Summary:  Latin translation of the prayer for peace, wrongly attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi, first published in French in 1912; link to the English translation.

Oratio pacis

‘[...] Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand’ (Matthew 12:25; KJV)

I believe that prayers in Latin are more powerful than in the vernacular (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French or even English). This not only because Latin is a sacred language, but also because of the rhythms, sounds and vibrations of that tongue. This is probably the reason why the current wearer of the papal tiara, the anti-Pope Francis, has forbidden the Catholic clergy to perform the mass in Latin...

Now shame on me because the following translation of a beautiful prayer wrongly
attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi has remained with me as an unpublished computer file since 29th September of this year – the date when I translated the prayer from French into Latin – even though on that day I put everything on hold until I had translated ‘Belle prière à faire pendant la messe’ (‘A beautiful prayer to recite during the Mass’) – the first known title for the prayer (1912)  – because of the sense of urgency I felt at the time.

As I was reminded no later than yesterday that the dark forces we wrestle against (Ephesians 6:10-18) are particularly strong these days (is it because of Biden’s and his European acolytes’ impending ‘dark winter’?), I felt that it was high time to open my HTML editor, copy and paste my translation and then upload Oratio pacis on to the server space I rent out here in Switzerland.

[Please note that I am really not an expert in Latin; moreover, the translation is in what
I would describe as ecclesiastical Latin, not classical Latin; finally, my translation is based on the French original, not on any of the English translations which have surfaced since the early 1930s – the prayer was even read out at the funeral of one of America’s first ladies, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.]


Domine, fac me instrumentum pacis tuae;
ut ubi odium est amorem inseram;
ut ubi iniuria est veniam inseram;
ut ubi discordia est concordiam inseram;
ut ubi error est veritatem inseram;
ut ubi dubium est fidem inseram;
ut ubi desperatio est spem inseram;
ut ubi tenebrae sunt lucem tuam inseram.
ut ubi tristitia est gaudium inseram;

Domine, fac ut magis quaeram consolare quam consolari;
ut magis quaeram intellegere quam intellegeri;
ut magis quaeram amare quam amari;
nam dando accepimus;
nam nos obliviscendo invenimus;
nam nos ignoscendo ignoscimur;
et moriendo ad aeternam vitam resuscitemur.

According to Christian Renoux, the first recorded instance (in French) of the so-called peace prayer of Saint Francis was published in the December 1912 issue of La Clochette (the small bell). For a discussion of the prayer’s genealogy (plus the text in French), please read Mr Renoux’s article entitled ‘The Origin of the Peace Prayer of St Francis’, available at An early translation into English, going back to the 1930s, can be found here, at

Lausanne, the above was published on the eighth day of the twelfth month of the year two thousand and twenty-one.