-Russian funded) information providers which
do not simply regurgitate the official propaganda
sanctioned by their government but instead offer
more balanced views on the war.
Below are a few information sources about the Bucha massacre which
present a contrarian perspective on this terrible event. Please note
that I retrieved the following reference material yesterday and that
fresher perspectives will invariably be published over the next few
Another interesting perspective is that of Ryan Cristián:
‘The Bucha Narrative’ (an excerpt of his The Daily Wrap Up of
6th April):
BitChute channel
13 Apr 2022
Bucha incident ‘faked’ like Syria chemical attack allegations - Putin
Speaking at a press conference with his Belarusian counterpart,
Russian President Putin has dismissed allegations of war crimes in
Bucha, calling them ‘fake’, also pointing to the West’s disregard of
the killing of Afghan civilians.
11 Apr 2022
There is no direct evidence to connect Russian army with alleged Bucha
crimes – Italian reporter
Mainstream media’s interpretation of events in Ukraine is under
question among Western journalists, in particular the Bucha incident.
Italian reporter Giorgio Bianchi, who has previously reported from
Ukraine and the Donbass, says Western media wait for a convenient
moment to blame Russia.
9 Apr 2022
EU delegation visits Bucha amid war crimes allegations against Russia
EU leaders visit a mass grave in Ukraine's Bucha amid accusations that
Russian forces killed civilians in the area
6 Apr 2022
‘Dates of death of the deceased are different’ - Forensic expert on
Bucha killings
A media storm prompted by events in Bucha has been raging for several
days, with allegations and accusations being thrown from both Russia
and Ukraine, which secured itself international support in the case.
We spoke with forensic expert Eduard Tumanov, who
believes that pictures from the scene raise many unanswered questions.
6 Apr 2022
Who exactly entered Bucha once Russian troops left?
The Bucha killings sparked worldwide outrage - and a mutual exchange
of accusations from the conflicting sides. We bring you the timeline
of events and who entered the town once the Russian troops left,
revealing the nature of the forces and their commander.
6 Apr 2022
Mutual accusations fly over Bucha killings
What happened in Bucha is still the subject of more questions than
answers, and the one-sided reaction of the international community
isn’t conducive to a thorough investigation. Murad Gazdiev explores
the timeline of what happened and says emotions prevail over common
sense in these times.
5 Apr 2022
Ukraine attempts to disrupt negotiations by continuing its provocation
against Russia - Lavrov
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has called the 'frankly false'
provocation in the city of Bucha an attempt to unsettle talks with
Kiev. Meanwhile, the UNSC meeting on Ukraine, called for urgently by
Moscow on Sunday, but denied by the UK, has taken place.
RT’s Rachel Blevins reports.
5 Apr 2022
‘There’s urgent need for an investigation’ - independent journalist
Jason Michael on Bucha incident
As the international community rushed to pin blame for the alleged
Bucha mass killings on Russia, and the UK blocked the country’s call
for an urgent UN Security Council meeting on Monday, we speak with
academic and independent journalist Jason Michael, who says
there are some unanswered questions about what occurred there.
Articles (mainly from sources other than
Ukraine: Bucha “False Flag” Falling Apart: “International
Community” Calling ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan … No Response
Stephen Karganovic, 13 April 2022
Bucha Massacre: “The Big Lie Technique” to Get NATO Involved in
Ukraine War?
By Kurt Nimmo
Global Research, 11 April 2022
Who’s behind alleged war crimes in Ukriane?
John White, 10 April 2022
Bucha Atrocities: Were Perpetrators Russian Troops or Ukrainian
William F. Jasper, 9 April 2022
Leaked recording allegedly confirms massacre in Bucha was staged by
Ukrainian militants
8 April 2022
Bucha massacre - when satellite images and videos are manipulated to
tell a false story
Christelle Néant, 6 April 2022
More evidence, more doubts
6 April 2022
The true importance of the Bucha false flag: a change of narrative
6 April 2022
It’s Obvious Who Gains From Bucha Massacre But There’s Hardly Any
Media Left To Say It
Finian Cunningham, 6 April 2022
Staged Massacre in Bucha
5 April 2022
The truth about Bucha is out there, but perhaps too inconvenient to
be discovered
Scott Ritter, 4 April 2022
Bucha Massacre and Genocide of Ethnic Russians in Ukraine
Nauman Sadiq, Global Research, 4 April 2022
Lausanne, the above was posted on the fourteenth day of
the fourth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.