Tags: Greg Reese, infowars.com (transcript); injury compensation for vaccines footed by US taxpayers (thanks to Bush and Clinton); measles-related deaths; over four billion dollars disbursed to settle vaccine-related death and injury claims in the USA; tax on each vaccine; example of fines slapped on a single vaccine manufacturer; depopulation (Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Georgia Guidestones, Eric Pianka); swine flu vaccines contaminated in 2009 with the live H5N1 avian flu virus; banning of religious exemptions; alternative search engines

Greg Reese on vaccines (June 2019)

On 25th June 2019, I came across the following headline on Infowars.com penned by Greg Reese:Big Pharma, Forced Vaccinations & Population Control / What does the globalist medical-industrial-complex have in store for humanity?’[Here is a version saved by the Internet Archive.]

Although I must credit the team of people who work for Alex Jones at Infowars.com for having published some genuine, illusion-shattering pieces of investigative journalism, I would not describe myself as a fan of this self-proclaimed alternative news organisation. First, I find Infowars.com to be too much of a polarising force (for instance, I am repelled by their blatant Islamophobia); second, I fear that Infowars.com could be a disinformation outlet masquerading as a truth-telling, anti-globalisation and anti-New World Order provider of news. In other words, an operation that would have been set up merely to deflect the attention of those who are unhappy with what is being done to their country (in this case, the USA) from what is ultimately going on behind the scenes.

Nevertheless, the video clip the Infowars.com team produced to accompany Mr Reese’s disturbing questions about vaccines is well worth viewing, in part because the clip offers (visual) evidence for the claims made by this Infowars.com news presenter and investigative journalist.

Below is a transcript of the text read aloud by Mr Reeve. Please note that I have used British English spellings (hence ‘programme’  but  ‘National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program’ – as the latter is the name of a US institution).

Finally, please remember that the Internet offers the possibility to look up facts within a few seconds – that is, if you use a search engine which is a little less prone to censoring information. Here is a list of alternative search engines:  https://kinsta.com/blog/alternative-search-engines  (found using the following:  https://www.qwant.com/?locale=en_US&q=search+engine+alternatives&t=web).

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse and then on ‘Play’ in the menu to start the clip, which will play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode.
If it does not, click on https://assets.infowarsmedia.com/videos/f76d6efa-4a87-4fd8-8da2-5ff359a98703.mp4.

[Transcript provided to you with much love by the owner of this website.]

The mainstream pop culture narrative tells us to trust vaccines and labels individuals who do not as anti-vaxxers but when you look at the history of the vaccine industry, there are many good reasons to question them.

In 1986, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was established to protect the vaccine manufacturers from any liabilities. This programme ensured that the taxpayer would pay for all injuries the public suffered from vaccines. Once this protection was in place, government purchasing of vaccines increased by over 300%. In 1994, an unelected board of paediatricians was put in charge of determining which vaccines would be given to your children, all funded by pharmaceutical companies and US taxpayers. Before Presidents Bush and Clinton incentivised the vaccine industry, it was about a hundred million dollar a year business. Bill Clinton proposed buying up all the vaccines and distributing them from a warehouse in New Jersey, which Congress rejected but still, thanks to Clinton’s efforts, the government now controls every aspect of the vaccine industry, an industry that has grown accordingly ever since – over 600%. It is expected to be a sixty billion dollar a year business by 2020.

Their profits have grown immensely but what else have they accomplished? Since 1993, there have been four measles-related deaths. Now compare this with four hundred and eighty three claims of injury or death from the measles vaccine. The government has settled 4.1 billion dollars in vaccine death and injury claims. According to a New York Times article, the tax on each vaccine is determined by the predicated rate of serious side effects. In other words, not only is the consumer a test subject for the vaccines, but they also pay for any damages sustained from their use. Merck Sharp & Dohme has been fined billions for multiple crimes over the years, including fraud, bribing healthcare professionals, withholding safety information and exaggerated efficacy rates. And yet, thanks to the federal government and taxpayer dollars, they continue to thrive.

Is it all about money or is there something else to it? During a 2010 TED Talk, Bill Gates suggested that vaccines help reduce the population [watch him say it with uncontrolled trepidation in his voice here, on this website]. A year later, one of his vaccine campaigns caused forty-seven thousand five hundred cases of paralysis and death. The India Supreme Court claimed that the drug trials being run by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were illegal. Reducing the population has been suggested and supported for years. Ted Turner told Autobahn Magazine that a total population of 250 to 300 million people, a ninety-five per cent decline from present levels, would be ideal. This is what the mysterious Georgia Guidestones call for. When UT [PZ: University of Texas] professor Eric Pianka came under fire for suggesting that ninety per cent of us should be killed in order to sustain the earth, his students defended him, saying he was being conservative and that everyone should die.

In 2009, Baxter Pharmaceuticals was caught shipping millions of contaminated swine flu vaccinations to 18 countries. The entire shipment was contaminated with the live H5N1 avian flu virus. If one wanted to create a pandemic virus, this is one of the easiest ways to do so. Today mandatory vaccines are being forced on children. In New York, government bills are being proposed to remove religious and philosophical exemptions and to exclude unvaccinated children from schools.

But if you question any of this, then you are a crazy anti-vaxxer.

For news wars.com, this is Greg Reese.
Infowars: tomorrow’s news today.

This entry was published on the sixteenth day of May 2021.