Summary: is Netanyahu trying to draw the enemies of Israel into a conflict with this country so as to realise ‘the Greater Israel’ project? Let us pray that this does not happen. 

On the brink of a regional war!

When a belligerent bombs the same refugee camp two days in a row and this very same belligerent even dares to admit full responsibility for what is rightly considered under international humanitarian law as a blatant war crime, besides the normal reactions of horror, shock and indignation, one should wonder why the warring party that dropped several bombs on an area where normally only civilians would have sought refuge would be prepared to tarnish its image to such an extent as to be viewed by the average man or woman in the street as a mass-killer of civilians. The more so when this same belligerent has been bombing or shelling blocks of flats inhabited by civilians, schools, hospitals and other public buildings or venues for over three weeks now and with almost each day that passes being a step further up in the scale of ignominy.

To me, there is no doubt that Netanyahu is having the Israeli military resort to such brutal methods so as to force the neighbouring countries to come to the rescue of the people of Gaza, who in the eyes of most of the world are being deliberately and systematically slaughtered under Israeli bombs, shells or bullets or through a lack of food, water, medication, proper sanitation as well as through the huge stress caused by the realisation that this powerful neighbour (and land usurper) of theirs is trying as hard as they can to wipe out the unfortunate people living in Gaza through almost every possible means at the disposal of the Israeli military.

As I see it, Netanyahu wants total war with Israel’s neighbours to take place so as to extend his troubled premiership position (and thus preserve his political immunity so as to avoid having to face several charges that could see him go behind jail bars) but, more importantly, so as to allow Israel become the number one regional power within the land which, as it is claimed in the Torah, was promised to the Hebrews by God, and this regional leadership would come into effect by having the USA destroy the main enemies of Israel (Iran, Syria, Lebanon, etc.), as well as so as to be able to put into place what many Israelis consider it to be the
final solution” to the Palestinian problem (in their eyes) – their exodus to Egypt.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that some of Israel’s neighbours are only too willing to fall for this bait…

[If true]

The World Union of Muslim Scholars issued a fatwa on 'Gaza':

In order to liberate Gaza from genocide, the governments of Muslim countries must urgently mobilize their armies in accordance with Islamic Sharia.
In particular, military intervention by the four countries bordering Palestine - Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon - is obligatory under Sharia law.

[…] More escalation on the Lebanon front is expected in coming days. Hezbollah’s Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, is set to give what was described as a very important speech on November 3. Some Observers speculate that he will announce an escalation in attacks against Israel in support of Gaza during the speech, or even declare an all out war.

[What could well be a coded impending war declaration on the part of Nasrallah, who is seen in this video:]

Some claim that Yemen has already fired some missiles at Israel:

The stakes being so high, maybe this dire scenario could still be averted if billions of people would pray for peace…

Lausanne, the above was published on the first day of the eleventh month of the year two thousand and twenty-three.