Summary:  egregore (explanation by Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre); watchers of Genesis (6:2, 6:4); could Hossein Taheri’s song against the enemies of Iran be seen as the re-activation of the egregore of Heydar (Imam Ali)?

A warring egregore reactivated?


The war in Ukraine, because of the evidence I have come across that it is also being waged in the realm of the Invisible, has prompted me to check a few esoteric references relating to these collective thought-forms known in French occultism as egregores (a term originally associated with the beings described in Genesis (6:2, 6:4) and the Book of Enoch (chapters 1-36) which watched over humanity, took a fancy for some of the women and eventually mingled their genetic material with them – from the ancient Greek word ‘egrogoros’ or ‘watcher’).  

Rather than having to go through the trouble of providing a definition of the word egregore (a difficulty probably compounded by the fact that a few centimetres from my keyboard lies a book, written in French, with over 290 pages of solid text – i.e. no illustrations – in it devoted solely to this particular subject), I am going to quote a French nineteenth century esotericist who played an important role (despite being seldom acknowledged as such) in the development of modern western esoteric thought: Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre (1842-1909). Even though the word ‘egregore’ is not specifically mentioned in the following excerpt taken from page 794 of the 1884 edition of Mission des Juifs, Saint-Yves d’Alveydre’s description of what these beings are – and can do according to him touches upon nearly all of the themes such beings are usually associated with in the literature penned by theosophists, magi [look for Dion Fortune here] and other esotericists:  

Once Man has impregnated with his will certain elements of the invisible Order, when he has conceived, willed, created not only a visible Power, but, without knowing it, a potential Being, occult, evoked, manifesting itself through Institutions, the latter does not die without having lived, and, if it is instinctive and passionate, it lives by destroying.
It fights and devours in the invisible as well as in the visible Order, the other collective Beings of this Earth; it drinks of the blood, it feeds on the flesh of their members, it sucks in the igneous energies of this Globe and of the lower regions of its Atmosphere, it breathes them in and inspires them in the dominating Instincts of the Power which it haunts and of the individuals who occupy it. 

This is why, in Rome, the political acts of the latter are, in the Relational Life of that State, an indiscontinuous series of military massacres, and, in its Organic Life, an indiscontinuous chain of political assassinations. 

Now, if it is relatively easy to create or raise instinctive Powers, destructive Dominations, it is almost impossible to erase them from the Biology of the Earth and its primitive Substance, unless there is a deluge

In the invisible Order as in the visible, nothing is lost, and the primal Substance of any Star keeps imprinted in it, in its secret Light, even the movement of a Will, even the radiation of a Passion, even the image of a Thought:
[Translated with]

Although I stumbled across this quote four days ago (I have yet to read Mission des Juifs, which I downloaded on 4th Dec. 2018, because it is a massive work just short of a thousand pages), I fear that it might describe a process at work in the following Iranian song I had come across two days earlier and which has been haunting me for close to a week (yes, this post is meant to act as a kind of catharsis for me), namely the activation of such a being which ‘fights and devours in the invisible as well as in the visible Order’.

Before providing a link to the song (as well as a transcript of the translation appearing as subtitles in the clip itself), I need to make a few points clear.

Unlike France, the United Kingdom and the USA (only to name the FUKUS countries), Iran has not been the aggressor in a war for well over 150 years

America has been at war 93% of the time – 222 out of 239 years – since 1776.

The US has been at war 225 out of 243 years since 1776.

Britain at war almost every year for 2 centuries

Second, I certainly do not wish to see the nightmarish prospect of an all-out war between Israel and Iran come true, however one-sided I would be if such a conflict were to take place. My point here is that, according to esotericist thinking, the egregore of Heydar (the nickname that was bestowed upon Imam Ali for his military valour) has been invoked, or rather, re-activated, in the following chant-like mantra put to some very entrancing music by Hossein Taheri  in 2018 – and this is likely to bear some consequences, which through the power of prayer (see my translation of the Prayer for Peace from French into Latin) may fortunately be limited to the realm of the Invisible. And I am convinced of this!

Other entries on the same topic posted on this blog
[‘Egregores and the fall of Mariupol’]

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture mode.
If it does not, click on

LYRICS (translator not named)

Heydar, Heydar (crowd chanting)
Terror, corruption and hypocrisy are united against us
The world has made itself ready for another world war
We hear the shouts of the world-eating Jews (Zionists) from the throat of the Saudi king
Takfiris, Wahhabis and Daesh have joined together
All at the hands of the Great Satan (USA)
For as long as the divine spirit is in the heart of this soil
Our enemies will not be allowed to sleep a single restful night
Soon everywhere will hear the name of Hussein
The legacy of Khomeini will become international
The arrogant have been disturbed from their long comfort
What delayed the global Islamic Awakening?
When you threaten us with war, our response is: we’re not dead yet
Our answer to you will be on the tip of a blade
The concept of surrender is gone from our minds
In Syria, Iraq and Yemen we are ready for war
Our missiles will rain down on our enemies
Our Sejjil Missiles will drop in the heart of Tel Aviv
The voice of Heydar will prevail from the Kaaba
The era of oppression will end
This is the Shia flag that will be waved from the top of the world
Anyone who follows Ali is our compatriot
We will soon write ‘Ya Heydar e Karar
(Imam Ali’s honorific title gained after the Battle of Khyber)
We will soon write ‘Ya Heydar e Karar
On the green flag of Saudi Arabia!
Heydar, Heydar!
Heydar, Heydar!

Lausanne, the above was published on the twenty-sixth day of the fourth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.