Summary: Martin Sonneborn, an independent MEP from Germany, blasted Ursula von der Leyen during the EU’s state of the union address on 14th September 2022; clip, transcript and translation.

In her face!

(Thank you, Mr Sonneborn.)

Ursula von der Lügen (lügen means to lie and Lüge means a lie in German): this nickname is so well suited to Mrs Ursula von der Leyen that it can only be understood as a hint given to us, Europeans, by providence as to what to expect from this unelected top EU official whose role in forcing the experimental mRNA concoctions on to the citizens of the EU (including through opaque and personal negotiations with the CEO of Pfizer*) and in prolonging the war in Ukraine is probably second to none – or second to not many. As such, I was extremely pleased when I saw the following clip in which the German independent MEP Martin Sonneborn on 14th September blasted the head of the EU Commission while standing only a few metres away from her because even though I fear that most of the other members of the EU parliament are probably nearly all either sell-outs or cowards, so that any further interpellations of this kind are unlikely to unseat her, it is nonetheless a step in the right direction.

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the ‘Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode.

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MEP Martin Sonneborn excoriates Ursula van der Lyen that's only few feet away from him
First published at 19:32 UTC on September 15th, 2022.


Mittwoch, 14. September 2022 - Straßburg             Vorläufige Ausgabe
Die Lage der Union (Aussprache)

Martin Sonneborn (NI). – Frau Präsidentin, sehr geehrte Frau von der Leyen! Mit Karl Kraus zu sprechen: Mir fällt zum Zustand der EU nichts ein. Um uns von einem Gaslieferanten zu lösen, der einen brutalen Angriffskrieg führt – Putin –, haben Sie uns einen gesucht, der einen brutalen Angriffskrieg führt – Aliyev. Auch wenn viele deutsche Medien schweigen – derzeit überfällt die Öldiktatur, die zum vertrauenswürdigen Partner erklärt wurde von Ihnen, das demokratische Armenien.

Respekt für diese Wahl. Immerhin liegt unser neuer bester Kumpel Aserbaidschan in Sachen Demokratie, Presse und bürgerliche Freiheiten noch weit hinter Russland. Nur bei der Bestechung korrupter CDU-Honks ist Aliyev ganz vorn.

Als Sie Ihren Dienst hier antraten, dachte ich, Sie seien lediglich unfähig und ein bisschen kriminell. Inzwischen weiß ich, dass Sie auch beeindruckend moralfrei sind. An den Außengrenzen sterben täglich Flüchtlinge, Fracking, Gas und Atomkraft sind auf einmal nachhaltig, und Sie löschen routiniert Ihre SMS zu den Milliardenzahlungen an Pfizer. Mir fällt zur EU nichts mehr ein, außer: Wir sollten Europa nicht den Laien überlassen.


Madam President, dear Mrs von der Leyen! To speak with Karl Kraus: I can think of nothing to say about the state of the EU. In order to release us from a gas supplier who is waging a brutal war of aggression – Putin – you have sought us one who is waging a brutal war of aggression – Aliyev. Even if many German media are silent –currently the oil dictatorship, which was declared a trustworthy partner by you, is invading democratic Armenia.

Respect for this choice. After all, our new best buddy Azerbaijan is still far behind Russia in terms of democracy, press and civil liberties. Only in bribing corrupt CDU honchos is Aliyev ahead.

When you started your service here, I thought you were merely incompetent and a bit of a criminal. I now know that you are also impressively devoid of morality. Refugees die daily at the external borders, fracking, gas and nuclear power are suddenly sustainable, and you routinely delete your text messages about the billions paid to Pfizer. I cannot think of anything more to say about the EU, except that we should not leave Europe to the laymen.

Sufficient doses secured after initial challenges, but performance of the process not sufficiently assessed
Special report 19/2022: EU COVID-19 vaccine procurement – Sufficient doses secured after initial challenges, but performance of the process not sufficiently assessed

Lausanne, the above was published on the nineteenth day of the ninth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.