SGT report, Charlene Bollinger, indoctrination, covid vaccination,
rejection of the truth, praying for the unbelievers
Reluctant family members
(or on not being able to be a prophet within one’s own family).
The following is an excerpt from a videoconferencing-based
interview of an American couple who appear to be activists opposed
to the prevailing drug-based healthcare régime which
I got to view only a few hours ago. Their names are Ty and
Charlene Bollinger. Prior to listening to this interview
on Bitchute, I had never heard of them. More information
about them can be found at https://thetruthaboutvaccines.com/about
(that is, based on the search I performed only a few seconds ago, with https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Ty+%26+Charlene+Bollinger).
As for the SGT Report, I guess that I must have listened to two or
three podcasts at most of this former YouTuber (Is his name Sean?
As there is nothing about this person on sgtreport.com
[no ‘About’], not even on past versions of this website available at the Internet
Archive [e.g. https://web.archive.org/web/20110809040627/https://www.sgtreport.com]!).
have decided to upload the following segment of the interview as well as
provide a transcript of this excerpt (created in a first step with the
help of IBM
Watson’s speech to text online application) because in my opinion Charlene Bollinger touches on the
crux of the matter when it comes to trying to awaken family members to
what is going on with the present (and future) covid vaccination
campaigns, which is that we
can only share the information with those who are already receptive to
it because they have a yearning for the truth. A precondition
for which is that a person needs to be spiritually awake,
even though Charlene Bollinger does not say so during the interview. So
that even if one is NOT a Christian, one can still follow the
couple’s solution, which is to pray for
the people who wish to continue to ignore the truth (or ‘commit
the loved ones that don’t get it to the Lord in prayer’, as she
phrases it)…
The interview, which was published on 16th April and goes by
the highly forceful title of ‘Info that could **literally** save your
life’ [it is about cancer and the couple’s documentary on this topic
https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/about-us], is available at https://www.bitchute.com/video/gIIaQ5GeUeqT.
Starts at 11m31s in the original clip.
[The SGT Report interviewer]
Not only my
mother-in-law, or my neighbours, but even my own mother just ran out and
got both Pfizer shots, and she says she’s happy.
[Charlene Bollinger]
Yes, I can, we can, relate to that: we have loved ones and family members that
are still inside the control grid,
and running out and getting the vaccine. And I had a conversation with a
family member a month or so ago about this, knowing that some of our family
members had gone out (and I just recently found out they got both doses) and
they were thinking about getting the vaccine and I unpacked the truth, but the problem we have: some people have been so successfully
dumbed down with chemicals, with vaccines, with the education programme,
which is not education – it’s schooling institution. In the schools
when they have so many tests, they are just learning how to obey orders and
spit back out the data that the controllers want them
to believe and
to think. And
so it’s been systematically oncoming
for a few generations, but this generation is
probably by far the worst, the most dumbed down,
and successfully, just crushed inside of this box through the mainstream
media by and large and other outlets that are liars. So my family
specifically, and our friends, they’re still connected to CNN or Fox
[News], or whatever it is, instead of watching the SGT Report, or X22,
or our documentary series. I mean, we’ve been doing
this for many years and we still
family members that don’t get it and
they think that we’re crazy. So when CNN hit us with
nothing but lies, they would watch that and say ‘See, see’, you know. So we
do have a section of the population, even people near
and dear to us that we love, that are buying the lies. [Inaudible
to me.] For me, for Ty, I think we learned years ago, you know, we thought
everybody would want to know this information. When we woke up, we thought ‘Oh
my goodness, this is going to be a piece of cake, everybody’s going to
want this information’. We quickly found out
that people got mad at us, and they are
programmed to get mad at us. We didn’t
understand it at the time, but through years of research, we realise these people have been programmed to go against anybody
that goes against the mainstream narrative. So God can do
anything. So what we’ve done through the years is we’ve
just committed these people over to the Lord in prayer, knowing
that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all that we can ask or
think. God has a will: it’s going to come to pass. And so we are his workmen
doing his work. The harvest is plentiful, the
workers are few. What a blessing to be here, for such a time
as this, doing the work we’re
doing. It is painful when we see our loved ones
falling for these lies and even going into these poisonous treatments that in some cases really can be life threatening. So when it comes to that,
we are just committed to the Lord in prayer and keep doing our work because
we can’t force people to wake, so
we’ve tried to not focus on the
ones that just won’t listen
and we give them the information and then just leave it with the Lord
and we pray for them and we move on to the next person who does want to
listen, who is searching for the
truth. We have the truth in [word inaudible to me] and
so we’re going to continue to do what we’re doing while we commit the loved
ones that don’t get it to the Lord in prayer.
[The SGT Report interviewer]
Well, I think that’s very
good and rightly said. It reminds me of the story of Noah’s Ark. I mean,
you can warn your friends and neighbours, invite them on to the Ark, and
they’ll sit and laugh at you. And meanwhile then the rain starts to
pour, you get on board, off you go, and they get left behind. It’s
really quite sad.
Lausanne, 23rd April 2021