Summary: Spiro Skouras on the possibility of a false flag event this month in the USA so as to start a war with Russia and save the mid-term elections for the Democrats; transcript and clip (embedded).

Spiro Skouras: A false flag this month to blame Putin?

Spiro Skouras, an independent journalist based in America who writes or ‘vlogs’ about contemporary affairs and societal issues for the most part, only hours ago broke his silence of several months to warn his followers of the likelihood of a false flag which would be carried out against the USA just before the mid-term elections so as to drag the country in a war against Russia, thus echoing other independent analysts on content platforms who have been warning of a similar possibility under the phrase ‘Red October.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has come out today and called the attack on the Crimean Bridge a terror attack on critical infrastructure, accusing Ukraine of responsibility. This comes on the heels of the recent attacks on Russia’s Nordstream 2 pipeline, which supplies natural gas to Europe, another key piece of critical infrastructure. So the question is: ‘what’s next?What will be Putin’s response? I mean, he has to respond, right? That’s what everybody’s waiting for, and that’s what everyone is expecting for ‘crazy’Putin to respond. And time will tell. But this situation also sets the stage for another possibility: a false flag. Everyone is expecting Putin to do something right now, just weeks ahead of the mid-term elections here in the United States. So it would be safe to say that if an event does take place, the narrative and expectation of retaliation from Putin is already in place. It practically has a bow on it at this point. So if I were an evil mastermind, which I’m not, I would attack myself and blame Putin, because that’s what everyone’s expecting, is for Putin to do something right now. And that would provide even further justification for more escalation, rallying public support for such escalation, throwing a wrench into the mid-term elections and so on. Two birds, one stone, so to speak. Now, I’m only speculating and trying to offer a different perspective other than what the corrupt corporate media tries to feed us. And I’m certainly not taking sides here. In fact, I suspect that Putin is actually maybe one of them. After all, he is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. And yes, the WEF publicly distanced itself from Putin due to the war in Ukraine. But every good story needs a villain, right? A bogeyman, someone to blame everything on and keep us all distracted – and dividedwhile the agenda continues to move forward: problem, reaction, solution. Look, all I’m saying is that if and when something does happen – and I’m praying for peace, I am – do not be so quick to buy the official story – something that I think many of us have learned over the last 2 1/2 years –, but instead ask questions and look at who stands to gain [me: the Romans used to say ‘Cui bono? Is fecit cui prodest’]. Thanks for watching.

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the ‘Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode.

The stage has been set for your October surprise...
First published at 23:52 UTC on October 9th, 2022.

More on Spiro Skouras

Lausanne, the above was published on the tenth day of the tenth month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.