Summary: the year 2025 from the perspectives of mathematics and numerology, Christine Lagarde on the significance of seven, 2025 as the seventy-seventh anniversary of the establishment of the state of Israel, 2025 as the cubic number par excellence, nine as a positive number.

Should we worry about 2025 being a mathematical and numerological year?

For some reason, I had refrained from writing this entry about the year 2025, which is significant not only from a mathematical perspective but also from the standpoint of numerology. According to Copilot/Chat GPT, ‘numerology is the study of the mystical significance of numbers and their influence on human life and cosmic events. It is based on the belief that numbers are more than mere symbols or tools for counting and have distinct vibrations and energies that can affect our lives.’ (In answer to the question ‘What is numerology?’).

I have noticed that certain momentous events (for instance, acts of state-sponsored terrorism) occur on dates with numerological significance. This made me particularly concerned about 2025, as it marks the seventy-seventh anniversary of the establishment of Israel (2025 - 1948 = 77). Israel has been involved of late in conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon and has conducted military operations (mainly bombings) against Syria, Iran and Yemen. Moreover, I am aware that some members of our (financial) elites are well-versed in numerology.

For example, in a speech given by Christine Lagarde (then head of the IMF, now head of the European Central Bank) to the National Press Club in Washington on 15 January 2014, she explained the significance of the number seven. Prior to her role at the IMF (I = 9, M = 4, F = 6; 9+4+6 = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1), Ms Lagarde served as France's finance minister from 2007 to 2011. Here is the excerpt from her speech where she explains the significance of the number seven in relation to the year 2014:

Now, I am going to test your numerology skills by asking you to think about the “magic seven”, okay? Most of you will know that seven is quite a number in all sorts of themes, religions*, and I’m sure that you can compress numbers as well. So, if we think about 2014 – alright, I’m just giving you 2014: you drop the zero, 14, two times 7. Okay? That’s just by way of example, and we’re going to carry on. So 2014 will be a milestone and hopefully a magic year in many respects. It will mark the hundredth anniversary of the First World War back in 1914. It will mark the 70th anniversary – seventieth anniversary: drop the zero, seven – of the Breton Woods conference that actually gave birth to the IMF. And it will be the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, 25th [2+5 = 7], okay? It will also mark the seventh anniversary of the financial market jitters that quickly turned into the greatest global economic calamity since the Great Depression. The crisis still lingers, yet optimism is in the air: we’ve left the deep freeze behind us and the horizon looks just a bit brighter. So my hope and my wish for 2014 is that after those seven miserable years, weak and fragile, we have seven strong years.[Old Testament reference] I don’t know whether the G7 will have anything to do with it, or whether it will be the G20, I certainly hope that the IMF will have something to do with it.

[Italics, words in bold or between square brackets are my emphasis.]
In the Bible, for instance, seven is associated with completion and perfection. According to the Talmud, the world was created in seven days. In Buddhism, the infant Buddha took seven steps at birth. The Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca includes seven walks around the Kaaba. In Hinduism, the number seven represents the seven chakras, or energy centres, of the, questioned on 19th January 2025].

If the clip does not play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode after a right click with your mouse, then click here.

As demonstrated by Nicomachus, the year 2025 is also a perfect square year (45² x 45²) and the cubic number par excellence as it is the sum of the cubes of the first nine natural numbers: 1³ + 2³ + 3³ + 4³ + 5³ + 6³ + 7³ + 8³ + 9³. For the best discussion of the year 2025 as a mathematical year that I have come across, please read this page on the blog of a French high school teacher of mathematics (so in French):

As such, some people have long considered the year 2025 to be of particular significance (NASA’s report ‘Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025]’, The SPARS pandemic 2025-2028, an alleged lunar standstill in April 2025, alleged dire predictions by Nostradamus, Le nouveau rapport de la CIA – Comment sera le monde en 2025). However, I believe that because of the year 2025’s connection with the number nine (1³ + 2³ + 3³ + 4³ + 5³ + 6³ + 7³ + 8³ + 9³) it will be a positive year as the number nine is usually associated with either completion, transformation or the end of a cycle**.

This is probably why as I write the first stage of the cease fire deal between Israel and Hamas have come into effect:

Let us hope that the year 2025 will indeed be a a year of peace, characterised by successful, multiple actions to make the world a better place and the fostering of spiritual growth for the whole of humanity. 

** Copilot (queried on 18th January)

What is the number nine associated with?

In numerology, the number 9 is considered highly spiritual and is often associated with:

  1. Humanitarianism and Compassion: Those influenced by the number 9 are often empathetic, selfless, and deeply concerned with the well-being of others. They are driven by a desire to make the world a better place.

  2. Completion and Fulfillment: Number 9 symbolizes the end of a cycle and the culmination of efforts, leading to a sense of accomplishment and completion.

  3. Wisdom and Enlightenment: It is often linked with spiritual growth, inner wisdom, and a profound understanding of life's bigger picture.

  4. Generosity and Altruism: People associated with this number tend to be generous, kind-hearted, and willing to make personal sacrifices for the greater good.

Overall, the number 9 carries a powerful vibration of love, charity, and the pursuit of higher ideals.

Do you find these characteristics intriguing, or are you curious about the symbolism of other numbers?

More on the number nine (in French):
(esp. 633; the text is displayed on the left margin);

Lausanne, the above was published on the nineteenth day of the first month of the year two thousand and twenty-five.