The humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza: 30,000 dead and almost three
times as many wounded
What is going on in Gaza is a living nightmare for its inhabitants, who
are being deliberately deprived of food just short of actual starvation,
in addition to being bombed, shelled and fired at. This strategy aims to
break down their resolve to stay in Gaza once the collective punishment
meted out to the Gazans will have stopped whilst killing in the meantime
as many of them as possible through malnutrition and disease. Of course,
such a course of action against a population made up overwhelmingly of
civilians (probably at a proportion as high as 98%, given that a maximum
of 40,000 Hamas fighters divided by 2,100,000 Gazans × 100 = 1.9%, this
as at 7th October 2023) violates the
Conventions, which are supposed to rule modern warfare.
However, the leaders of Israel do not care, just as they do not care
about public opinion worldwide or even about the legal proceedings which
some countries or individuals brave enough have instituted against
Israel. As I see it, the Israeli leadership appears to be pursuing a
single goal, namely to make life so unbearable for the Gazans that they
will leave the land upon which Israeli bombs, shells and bullets (in
quantities so large that Israeli stockpiles have had to be replenished
by the US and other countries
, thus
underscoring these countries’ active complicity in what is going on)
have brought so much death, injury, physical destruction and human (as
well as animal) misery for over 5 months now. Owing to the numerous
clips taken and disseminated over the Internet by soldiers of the IDF
themselves, it is hard not to come to the conclusion that the war crimes
perpetrated by ‘the world’s most moral army’ (their
not mine) are on a par with some of the most horrific war crimes of the
past two centuries.
Are we being demoralised on purpose?
For people who are opposed to this ongoing genocide of civilians, that
the leaders of the so-called West (because this bloc also includes
countries like Japan) have not budged an inch on their policy of leaving
carte blanche to slaughter
a population trapped and confined now within even fewer square
kilometres than before (the full Gaza strip covers only 365 sq km) is a
real soul crusher. So much so that it makes me wonder whether the utter
feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness that many must invariably feel
at such horrific killings occurring on a daily basis without our
governments doing anything about such high numbers of civilian being
killed might not be some form of trauma-based mind manipulation being
exercised against us in preparation for the WHO’s recently pre-announced
‘pandemic X’ and the lockdowns and forced inoculations which in all
likelihood would follow if such an outbreak were to happen again.
A glimmer of hope
A little over a week ago, George Galloway, who had worked with Jewish
anti-apartheid activists in South Africa before that regime collapsed,
MP of Rochdale, a city in England’s Greater Manchester Area. As
George Galloway is a supporter of the Palestinian cause, his recent
election means that there will be one extra voice in favour of the
Palestinians in the British Parliament. Furthermore, George
Galloway obtained more votes than all other candidates of the mainstream
political parties combined. As such, this should be viewed as an
indication that some parts of Britain are fed up with the British
political establishment’s support of the now 5-month-long mass slaughter
of the Palestinian people and that some Britons are willing to give
their vote to politicians who not only disagree with what is going on in
Gaza but also seem to be willing to do something about it.
However, this will not bring back the dead to life or restore the limbs
lost or heal the wounds sustained, not to say anything about the trauma
and pain suffered. The human tragedy unfolding in Gaza is so
overwhelming that it has left me unable to bring my fingers to the
keyboard for several weeks, despite several attempts. Of course, this
really pales in comparison with the suffering of those enduring such
horrors. May the atrocities inflicted upon the population of Gaza end
soon and God extend his mercy on them, as the Gazans are human beings,
Rule 53. The use of starvation of the civilian population as a method of
warfare is prohibited.
PS Even though there is no Hamas in the West Bank, over 100 Palestinians
had been killed in
2023 in that part of
the Occupied Territories before the terrible events of 7th
took place; I do not know
how many have been
left dead by Israeli
soldiers/security forces since that date.