Rose of the desert weeded out from the fashion garden

Tags: Asma al-Assad interview with Rossiya 24 channel, removal of previously published article about Asma al-Assad (Vogue), Syrian war, unbiased news sources

Five days ago, I came across an interview which Syria's First Lady, Mrs Asma al-Assad, had recently given to a Russian television channel (Rossiya 24). As I was very interested in getting the Syrian side of the story (albeit the Presidency's), I watched the clip from Yandex's video search section with the hope that I would thus be able to escape Google's profiling efforts on that instance. 

Yandex, video search:  Mrs. Asma al-Assad interview with Russia's Channel 24

Even though I was well aware that the purpose of this interview was to portray the Syrian Presidency and régime in a positive light (therefore, a form of propaganda), I was very much impressed by Mrs Asma al-Assad's graceful and dignified composure*, by the down-to-earth quality of her replies and, last but not least, by what seemed to me to be a deep and genuine concern for the well-being of the Syrian people.

No western media would dare to call her the Syrian Lady Di, as rightly points out

Yesterday, through one of those serendipitous occurrences that the Internet makes possible, I stumbled across an article from Russia Today reposted on (an alternative news site) which links to a highly laudatory portrait of Syria's First Lady (also reposted on which was published by Vogue on 25th February 2011, i.e. before the country was plunged into what the media in the West dishonestly describe as a ‘civil war’.

The article, entitled  ‘Asma al-Assad: A Rose in the Desert’ by Joan Juliet Buck, is no longer available on the website of Vogue [you can check for yourself at]. Does this ‘weeding out of the rose of Damascus’ surprise you?

For my part, it does not surprise me at all given the ‘Assad must go’ mantra western media were instructed to drum into our heads more than five years ago and which they have all too obligingly and subserviently worked hard on doing so since March 2011 – in accordance with what I believe to have been the guiding principle of the West's ruling elites for well over a century: demonise the head of the country which is your enemy so as to dehumanise him (or her) and then be able to destroy that country.

Fortunately, there is the Internet Archive.

However, courtesy of ( and of the Internet Archive (, the article is available out there on the Internet for anybody who is interested in finding out about the truth.

No wonder that some dark forces repeatedly call for the ‘policing’ of the Internet as there must be so many other beautiful roses they would like to see weeded out...

* Despite the horrid ordeal Syria is going through, the risks to Mrs Asma al-Assad and her family's lives, the uncertainties, etc., I felt that the radiance emitted by her face could only point to some genuine elevation of that person's inner being, of that person's soul.

Mrs Asma al-Assad's Rossiya 24 interview can be viewed on the Russian search engine Yandex by clicking here; otherwise you can view it directly on YouTube, at (as part of the official Syrian Presidency's channel).

News sources on Syria free of any regime-change bias

Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA):
RT (Russia Today):
Press TV:

Alternative news sites
21st century wire:
Global Research:
Voltaire Network:

Two independent journalists/bloggers based in the West but who make frequent visits to Syria
Vanessa Beeley:  ;
Eva Bartlett:

Lausanne, 26th October 2016