Summary: Mario Draghi toes the line when it comes to fuelling Russophobia; clip (at the bottom), transcript and translation; just so as not to forget: his lies about the C-19 vaccine.

Draghi does not like Russophiles!

Only a few days ago, Italy’s unelected prime minister and former president of the EU’s central bank, as part of a press conference given after a bill was approved by Italy’s parliament, lashed out at Matteo Salvini and even accused him of being an agent of Moscow. With the arrogance which befits an unelected representative of the people, he then affirmed to know the opinion of the majority of Italians regarding the war in Ukraine:

C’è quello che la pensa invece: ama i russi alla follia e vuol togliere le sanzioni e parla tutti i giorni di nascosto con i russi. E vabbè c’è … c’è pure lui. Eh no ... non c’è … però c’è tanta gente che non lo fa, cioè la maggioranza degli italiani non lo fa e non lo vuol fare.
There is the one who thinks the opposite: he loves the Russians madly and wants to lift the sanctions and secretly talks to the Russians every day. And there is ... there is also him. Oh no ... But there are many people who don’t. That is, the majority of Italians don’t do it and don’t want to do it.

The gall of puppets such as the saurian-named and looking* Mario Draghi is almost unbelievable.

Mario Draghi: you who forced a very large chunk of the population of Italy to get injected with an experimental concoction, do you think that your compatriots will forget your words?

L’appello a non vaccinarsi è un appello a morire, sostanzialmente: non ti vaccini, ti ammali e muori. Oppure, fai morire: non ti vaccini, contagi, lui o lei muore.
Calling for people not to get vaccinated is basically asking them to die: you don’t vaccinate, you get sick, you die. Or you cause death: you don’t vaccinate, you contaminate and he or she dies.
(July 2021)

If I were Mario Draghi, I would retreat from the public sphere and go and hide somewhere because, in a few months from now, most Italians will understand that it was poison that you forced them to take!


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Italian ex-Prime Minister Draghi is obsessed with Russians

Lausanne, the above was published on the twentieth day of the ninth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.