Tags: Alan Watt; higher levels of reality, metaphysics; infiltration of the New Age movement; freemasonry; hidden powers buried deep within oneself; the greening planet con, tyranny; common culture to oppose socialism (i.e. ‘Sovietisation’); audio clip plus partial transcript.

Waking up to the higher levels of reality

(according to Alan Watt)

In a way, Alan Watt, a Scotsman who had emigrated to Canada, was* a ‘Miss Lonelyhearts’ for those who had awakened to the evil machinations of those bent on bringing about a ‘New World Order’, as in the radio shows he used to host for what was at first a North American audience he would take in calls from listeners who would query him about a topic usually in connection with the ‘NWO’ and he would dispense some of the wisdom he had acquired through his years of studying and thinking about this subject whilst adding to his signature ‘knowledge-imparting’ a zest of Scottish humour and common sense. Although I have listened to no more than half a dozen of his radio broadcasts, the following exchange between a caller and Alan Watt seems to me to have been rather typical of the Miss Lonelyhearts-like advice Mr Watt would give to his listeners:

Jules [an American caller]: Hi, Alan. In the past, you’ve talked about levels of reality. I have one simple question: what happens to you if you start waking up to the higher levels of reality? 

Alan Watt: What’ll happen is you will probably have a depression – a lot of people have a depression when they understand the totality, the enormity, how enormous this whole thing is, and how you, yourself, you start to see how you, yourself, have been conditioned with all your opinions all through your life. And it’s so vastly different from the low reality, so vastly different. And it’s so vastly different even from the middle reality that um…you really have to start rethinking everything from scratch for yourself. And if you can get through that, there’s a reward for you; in other words, you’re much more calm. You’re calmer. You understand what’s going on. You’re incredibly street-wise. Whatever article comes across the pages that you read, you’ll know what spin is put on it, right away. And there’s so many clever spins, mind you. And um… still you recognise them right away – you’re not fooled. Your problem will be how to communicate to others. It’s almost like giving them a university education.  But hold on and we’ll continue after this. 


Alan Watt: True metaphysics is a very personal thing to appr. … because it’s for you. And it’s never the same as anyone else’s experiences except your mind will wake up in so many different areas that you never even knew that you had – it will give you abilities you didn’t even know that you had or even existed within you. And um but that’s really for your own personal use. But you also have to use knowledge of what’s happening in the physical world and how to, to… work through your life in this physical world as well. Um there’s no big school for it. If there’s a big school out there, it’s a con. It’s a con to bring people into sustainability and love the greening planet and all that stuff. And don’t oppose tyrants – that’s really what it’s for. So it can only be used on a personal basis. And you have to remember too that those who rule the world today have been heavily into this kind of thing themselves, in their big organisations, for thousands of years. So there’s a power to it.


Alan Watt: Now here’s the thing that the whole patriot movement lacks: they don’t have any common ideology and common convictions to stand up against any kind of tyranny. Understanding what’s going on in the world isn’t going to do it and stop it. And you can’t get America back, as you know it, because, after a few generations of destroying the culture, people don’t know what to go back to anymore. And most folk who think they’ve woken up to what’s happening with the evil that’s on the planet today are really reacting, when it’s hitting them personally, and they understand the immediacy of things coming down the pike because it’s published. So, you really have to [he is interrupted].


Alan Watt: Thanks for calling. And that’s what the people need today, a common ideology, a common end goal, which means really, you’ve got to have a common culture and the whole point of Sovietisation and socialism is to destroy all existing cultures and bring in their own, which is diktats from your appointed governors. [...]

*Was’ because Mr Watt died at the beginning of this year.

For a transcript of the full show (aired on 18th April 2012), go here.

Alan Watt’s official website:  https://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com

Lausanne, the above was published on the sixteenth day of the twelfth month of the year two thousand and twenty-one.