Summary: Alex Jones clip; newborn wrapped in plastic; Milgram psychological experiment, submission to authority; exposure to germs is necessary for a proper, healthy immune system; psychological conditioning to make humans believe that they are redundant.

[Please note that there are some links at the bottom of this page.]

A giant Milgram psychological experiment’, says Alex Jones.

Although I have mixed feelings about Alex Jones (for instance, I am baffled that somebody in the business of offering alternative analyses of politics and contemporary events for 25 plus years managed to fall for what I would describe as the ‘Trump conmanship’), I was certainly impressed with the following clip when I got to watch it early in April of this year. At the time, I even uploaded the clip on to to generate a draft transcript. However, I did not take the matter any further as I feared associating myself with the contents of this clip. As I believe that humanity is running out of time, I am now prepared to take the risk of publishing such information on this website – but not without invoking that an invisible shield be placed around me by those luminous beings whose purpose it is to serve the Almighty so that the forces of evil may be kept at bay from me:

Visita, quaeso, Domine, scripta mea et omnes insidias inimici ab eis longe repelle.
Angeli tui sancti habitent in eis et me in pace atque in bona valetudine custodiant. Amen.

(Fac bonum)

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the ‘Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode.
If it does not, click on

The transcript of Alex Jones’s clip ‘The First Child Born In The Matrix’ (24th March 2021):

It’s a new virtue signal: wrap a baby in plastic as it flails, reaching out for its mother. Put the state of medical tyranny between the mother and its child. Complete the takeover of the human race. This is the post human era.

Back in the mid 20th century, major universities conducted studies like the Milgram and Stanford studies, where they tested their psychology departments how far they could push their students to commit crimes as long as authority figures were telling them to do so. And they found that, in almost every case, 90 plus per cent of people would follow orders from authority figures to even kill people, if ordered to do so.

That’s why I paralleled what’s happening with the whole COVID roll-out – and the lockdowns and the nonsensical social distancing and the masks that don’t work and the lies about the COVID deaths, and … and the vaccine damages – as a giant Milgram psychological experiment. That’s what we’re about to break down. Today – is in late March 2021 – the level of absurdity has reached proportions never before seen in human history.

[Jaymes Young can be heard singing ‘And I’m down on my knees again. Thank you for the happiest year of my life.’]

The heart-breaking video you’re seeing is a newborn baby in Europe wrapped in plastic to supposedly protect it from its mother, so it can’t touch its mother, despite the fact that hundreds of studies show it’s an initial contact with the mother that activates the life force of the child.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a crime against humanity. This is a crime against our own biology. This is teaching us that we’re dirty and evil and bad and that humanity is a disease on the planet. This is the cult of the global warming, eugenicist Left.

The Death Cult is teaching us that we’re evil. The Death Cult is teaching us we’re bad. It doesn’t matter if all the science shows more human contact gives us a better immune system and makes us healthy. They’re teaching us all to be the boy in the bubble who couldn’t be in contact with any germs or he died. That’s a very, very, very rare genetic disorder. But if you’re not around other microbes growing up, if you don’t play around in the dirt when you’re a baby and put it in your mouth, you don’t develop an immune system. And then you need the medical system for the rest of your life to give you constant drugs, constant antibiotics, constant inoculations to just keep you alive.

We are witnessing the scientific dictatorship take control of the human family. We are witnessing the final revolution.

The medical system is run by the most ruthless, out-of-control corporations. And they’re simply testing to see what you will put up with. We’ve already submitted to abuse. We’ve already let them lock up our elders. We’ve already let them give us experimental vaccines. We’ve already let them shut down our schools and seen suicide and drug addiction explode. We’ve already seen children performing band practice in pods out of the body-snatchers. We’ve already witnessed people wearing large doughnuts around themselves as they go into bars and restaurants. This is absurdity.

That’s what cults ask you to do: to do things that are ridiculous, to do things that are against common sense, to prove your submission. Klaus Schwab and other globalists admit this is not about COVID, it’s about teaching the humans are dirty and bad – and we need to be exterminated. It’s about teaching you that you’re obsolete, that you are non-essential.

[Footage from ‘The Twilight Zone: “The Obsolete Man”’]
[Chancellor] You are obsolete, Mr Wordsworth.
[Mr Wordsworth] I am a human being, I exist.
[Chancellor] Delusions, Mr Wordsworth, delusions!

You’re witnessing mass mind control. We are witnessing the true, chicken, little scenario where psyche warfare chiefs, aided by big banks and the corporate media and government and the medical system, are literally terrifying the public into total submission.

The First Child Born In The Matrix – Watch
Alex Jones |
March 2021, 11:29 pm

‘Greg Reese on vaccines (June 2019)’ (transcript of a clip published by

Lausanne, the above was published on the thirtieth day of the eleventh month of the year two thousand and twenty-one.