Summary:  Aldous Huxley (Brave New World versus Orwell’s 1984, scientific dictatorships, the ‘ultimate revolution’); subliminal thought reform (Elizabeth Clare Prophet), a Rainer Maria Rilke quote on fatality; Eric Dubay on lies; March the month when wars seem to start; lies, lying and the devil; inferior spirits feasting upon us; do not give up your god-given right to have children; gold, the asset of last resort; immortality of the soul in the Bhagavad-Gita; mRNA adverse events; number eleven, 11 March 2003, 2011; the Big Vaccine Experiment; Paul Morand on bodies not burning well and on Mata Hari;  a governmental psychological manipulation unit in the UK; Iranophobia; Ephesians 6:12 (the rulers of the darkness of this world); self-censorship, vaccination passport

Electronic logbook for March 2021

Aldous Huxley on scientific dictatorships (the ‘ultimate revolution’)

Almost 60 years ago (i.e. on 20th March 1962), the author of Brave New World, the Englishman Aldous Huxley, gave a speech at the University of Berkeley in California (the American state where he had relocated) which was followed by a Q&A session. The speech has become famous for some of the phrases Aldous Huxley used on that occasion, expressions such as ‘scientific dictatorship‘, ‘psychological iontophoresis into the very depths of [an individual’s] being’ and ‘non-terroristic techniques for inducing consent and inducing people to love their servitude’, all of which he saw as being the ‘ultimate revolution’ for any state bent on ‘controlling and directing human behaviour’. As the moderator’s introduction, Huxley’s speech itself and the answers he gave to questions raised by the audience amount to close to 90 minutes, it would take up far too much of this month’s logbook to include here more than a few lines of his speech. Consequently, I shall settle for two picks extracted from the passage where Aldous Huxley explains why he expects the future to look more like Brave New World  than Orwell’s 1984

I am inclined to think that the scientific dictatorships of the future, and I think there are going to be scientific dictatorships in many parts of the world, will be probably a good deal nearer to the Brave New World pattern than to the 1984 pattern. They will be a good deal nearer not because of any humanitarian qualms in the scientific dictators but simply because the Brave New World pattern is probably a good deal more efficient than the other. That if you can get people to consent to the state of affairs in which they are living, the state of servitude, the state of being, having their differences ironed out and being made amenable to mass production methods on the social level, if you can do this, then you have, erm, you are likely to have a much more stable, a much more lasting society, erm, a much more easily controllable society than you would if you were relying wholly on clubs and firing squads and concentration camps.

So that, it seems to me, then, that this ultimate revolution is really not very far away, that we... already a number of techniques for bringing about this kind of control are here and it remains to be seen when and where and by whom they will first be applied in any large scale.

The Q&A session (which lasted for almost 40 minutes) touches upon issues such as ‘population control’ (to recycle the euphemism Bill Gates used in a 1997 interview with a Kennedy), i.e. at 46m and 1h13m, iatrogenicity (i.e. iatrogenic drugs), at 31m55s, hypnosis, suggestibility, hypnotic states (from 17m onwards), inter alia.  The Q&A session can be listened to here.

It might be worth pointing out that Aldous’s brother, Sir Julian Sorrell Huxley, was a well-known eugenist and therefore also a promoter of the legalisation of abortion (see the entry on him here) as well as a co-founder of the World Wild Fund for Nature (see the Britannica entry on him). [Side remark: for many members of the elite, wildlife conservation and continued human population growth are mutually exclusive. The Queen’s husband’s remarks (available in this short clip posted on this website) are highly indicative of such a frame of mind!]

To demonstrate that Aldous’s ideas belonged very much to the Zeitgeist, I would need to mention the Biderman Report of 1956, which some astute observers have likened to some of the methods being presently used to elicit individual compliance with our current, covid-19-based ‘health dictatorship’. Click here for a comparative chart.

Lausanne 31st March 2021

‘Subliminal thought reform’

On 12th March, I came across this striking phrase as I was trying to find the name of the third participant in the conversation held at the Summit University Forum on 28th February 1984 (see my entry ‘Prophetic conversation in 1984’) mainly between the leader of an American Christian sect, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and an English university professor that had relocated to the USA, Antony C. Sutton. In a footnote (the 111th), Door Bradley C. Whitsel, in his book The Church Universal and Triumphant: Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s Apocalyptic Movement, states the following on page 180: ‘Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Prophecy for the 1980s, 106-14. Prophet also discusses in this passage the possibility that the new scientific technologies of psychotronic energy, genetic manipulation, and subliminal thought reform might reduce societies to robot populations exploited by a “technocratic priest class.”’ As the book is not held in any Swiss university library and as P&P costs from the USA to Switzerland for a second-hand copy of this book are too expensive for me, I shall probably never know whether the phrase ‘subliminal thought reform’ was of Prophet’s making or whether it was penned by Whitsel himself – unless I muster enough courage to bother an academic librarian with a request for a scan of pages 106 to 114 of Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s Prophecy for the 1980s… However, whoever coined this phrase, it certainly struck me as being very much to the point as there is no doubt in my mind that such a process is already being carried out – that is, against us!
More in a future entry, hopefully.

PS As usual, the bits in green are my emphasis.

Lausanne 30th March 2021


Even though I went to my parents home in the hope that I would be able to discourage them from taking the jab, my parents went ahead and dutifully had an experimental mRNA-based injection administered to the bottom part of their left shoulder on 17th March. Needless to say, I felt a total failure – even if I accepted my parents right to decide to do as they were being told by the government, the media, the medical establishment, etc. (you name them!). Since then, I have been trying to find some solace in the maxim that ‘God’s ways are impenetrable’ and that, consequently, there should still be some hope left. However, I can tell you that as we were entering the makeshift vaccination centre, I was not in such a mood at all, with Dantes famous admonition: ‘Lasciate ogne speranza, voi chintrate’ (‘Abandon all hope, ye who enter here’) probably being closest to what I was thinking... So much so that I could not gather the will to open my HTML file ‘Electronic logbook for March 2021’ and write about this experience for almost 10 days.

Nice blue, no?

However, life must continue and I quickly went back to pursuing some of my favourite activities, e.g. carrying out research, reading, taking notes, etc.

On some fatalistic note, let me quote Rainer Maria Rilke: ‘
Wir können nicht sagen, wer gekommen ist, wir werden es vielleicht nie wissen, aber es sprechen viele Anzeichen dafür, daß die Zukunft in solcher Weise in uns eintritt, um sich in uns zu verwandeln, lange bevor sie geschieht, whose famous aphorism I came across again in English late at night on the 23rd of March [p.9–  source: letter to Franz Xaver Kappus, 12th August 1904. (

Reminder that this event also took place on the 11th of March.

I got rid of the TV set a few years ago so that I only get to watch the ‘demonic propaganda box’ whenever I visit my parents, who will invariably have it switched on at some point (mainly as background noise). For some reason, I even find it hard not to watch it when I am at my parents’ home. However, there are some positives. For instance, it is the opportunity for me to find out what some of the main propaganda messages’ are being broadcast to international audiences – this because if you understand English and can access your own governments propaganda efforts in that language, you will quickly notice that you are being bombarded with the same messages, be it on the French, the British, the American, the German or even the Japanese international or domestic news channels. So much so for the alleged pluralism of information. While I was at my parents, two of the main messages were ‘vaccination good’, ‘Assad bad’.
Well, last week as I switched to the French domestically produced version of the History Channel, I stumbled across a documentary about the Fukushima nuclear mess and I was reminded that this tragic event also took place on the eleventh of March. In turn, this brought back to my mind some wild rumours I had come across several years ago that the Tsunami had been caused artificially by some underwater nuclear detonation from a submarine so as to punish Japan’s support for the Palestinian people.
If you need proof that this terrible event occurred on the eleventh day of the third month of the year 2011, then check out either of these two links:;
Whilst remaining on the
‘Electronic logbook for March 2021’ page, press the keys Ctrl + F and then type 11th or eleven in the search box (and then hit the key ‘enter’) to read more about the mysterious number which has presided over so many catastrophic events for the past 50 (or even 116.5) years.

Lausanne 26th March 2021

Eric Dubay on why it is important NOT to lie.

I came across the following quote on 23rd May 2020 and I ended up copying it in my file named ‘mensonge_lie_lying’. I had forgotten about it until I filed the French original quote which I translated below (see ‘The Great Liar and Deceiver’) in the very same file. So I guess that now is the time to use this citation here...
Lies are broadcast daily from our governments, mainstream media, big pharma, the public education system, pundits, politicians, lawyers, actors, and advertisers all making a living from lying.  To take our power back from the liars we must be devoted 100% to honesty and integrity in our own lives.  We must make a 24/7 habit of absolute sincerity, standing strong in our truth, striving to express as eloquently and articulately the truth as we know it.  We must refuse to believe the lies and help to expose the liars.  Refuse the temptation to lie to make our lives easier [...].  We must refuse the notion that some lies are acceptable because the truth would hurt” too much.  If there is ever to be an actual “Truth Movement” it can only happen through radical, unconditional honesty and integrity.


At last, I have mentioned the blue or silver ‘umbilical cord in reverse’.

Beware of the Ides of March.

A day late... But better late than never, right? As I turned to the Britannica, for a hyperlink to the word palimpsest (see my unfinished entry on Marcus Aurelius and his three rules), I realised that I had clean forgotten about the 15th of March, the date Julius Cæsar was assassinated. Yesterday, the front page on displayed a picture of a statue of Cæsar that I had never seen before – highly realistic, with the Roman dictator sporting narrow shoulders! So I archived the page so as to remember one day to check when that statue was sculpted (Roman antiquity, the Renaissance or even much later?) – which I have thus yet to do. I archived that page at two locations:
Now the period around the middle of March is claimed to show some correlation with the start of wars. Even if this alleged correlation seems a little tenuous to me if one looks back at historical periods earlier than the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, let me nevertheless mention it here:
The Pentagon’s “Ides of March”: Best Month to Go to War
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, March 24, 2018
Global Research 12 March 2013
With the exception of the War on Afghanistan (October 2001) and the 1990-91 Gulf War, all major US-NATO and allied led military operations over a period of more than half a century –since the invasion of Vietnam by US ground forces on March 8, 1965– have been initiated in the month of March.
[found on the 1st of March 2020 with]

Lausanne, 16th March 2021

The Great Liar and Deceiver

When I went to the library on Saturday, I did so to pick up some books which are stored in their basement collections and which have to be ordered in advance as well as peruse a book on last-resort prayers (my parents want to take their first jab on Wednesday, 17th March) which unfortunately for me has gone missing. So once back home, I tried to see whether or not a non-authorised copy had made its way on to the Internet. This is how I stumbled across the following passage, apparently published by a French Catholic daily, called La Croix, in the March-April 2002 issue of the magazine Questions actuelles (Current issues), on page 41 [unnamed author]:
I would like to emphasise that the evil influence of the devil and his followers is usually exercised through deception, lies and confusion. Just as Jesus is the Truth (John 8:44), so the devil is the Liar par excellence. From the beginning, lies have been his favourite strategy. There is no doubt that the devil succeeds in ensnaring many people in lies, small or huge. He deceives men into believing that happiness is found in money, power, carnal concupiscence. He deceives men into believing that they do not need God and that they are self-sufficient, that they do not need grace and salvation. He deceives men again by diminishing, and even obliterating, the meaning of sin, by substituting for God’s law as the criterion of morality the habits or the conventions of the majority. He persuades children that lying is a suitable means of solving various problems and thus, little by little, an atmosphere of distrust and suspicion is created among men. Behind the lies, which bear the mark of the Great Liar, uncertainties and doubts develop, a world in which there is no longer any security or Truth and in which, on the contrary, relativism and the conviction that freedom consists in doing what one wants to do reign. Thus, we no longer understand that true freedom is identification with the will of God, the source of good and the only possible happiness. [The bits in green are my emphasis.]

One should never, never forget that to lie is to take the first step in the wrong direction.

A missed opportunity

As recounted below, I met a young man two days ago as I was making my way to the nearest supermarket and we ended up talking for quite some time. Our conversation was mainly about what is going on in the world presently. This young man made numerous references during our conversation to George Orwell’s 1984 – a book which had also made a very strong impression on my teenage mind when I read it during the very same year that the story takes place in the novel. Strangely, during all the time we exchanged views, the expression new world order (made popular by a speech of George Bush Senior, delivered – and please notice the date – on 11th September 1990, so 11 years ahead of 9/11) was used only once and it was me who did so.

Probably half an hour before I had met this young man, on page 85 of a book written by a French alchemist, whose name is Toni Ceron, and called Sphinx, Grande pyramide, L’alchimie intérieure and which I had just borrowed from the municipal library and I was skimming through as I was walking [yes, I often do this!], I came across a passage in connection with the teachings of the German mystic and Rosicrucian Jacob Böhme which can be translated as follows
in English:
But as man, having interrupted his direct communications with the celestial world, brings to earth only a spark which he no longer has the power to revive by the rays from above, this spark, enveloped by a mass of inferior Spirits who attract it in order to warm themselves, can only weaken and diminish. [my emphasis]

Unfortunately some esoteric authors are not very good at citing their sources, so I had to turn to the Internet to find the source. It was penned by Poland
’s national bard, Adam Mickiewicz (1798–1855). Apparently, it stemmed from the latter’s interest in Jacob Böhme, to which Adam Mickiewicz devoted a full-length study (available here in French and Polish; do ctrl + f  ‘que faiblir’); later published in the French esoteric quarterly L’initiation in its issues of May, September and November 1903. The passage is to be found on pages 34 and 35 of the pdf (128-129 according to the original pagination) of the November issue (do ctrl + f  ‘que faiblir’).

The above paragraph should have reminded me that what I ought to have told this young man was that, although the battle is indeed taking place here on the physical plane (with some very physical effects, such as death, disease and health problems, plus all the anguish caused by the lockdowns, the constant fearmongering and the economic distress) we ought never forget that it is first and foremost a spiritual battle against the Arch-Enemy and his minions.

So my conversation was in a way a missed opportunity. But who knows maybe I shall bump into him again in or near Aldi Valmont and thus be able to rectify my omission... Let us hope so.

Some pretty laid-back Aussies at Byron Bay, New South Wales, who no longer seem to be buying the official narrative, it would seem:

‘Domestic terrorism goes transnational: the war on dissidents picks up momentum’ by Philip Giraldi, 11th March 2021
The Biden Administration is now preparing to go after the people that it objects to and will create new laws as necessary to do so.
[Continue reading by clicking on the following link.]

Go forth and multiply, young man.

On Saturday, a little after midday as I was waiting at a zebra crossing for the light to turn green, a young man stopped near me, probably not even a metre from me, just next to the traffic light pole. He said hello to me with a friendly smile. As I saw that he was not wearing a mask (and therefore I assumed that he must be ‘awake’ to certain ‘truths’), I decided to start a conversation with him, with the idea of finding out what his views were on the current situation (lockdowns, the vaccination campaign, the looming vaccination passport, etc.). The conversation we held (in English only) lasted for a long time and took place outside of as well as inside a supermarket (Aldi Valmont) as we exchanged views on many a topic – even if, at times, I fear that our conversation might have sounded a bit too much like a lecture on my part. A student at Lausanne’s world famous École hôtelière (hotel management school for those who wish to pursue a career at the management level in the tourism industry) of Swiss descent but born in Namibia and raised in South Africa and in his mid-twenties, this young man saddened me a little when he told me that he did not intend to have any offspring (based on the mistaken assumption that it would not be fair to them, given what is happening – George Orwell’s 1984 seems to have left a very strong impression on this young man). To which I replied that this was exactly what the ‘depopulationists’ want. To which he answered that he might be willing to reconsider his stance if he were to meet that (elusive) right woman. He even acknowledged that to have a child (or children) and to be able to raise it/them properly in the face of all the conditioning could be seen as a challenge worth taking up. To me, it was important to make this truth known to him (although I was soft spoken and not at all forceful in the arguments I put forward) because brainwashed as I had been I had harboured the same belief for far too long – my epiphany in this respect came about only 5 years ago after listening to a conference given by James Lovelock (a conman and hideous proponent of the view that the human population should not exceed 500 million people) and another ‘depopulationist’ (whose name eludes me) and which I had viewed on the Internet. It is only then that I realised that I had been conned [see the last quote on another section of this blog for a pointer] and that I had forfeited* a god-given right, probably to the greatest pleasure of the Arch-Enemy. Given that this young man seems bright and that he is good looking, there is a strong possibility, I sincerely hope, that he will start a family in a few years from now – as he even acknowledged to me by saying that he had told his dad so, i.e. should Mrs Right show up. This is all the more important because this young man belongs to a sub-group of the human family that is being actively targeted for destruction by those ‘who run the show’, i.e. Whites (to remove any ambiguity, this very last word, Whites, refers to ‘those who are being targeted’, not to ‘those who run the show’).

*The rule I broke up is that I listened to the snares of the Arch-Enemy; hence the verb ‘to forfeit’ rather than ‘to give up’.

Lausanne, 15th March 2021

A Sutton quote out of context

Some claim that the surname Sutton is derived from Seth. How interesting would this be [although my mum is keen to remind me that the Anglo-Saxon root words are south and farm]. The more so for me as my mother’s maiden surname is Sutton... But the quote heralded in the title of this short paragraph has nothing to do with my English relatives (to whom I can only offer my condolences for living under such a harsh (medical) tyranny as the one which was put in place about roughly a year ago by their ruling class – not that it is any better here in Switzerland). Yesterday I came across the the following quote, which, although out of context (it is taken from a section entitled ‘Gold: the asset of last resort’), I somehow consider to be particularly befitting to our times: Those entrapped by the herd instinct are drowned in the deluges of history. But there are always the few who observe, reason, and take precautions, and thus escape the flood. [...]
Antony C. Sutton,
The War on Gold, ’76 Press, Seal Beach, California, 1977, p.74.

Some headlines which caught my attention on (even if I did not bother to read the articles)

Lausanne, 14th March 2021

A soul quote from the Bhagavad-Gita

This excerpt has the Hindu deity Krishna teach the Pandava prince Arjuna, who is reluctant to go to battle because family members are on the other side, about the immortality of the soul and the continuity of life.

Never the spirit was born; the spirit shall cease to be never;

Never was time it was not; End and Beginning are dreams!

Birthless and deathless and changeless remaineth the spirit for ever;

Death hath not touched it at all, dead though the house of it seems!

Who knoweth it exhaustless, self-sustained,

Immortal, indestructible, — shall such

Say, “I have killed a man, or caused to kill?”

Nay, but as when one layeth

His worn-out robes away,

And, taking new ones, sayeth,

“These will I wear to-day!”

So putteth by the spirit

Lightly its garb of flesh,

And passeth to inherit

A residence afresh.

Translated by Sir Edwin Arnold, The Song Celestial or Bhagavad-Gita, 1885, p.25 (

Lausanne, 13th March 2021

Some post-shot deaths for 11th March

Here are some headlines about post-vaccine deaths which I came across on 11th March.

Denmark is sixth country to halt use of Covid vaccines as AstraZeneca batch linked to fatal blood clots
Vanessa Chalmers, Digital Health Reporter
11 Mar 2021, 10:04  Updated: 11 Mar 2021, 12:42

Strangely, the so-called messenger RNA vaccines (technically, they are not vaccines; this is a claim that I have heard many a time) have caused far more deaths in the USA than AstraZeneca’s vaccine in Europe, but they are not being halted in North America or in Europe for that matter. One can only wonder as to why this is the case.

For a  local news report about a ‘Utah woman, 39, dies 4 days after 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccine; autopsy ordered’, KUTV 2NEWS, which is based in Salt Lake City, Utah, an American journalist presumably based in that city cited the following figures towards the end of her TV broadcast:
+ 80.54m have 1 shot in US
0.1% had ‘adverse events’
1,637 deaths

As for her article, it adds the following information:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently says there are no deaths attributed to COVID-19 vaccines:
“Over 92 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through March 8, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 1,637 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths. CDC and FDA will continue to investigate reports of adverse events, including deaths, reported to VAERS., the CDC reported on its website.

[with a link to]

Indeed, on that very page, the CDC makes several times the following assertion:
To date, VAERS has not detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines.
VAERS stands for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System ( It is the online database where US doctors may report adverse events (side effects, health problems or even deaths) stemming from vaccination in that country. Critics of vaccination programmes in the USA like Robert F. Kennedy Junior (who runs claim that only one percent of all problems gets reported in VAERS!

Whatever the case, yesterday morning I came across a news wire from the Swiss Telegraphic Agency that claimed that there had been only 22 post-vaccine related deaths in Switzerland but it clearly refrained from wanting to infer any correlation between the deaths and the vaccine(s): ‘Despite the temporal connection, there is no concrete indication that the deaths were attributable to the vaccine.’   [Original: ‘Malgré la concordance temporelle, rien n’indique concrètement que leur décès était dus au vaccin.’]

Hhmm, how strange that the same language is being used in two countries so many kilometres away from each other. And by two different institutions. I shall let you guess what my take is on this... [A pointer? Well, listen to this excerpt...]


Lausanne, 12th March 2021

Number eleven again

It was a year ago, on the eleventh of March:


We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.*/*/

11 March 2020
Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.*/

Coronavirus confirmed as pandemic by World Health Organization
11 March

World Health Organization Declares COVID-19 a 'Pandemic.' Here's What That Means
by Jamie Ducharme
March 11, 2020 12:39 PM EDT
The World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11 declared COVID-19 a pandemic, pointing to the over 118,000 cases of the coronavirus illness in over 110 countries and territories around the world and the sustained risk of further global spread.

There are alternative analysts who have made the case that 11 is a number used in the context of human sacrifices, e.g. the Titanic, WWI, 11 September 2001, the Madrid train bombings 17 years ago (which some claim were synthetic), etc.

I must say that the evidence presented by such analysts is quite disturbing, to say the least. Yet I need to undertake more research before I can reach my own conclusions.

In the meantime, I can refer the reader to a quote of one such analyst, Eric James Rainbolt (a pseudonym, most probably). For 11 and a previous pandemic fear campaign orchestrated by the WHO (World Health Organisation), in connection with the so-called bird flu (and based on the previous work of Rainbolt), do  ctrl + f   11/11/2004 after having opened Please note that I do not agree with all that is stated there.

Monday is supposed to be the most dispiriting day of the week.

Well, for me it was not Monday but Saturday of last week. I had an appointment with my barber at eight o’clock – as I was his first customer, I made sure that I would not miss my appointment. As I intended to walk to town, once I got up in the middle of the night, I did not go back to bed and I used this time to see to various tasks using this computer – I even wrote my short entry on search engine bias (see below).
You see, my barber is no ordinary barber. First of all, he is already well past retirement age –  he turned 79 on the 3rd of last month. So he likes his job so much that he still works all days of the week except on Sunday (of course), on Monday morning and on Thursday (all day). This simply baffles me and I have teased him many a time about his not wanting to retire. He has been cutting my hair for well over a decade now, so at times I do dare to speak my mind to him a little. Secondly, I find it even more extraordinary given that he suffered some serious heart problem (which called for some surgery) roughly a year and a half ago, to the extent that his barber’s shop had to remain closed for several months. I fear that having to stand up all day might not be too god for his heart as it might impede upon the proper flow of the blood – but I have no medical background, so my intuition might simply be plain wrong.
So what left me with my spirits particularly down was that my barber told me that he had already received his first Pfizer jab and that he did not know anything about the technology used by that company! I explained to him why I assumed it to be the case for most people who have received either their first or both jabs (i.e. media disinformation). Given that this very same person had told me either on my last visit or on my penultimate that he thought that the covid-19 crisis may well have been planned during a meeting at Davos (yes, these were roughly his words; Davos is technically a metonymy, as it stands for the World Economic Forum, which by the way is based in the canton of Geneva, roughly some 75 kilometres from here, not in Davos), I was very surprised – and discouraged – that he had acquiesced so easily to being part of the ‘Big Vaccine Experiment’ (my coinage). Not that he is the only one in this country: many people I know of have already done so. In fact, the vaccination programme is so well advanced in Switzerland that the government here are already planning the next step, which is to make a vaccination document compulsory. My parents intend to do so on 17th March; I shall do my best to try to dissuade them from doing so this weekend because I have no doubt what all this covid-19 crisis is about: depopulation. After my appointment, I went to the university library to collect a literary chronicle of the inter-war period written by a French diplomat and published in 1927. I wanted to check a reference in this book I had heard being made in some broadcast to the (alleged) attempted (unsuccessful) cremation of the bodies of deceased anti-Bolshevik Russians during those troubled times of Russia’s history.  After leaving the library, I opened the book at random and I read the short story chance had picked for me: ‘Vague de paresse’ (‘Laziness wave’). In his terse yet highly powerful style, Paul Morand (the author of this collection of inter bellum vignettes called L’Europe galante: Chronique du XXe siècle) recounts his amorous encounter with an unnamed Dutch female spy whom I guess must have been the famous Mata Hari. ‘Vague de paresse’ ends with these few words: ‘Two months later I was told that our agents, still operating under poor intelligence, had arrested her on the border with Switzerland’. If the woman was indeed Mata Hari (who was arrested in Paris, so not on the border with Switzerland), it did not end well for her then because Mata Hari exited this world in front of a firing squad. In the same way, our current wave of intellectual laziness might not bode well either, that is for all of those who will have taken the covid-19 mRNA ‘shots’, so do I fear. But who knows what the future holds. I do not; only God does.

Meet the UK’s psychological manipulation team.

Governments employ ‘nudge’ teams, i.e. psychologists whose duty it is to ‘sell’ us what their employer (i.e. the government) wants us to think and do. My first encounter with this word as used in this context was in 2016 in a broadcast by the UK Column, which is an alternative news outlet commenting mainly on British and international politics based in Plymouth. Very courageously, the UK Column is highly vocal about child abuse in the UK, notably as carried out by British politicians(!), as well as about SRA (, and it has dared to take a dissenting stance on Syria/the White Helmets, terrorism (which it often sees as synthetic, with the UK Column invariably pointing out any evidence that bolsters their claim), the EU, among many other topics. It is also there that I learned about the word ponerology (the study of evil) as applied to politics: ‘AV4 - Brian Gerrish - Political Ponerology: Confronting Evil - Turning the Tide’ [now available at].  So now let us turn to the verb to nudge. According to the Shorter Oxford dictionary (the abridged two-volume edition which I own in electronic format), this verb is of Norwegian origin: nugga, nyggja, which meant to push, to rub in some old Norwegian dialect.  Meaning 1b in that dictionary is ‘fig. Coax or pressurize gently into something; give a gentle reminder to’. This is precisely the sense in which the UK Column uses it in one of their broadcasts, which I came across already a little more than 5 years ago. Here is the note I jotted down at the time: 37min50sec  NLP being used by the British gov (behavioural insights team) to skew the vote on the EU  - ‘the so-called nudge policy’ After having looked up the spelling of ‘Inshallah’ (see below), for some reason I recalled the name of this unit used by the British government in order to nudge the public: the ‘behavioural insights team’. So I looked them up using the following query string: ‘British government team called behavioural’ ( Ever so interestingly, the first two results were as follows: So in this case, that search engine does not seem to have filtered its results too much because the second one displayed was from a source that tends to be discredited simply because they (the UK Column) do not parrot the official governmental narrative:

Lausanne, 11th March 2021

Instance of search engine bias
: ‘Inshallah’

This might come as a surprise for some but search engines are not impartial. The algorithms  under which the search engines operate have been programmed to give prominent positions in the results displayed to certain topics only. The opposite holds true: the algorithms carry instructions so that certain subject matters or websites will not appear in the results at all or, if so, they are confined to the ‘darkest dungeons’ of the results, i.e. to those ‘display pages’ which only those interested in looking up the ‘result laggards’ will want to open. I mean, who bothers to click on the 87th page of a search engine’s results, right?

Yesterday, I needed to check the spelling of ‘Inshallah’ (if God so wills) so I opened Tor and I typed the following string on a self-professed privacy-focused search engine:

Leaving aside the questions of why the Biden-Trump presidential election or why Wikipedia are given such prominence on Duckduckgo (which I assume is a meta-search engine, i.e. it queries Google and Bing and then repackages the results according to criteria of its own), I was shocked to find in 5th position not only an article that seems Islamophobic but one with a negative slant towards Iran, too:

'Inshallah': The Perfect Phrase for 2020 - The New York Times
[Search domain]
Oct 16, 2020Inshallah, which means "if god wills," can be a double-edged sword, equal parts sincere and savage. I grew up with a Muslim Iranian mother, and having spent time in Iran, where Farsi speakers also...

Surprise, surprise, the article was published by the New York Times, a newspaper that I certainly do not regard highly. Which is why I did not even click on the link to go through the article quickly. As said, I know only too well what to expect from this newspaper.

Now why is this the case? Simply because there is manipulation of our minds going on with a view to bringing about a specific agenda. You see, some dark forces are at war with Islam, and more specifically with Iran, and they are working very hard to get us (the public opinion) to turn a blind eye on what is going... Now a full explanation of why this particular agenda is being carried out will be provided here hopefully in a future entry – that is, if I dare to do so.

Lausanne,  6th March 2021

One of my favourite New Testament quotes (Ad Ephesios, VI: 12)

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
King James’s Version  (Ephesians, VI:12)

In the oldest surviving version of the New Testament in Ancient Greek (the Codex Vaticanus), the above reads as follows (when retranscribed in Roman capital letters):



In the digitised facsimile of the Codex Vaticanus available at, this quote appears at the top of the middle column, starting from the second line and ending on the eighth:,/0/native.jpg

As I see it, one cannot fully grasp what is going on in the world if one does not understand what the above means. Hopefully, some of my future entries should help unveil this meaning.

Lausanne, 3rd March 2021

I was tempted to exercise self-censorship.

After reading yesterday evening about the dystopian American film-maker David Crowley who it is said was found dead together with his wife and their daughter and recalling the death of the former Big Pharma sales rep and thereafter anti-vaccination activist Brandy Vaughan and her claim that some people with nefarious intentions had tried to shut her up by making it clear to her that her house could be visited at any time, I felt that it might be better to leave the following entry to rest for a day before deciding whether or not to publish it here. A quote about people who had experienced a near-death situation and which I came across in one of my electronic files later this evening prompted me to go ahead and publish my entry from yesterday evening as this quote emphasises that such people (i.e. those who experienced a glimpse of the after world and were able to come back, the so-called NDEers) no longer fear death. So here is this short entry I wrote yesterday night.

A vaccination passport seems to be on the cards in the UK (as was to be expected).

To me, the following headline, seen again on, comes as confirmation of my fear that the UK government’s intention right from the outset has always been to impose a vaccination passport upon the British populace.  (‘Vaccine passports to bolster British economy and combat impacts of Covid-19 crisis – finance minister’,

Here is how it is being done. First, you destroy the economy by imposing a series of unjustified lockdowns extending over several months. Second, you have the populace take experimental vaccines. Third, you blackmail the populace into accepting a vaccination passport (as proposed by Bill Gates years ago – see*/ based on the threat that the economy will not recover otherwise. But what if the crazy and evil anti-vaxxers (according to Bill Gates) were right and serious adverse effects were to be felt in the years ahead*, thereby disabling – if not killing – thousands or hundreds of thousands of citizens, would this be good for the British economy? In my opinion, the current British government has caused their own country some very, very serious harm as well as it is responsible for probably thousands and thousands of unnecessary deaths. Unfortunately, this holds true for most governments in the so-called West. Harrowing times indeed for the populations of the USA, of France, of Switzerland, of Germany, of Italy, of Spain, of Australia, only to cite these countries. Yet one should NOT give in to fear. The more so as times of crisis are also times when there are opportunities waiting to be seized.

* As warned already in July 2020 by Mark Zuckerberg to his employees in some kind of weekly video address which has recently surfaced on the Internet: ‘I share some caution on this, because we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA.’ [Source: Project Veritas,]

Lausanne, 1st March 2021