Summary: Eva Vlaardingerbroek on Dutch farmers protesting climate mandates, 7th July 2022, NTD News; I fear that another possibility could be a projected demographic collapse; clip and transcript; links.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek on Dutch farmers protesting climate mandates, 7th July 2022, NTD News.

I stumbled upon the following video on 14th July. Although the video made a lasting impression on me, I felt that I had to give the Dutch government the benefit of the doubt. Well, given that more than four months after this clip was broadcast (it was on 7th July) there appears to be no let-up in the Dutch government’s plans for curbing nitrogen greenhouse gas emissions at the expense of its domestic farming industry and of the people who produce the food there (the Dutch farmers), I thought that the following conversation had to be transcribed and posted on my blog, if only as a matter of historical record because, as I see it, there are few issues as important as those pertaining to food and its continued supply. Lastly, although Eva Vlaardingerbroek, the young lady from the Netherlands interviewed by Stefania Cox (who works for an independent news outlet based in New York, NTD), firmly sees her government’s nitrogen reduction policy as an important component of the communist-like Agenda 2030 (formulated by the UN, the World Economic Forum and other agenda-setting organisations and then implemented by apparently nearly all industrialised countries), I wonder whether there might not be a far more cynical motive underpinning the decision of the Dutch government to cull a significant proportion of the farms operating on its soil. If the recent C19 injections indeed prove to be a massive depopulation tool wherever they were forced upon citizens (in many countries over 60% of the population was vaccinated at least twice), far less food will be needed in those countries which stand to experience a demographic collapse – the Netherlands being an important exporter of agricultural products.

If the clip does not play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode after a right click with your mouse, then click on


Stefania Cox
You’ve said that these ‘Dutch farmers are rising up against what you’ve called the communist agenda of a global elite’. What did you mean by that?

Eva Vlaardingerbroek
Well, it’s communism to the T. If the state comes in and says ‘I’m going to take away your property for a so-called greater good’, I don’t know what could be more, you know, essential to communism than that. So it’s communism and I’m saying that it’s … it’s being done on a global scale because this is part of a bigger agenda than just the agenda of the Dutch government. Yes, it’s true that the Dutch government wants the … the farmers’ land for one reason is to … to house new immigrants. But this is also because they are following an agenda called the 2030 agenda. These are … these are restrictions and climate regulations that are … that are imposed all over the world. So we’re being hit hardest right now, and we might be the first ones, but it’s very important for other people to know that they could be coming to you next.

Stefania Cox
As an example of these restrictions: in Sri Lanka, the government abruptly banned chemical fertilisers in an attempt to become 100 percent organic. Now a food and economic crisis is devastating the country. Do you think we’re going to see more of these policies and protests continue?

Eva Vlaardingerbroek
Yes ... yes, we already see now that: in Italy, farmers have gone out on the street as well; in Poland, farmers are going out. So it’s spilling over, which is a really good sign because, like I said, these restrictions are going to be uh very relevant for everyone because it’s obviously … it’s a global agenda: they want us to eat bugs, they want us to eat the fake meat that they produce. So it’s … it’s very clear that this is not something that just the Dutch people will be subjected to and that’s why we need your support from other countries.

Stefania Cox
And what do you think Americans can take away from what’s happening in the Netherlands?

Eva Vlaardingerbroek
Well, I ... from a Dutch perspective, Americans should be very happy that they have a Second Amendment and that you should to protect that with all your … all your strengths [sic].

Stefania Cox
Eva Vlaardingerbroek, thank you so much.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek
Thank you.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek: Dutch Farmers Protesting Communist Agenda
Europe    Stefania Cox    7 July 2022

Additional links

Lausanne, the above was published on the ninth day of the eleventh month of the year two thousand and twenty-two.