Summary: Concluding segment of Giorgia Meloni’s speech at the World Congress of Families, 30th March 2019, Verona; clip, transcript (Italian), translation (English); ‘Sex, not gender. A plea for accuracy’ (link at the bottom).

Sex, not gender, Giorgia!

In 2019, Italy’s very recently elected prime minister, the country’s very first woman to this position, gave a short speech at the World Congress of Families which took place in Verona – the city which Shakespeare used for the setting of his Romeo and Juliette. Below is the segment which concludes Giorgia Meloni’s brief address to this gathering of people concerned about the attack which has been waged against the family as a societal unit since at least the 1960s, but with special vigour for the past ten years or so. Strangely, in her brief speech, Giorgia Meloni uses a phrase which is part of the vocabulary of those on the ‘other side’ (sometimes disparaged by those on the right end of the political spectrum as Cultural Marxists): ‘gender identity is under attack. To a ‘family traditionalist’, the word ‘gender’ should be anathema because it is a social construct whereas ‘sex’ was the sole biological marker until a few years ago. As Eric Arthur Blair (better known under his pen name of George Orwell) taught us in 1984, words do matter and oppressive regimes seem to pay the utmost attention to how words can be used for them to be able to achieve one of their main objectives so as to guarantee their survival – depriving citizens always a little more of the freedom they have at a particular stage of their oppression.

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the ‘Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode.

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2:14 [end segment]
Italy’s new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni gives speech that the elite establishment abhor.
14:50 [full speech]
Giorgia Meloni's electrifying speech at the World Congress of Families, English subtitles
[Original translation removed from YT:;]
Una straordinaria Giorgia Meloni interviene al Congresso Mondiale delle Famiglie a Verona
Fratelli d'Italia


Potrei farmi tante altre di queste domande. A monte c’è quella che ci facciamo oggi. Perché la famiglia è un nemico? Perché la famiglia fa così paura?

C’è una risposta unica per tutte queste domande: perché ci definisce ... perché alla nostra identità ... perché tutto quello che ci definisce in questo tempo è un nemico per chi vorrebbe che non avessimo più un’identità e che fossero, che fossimo solamente schiavi, consumatori perfetti.

E allora è sotto attacco l’identità nazionale, è sotto attacco l’identità religiosa, è sotto attacco l’identità di genere, è sotto attacco l’identità familiare. Non devo potermi definire italiana, cristiana, donna, madre. No, io devo essere cittadino X, genere X, genitore 1, genitore 2. Devo essere un numero. Perché quando sarò solamente un numero, quando non avrò più un’identità, quando non avrò più radici, beh allora sarò lo schiavo perfetto in balia della grande speculazione finanziaria – il consumatore perfetto.

E questa è la ragione per la quale ... questa è la ragione per la quale oggi noi facciamo tanta paura, questa la ragione per la quale oggi questo appuntamento fa tanta paura. Perché noi non vogliamo essere dei numeri, che noi siamo qui per dire che noi non siamo dei numeri. Noi difenderemo il valore della persona umana, di ogni singola persona umana, perché ognuno di noi ha un codice genetico unico e irripetibile. E questo, piaccia o no, ha del sacro. Lo difenderemo, difenderemo dio, la patria, la famiglia che fanno tanto schifo a qualcuno. Lo faremo per difendere la nostra libertà perché noi non saremo mai schiavi e semplici consumatori in balia della speculazione finanziaria. Ecco la nostra missione, ecco perché oggi sono venuta qui scriveva Chesterton, ormai più di un secolo ... fa vediamo se l’altro se me lo trovo: ‘Fuochi verranno attizzati per testimoniare che due più due fa quattro. Spade saranno sguainate per dimostrare che le foglie sono verdi in estate.’ Quel tempo è arrivato. Signori, siamo pronti. Grazie.


I could ask myself many more of these questions. First is the one we ask ourselves today. Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so frightening?

There is a single answer to all of these questions: because it defines us ... because to our identity ... because everything that defines us in this time is an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to be mere slaves, perfect consumers.

So national identity is under attack, religious identity is under attack, gender identity is under attack, family identity is under attack. I must not be able to call myself Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No, I must be citizen X, gender X, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number. Because when I am just a number, when I no longer have an identity, when I no longer have roots, well then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of big financial speculators – the perfect consumer.

And this is the reason why ... this is the reason why we are so scary today, this is the reason why this event is so frightening today. Because we do not want to be numbers: we are here to say that we are not numbers. We shall defend the value of the human person, of every single human person, because each of us has a unique and unrepeatable genetic code. And this, like it or not, is sacred. We shall defend it; we shall defend God, the homeland, the family, which are so repugnant to some. We shall do it to defend our freedom because we shall never be slaves and mere consumers at the mercy of financial speculation. That is our mission, that is why I have come here today. More than a century ago, Chesterton wrote ... let me see if I can find it: ‘Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.’ That time has come. Gentlemen, we are ready. Thank you.

To save time, I translated the original text with, then I changed a few words here and there.

Link [added 11pm]
Cristina Richie, ‘Sex, not gender. A plea for accuracy’, Experimental & Molecular Medicine volume 51, page 1 (2019)
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Lausanne, the above was published on the twenty-eighth day of the ninth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.