If there is one retired US military commander who has
continued to offer a contrarian perspective on the situation in
Ukraine, it must be Colonel Douglas Macgregor. In his most recent
interview, given yesterday (9th November) to Tom Mullen (of ‘Straight
Calls’), the former US army colonel provides some valuable insights
into what is going on not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe (growing
social unrest and dissatisfaction with the political elites in power
in several countries in the EU), as well as he hints at the corruption
of some members of Congress. To sum up his stance, let me quote some
of the words he said during this interview: ‘This is not working
out as planned. We are not damaging Russia. You know, everything
that you’re hearing about the failures in Russia, you apply those to
Ukraine. Uh Russia is not running
out of troops. Russia has enormous resources. Russia has a
population that’s … what three, four times the size of Ukraine.
Russia is not losing the war; it’s not going to lose the war.’
If the above is not enough to entice you to listen to the interview,
here is the first point that Douglas Macgregor makes, which is about
the mineral resources of the territory now controlled by Russia:
Tom Mullen
Does Russia control all that territory or only some key cities like
Douglas Macgregor, retired colonel
Well, I think it’s important that people understand what Ukraine is
like: Ukraine in … in the area east of the upper river is open and
rolling. There are no mountains, not even significant hills per se. So
that’s the first thing to understand. There are no good roads other
than perhaps one or two roads linking cities and towns. Uh,
in fact, in most cases, it’s one good road that goes between various
towns and cities and there are no large numbers of villages docking
the countryside. In other words, vast open areas; a lot of it’s under
cultivation, a lot of it isn’t, but where the Russians are sitting
right now is in a … a land mass that probably resembles a banana. If
you were to put a banana on the map – and … and the top of the banana
rests near Kharkov and the bottom of the banana is just short of
Odessa – inside this construct called Ukraine. That’s what the
Russians control. The interesting part about it is that it’s 95 per cent of Ukrainian gross domestic
product comes from exactly where the Russians are
So the Russians are sitting on top of the areas that are valuable with
mineral resources, with what
many now think is the largest natural gas field in Europe
– even larger than the one that the Norwegians control in the North
Sea. So this … this is all valuable territory: whatever there
was that you could produce with heavy industry lies in this area.
These are the only areas in Ukraine quite frankly worth having. And these are the areas that are traditionally
Russian, not Ukrainian. And again, this goes back to the
whole problem with the Ukrainian state
construct. This is a … a
creature of the Soviet Union that included vast areas of terrain
like Crimea and eastern Ukraine that were never Ukrainian.
But the Ukrainians are treating all of this as sort of ‘died to the
last man’ to retake it, having already died to almost the last man to
maintain it. The Russians were never interested in moving much beyond
what you see on the map. That’s simply because they’re … they’re in
the areas where the majority of the
population is ethnically Russian and everybody speaks Russian.
So that that’s the first thing everybody needs to understand.
Lausanne, the above was
published on the tenth day of the eleventh
month of the year two thousand and