Ending the year with Max Igan
What a terrible year for most of humanity 2020 was with its long enumeration of repeated lockdowns, curfews, numerous bankruptcies, soaring unemployment, the loss of beloved elderly relatives to the virus or through neglect, the isolation of the elderly as a result of the lockdowns, the constant fear being pumped into our minds by the ‘press-titude’ media since late January, the imposition of mask-wearing in public, the shutting down of nearly all social life for several months with the ensuing migration of human contact to computer- and Internet-mediated proxies, the US election debacle and the attempt by evil forces to spark a civil war in that country, the loss of civil liberties in nearly every single country on this planet (including in this one) and the list would not end here if only I felt inclined to retrieve more items from the recesses of my memory by exercising it a little more.
And we are facing such trials and tribulations at the moment, we really are. I mean, with everything that is going on, a lot of people are in a lot of fear at the moment. And it’s understandable that people would be in fear, but that’s what they want you to do. You know, as I’ve said so many times, I can find more evidence of this being a simulation than anything else, this realm that we live in.
And it’s an energetic reflection – the whole thing is an energetic reflection. And this is what I started all my shows about way back in the beginning in 2008 when I first started talking on air. I got a little distracted along the way: a lot of things have happened since then, but it’s still an energetic reflection; this is what they use predictive programming for: it’s not just because they want to tell you what they’re doing – and they have to tell you what they are doing; [inaudible to me: oh?] it’s this secret covenant, that they have to tell us what they are doing in order for us to accept it and that’s why they put it in the movies. Well, a lot of why they put it in the movies as well is for predictive programming, for manifestation. We manifest reality ourselves by our belief of what is real and what is possible.
I have talked about how I became a radio host. I have spoken about it so many times: I simply put myself in the energetic state where I was a radio host, then within six weeks I was already a host. That’s the way it works. Now if they put out these dystopian movies and these dystopian futures and these dystopian realities and [inaudible to me: god?] all of these people warning you about all this terrible stuff that is happening, well it’s hoping you manifest this stuff, it’s hoping you just bring it into being because that’s what you believe reality is and that’s what you believe is going to happen.
Yes, when I look at all of this, I see it as a huge opportunity. I mean, I alert people to what’s going on because it gives us an opportunity to deal with the problem. But as I have said to you before: if you look at how reality works, it’s not like what happens in the past pushes us towards the future, it’s like the future is there and it draws us towards it via our belief of what is real and what is possible, and what direction we are going in.
The people who believe we’re heading into a prison state and that it’s unstoppable are literally helping to energetically create that reality.
I look at all this and I see it as the apocalypse, I see it as the veil falling down [my comment: which is precisely what it means in ancient Greek as apokalupsis means an uncovering], I see it as the great revealing, I see it as one of the greatest opportunities for freedom that we’ve ever had. I think a lot of other people do as well.
And I have no stake in the outcome of this life because this life is a temporary experience. It’s just a temporary thing that I’m doing. Now the only stake I have in the outcome of this life is how I choose to exit the realm. Whether I choose to get led into the mainframe or whether I am ready to face infinity without [inaudible to me: attrition ? affliction?] because I have no fear of death. Because there can be no death because, as I have said to you, there’s more chance of this being a simulation than anything else. Well it’s almost impossible for this not to be a simulation and that this isn’t a test [inaudible to me: we’re?] involved in here.
So there’s usually some quite positive way to look at this if you see what’s going here, what the quickening is and, you know, what is really going on.
Always maintain the spiritual higher ground and try to see this as the opportunity that it is. Don’t take a stake in the outcome, folks, don’t manifest a negative future by being in a negative energetic state because it’s all about emotional mirrors. This whole reality is an emotional mirror and that’s what the predictive programming is all about. You think that this is what’s going to happen and you see this terrible dystopian future and you think the game is lost and it’s just inevitable. And that’s exactly what it becomes. You know, you are what you believe, that’s why belief is the enemy of knowledge, folks. [Max Igan then says he will stop his broadcast at that point and he goes on to thank his audience.]