Summary: The Great Reset (and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, ‘build back better’) in the words of some of its main instigators (King Charles III, Klaus Schwab, António Gutteres) as commented by Rowan Deane of Sky News Australia on 13th Dec. 2020; clip and transcript.

Sky News Australia on the Great Reset (‘You will own nothing and you will be happy’), 13th Dec 2020

In the following clip, Rowan Dean, a news presenter at Sky News Australia, makes fun of the Great Reset while pointing out some of the more disturbing items on the ‘build back better’ agenda. The clip was published on the website of Sky News Australia on 13th December 2020.

Please note that although the article written by the Danish MP Ida Auken (‘Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.’) was removed from the website of the World Economic Forum (WEF), several copies of this article were saved by the Internet Archive’s Way Back Machine at*/

Finally, the clip the communication team at the WEF produced on the theme of ‘you will own nothing and you will be happy’ had a very interesting prediction for the United States of America: ‘The US won’t be the world’s leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate.’ Hmm … I suppose that some people at the WEF must either have a very potent crystal ball or that they must attend some kind of secret meetings where world events are planned years ahead.

A ‘build back better’ compilation:

If the clip does not play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode after a right click with your mouse, then click on


Rowan Dean
This is the plan that I have repeatedly warned about: to take the tools of oppression used to tackle the coronavirus and use them alllockdowns, forced business closures, exclusion zones, isolation – we …we heard Angela Marsden earlier: business shut down, isolation at home, all of that, all of those measures – including destroying private property rights and private income – in order to tackle the climate crisis.

Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum
Now is the historical moment, a time not only to fight a severe virus but to shape the system.

King Charles III (then Prince of Wales)
We have a unique but rapidly shrinking window of opportunity to learn lessons and reset ourselves on a more sustainable path. It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again. So we must use all the levers we have at our disposal, knowing that each and every one of us has a vital role to play.

António Gutteres, UN Secretary-General
The Great Reset is a welcome recognition that this human tragedy must be a wake-up call. It is imperative that we re-imagine, rebuild, redesign, reinvigorate and rebalance our world, rebalancing investment, harnessing science and technology and advancing the transition to net zero emissions. All elements of the Great Reset are fundamental to building the future we need.
Rowan Dean
And that last one was the clown Gutteres who was at the ‘climate ambition summit’ telling us ‘the world is going to cook by three and a half degrees’ or something by the end of the century, Yeah, right. This Great Reset is as serious and as dangerous a threat to our prosperity, to your prosperity and your freedom, as we have faced in decades with these powerful bodies – including the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and even Prince Charles boasting, yes boasting, that within a few … within a few short years, (yes, their words!), ‘you will own nothing and you will be happy’. Remember this is not me saying this; this is them. They are even running ads for the Great Reset:

[A clip no longer displayed on the website of the World Economic Forum with the following slides]
You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.
Whatever you want you’ll rent. And it’ll be delivered by drone.
The US won’t be the world’s leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate.

Rowan Dean
Hmm … ‘a handful of countries will dominate’. I wonder which ones they might be. A terrifying coalition of big business, big tech and left-wing totalitarians are so confident and so brazen – I mean, they just stole the US election, so I guess they’re feeling pretty chuffed with themselves – that they are now promising ‘you will own nothing and you will be happy’. What they should have added is … added is ‘and we the very rich will own everything and be even happier’. Of course, they will. The great tragedy here is that Prince Charles is involved in this fascist, corporatist, global push and is thereby putting our entire constitutional monarchy at risk. Queen Elizabeth, please give the bloke a punt. It is critical and I urge you to write to your MPs over the holidays to insist that no Australian public servant or member of Parliament, no individual on the Australian public purse attends the World Economic Forum in Lucerne [Davos!] in May, which is where this obscenity is scheduled to begin. Please write to your MPs and tell them … And you think I’m just imagining this stuff crazy, old Rowan with his conspiracy theories. Think again: this garbage is already deeply embedded into our state and federal governments. I’ve spoken before about the insidious phrase ‘build back better’, which sounds like common sense but is in fact just one of several slogans for the Great Reset – another being the Orwellian phrase the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Here’s old Klaus again, minus the white cat on his knee, telling us all about zee Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Klaus Schwab
The Fourth Industrial Revolution will impact our lives completely. It will not only change how we communicate, how we produce, how we consume, it will change actually us, our own identity. And of course [it] gives life to such uh policies and uh developments like uh smart traffic, smart government, smart cities. What we will see is that uh everything will be integrated into a [sic] ecosystem driven by big data and uh driven particularly by close cooperation also of governments uh with uh business, civil society. And this revolution will come at a race taking [sic] speed. It will be like a tsunami.

Rowan Dean
Like a tsunami. In the Fourth Industrial Revolution you veel own nothing but you veel be happy’. That is an order!’ [Mimicking Klaus Schwab.] It gets worse: the World Economic Forum are now blatantly saying ‘capitalism needs a dose of Marxism’. As I say, it’s not like they’re hiding their sinister intentions. Indeed, I was horrified when an outsider fan last week sent me this document from the Australian government ‘Preparing for the future. Industry 4.0 Testlabs in Australia. A strategic initiative of the Prime Minister’s Industry 4.0 task force. Section 1. Significance of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’. Unbelievable. So may I respectfully remind the Prime Minister there is nothing in the Great Reset that is in Australia’s national interest. Australians did not vote for a dose of Marxism in our capitalism. Speaking of Marxists on this show this year, we also brought Dan Andrews’s insidious Belt and Road dealings with Communist China to national attention thanks to my exclusive interview with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, which led – as I predicted last week – to the passing of the government’s Foreign Relation Relations Bill. Again, congratulations to the Prime Minister and the government for that one important piece of legislation. If the Prime Minister is true to his words and only listens and answers to the quiet Australians who elected him, then he can comfortably look forward to re-election, possibly even next year. But if he is seduced by the siren voices of the virtue signallers, of the international forums, of the global warming alarmists and their doomsday predictions, of the greedy renewable investors within his own party who fraudulently claim that they are saving the planet when all they are doing is enriching themselves at the expense of the poorest among us, indeed if he puts the interests of the elites over the basic, everyday interest of the average Aussie, it will not end well. But I am an optimist and I believe Mr Morrison understands that Australia rejects the Reset.

Klaus Schwab
It’s at the end what … what the Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, our digital and our biological identities.

Rowan Dean

No mate, not in Australia, it won’t. Rack off, Klaus.


Additional links
It’s you who are changed’, Klaus Schwab on gene editing in 2015.
Klaus Schwab: ‘We must prepare for an angrier world.

Lausanne, the above was published on the sixth day of the eleventh month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.