Tags: an Italian theosoph, Salvatore Paladino, on blood transplants; a ritual blood murder in California; a clip on the blood business and blood types

Theosophical fixation with blood?

This is a follow-up to an excerpt I posted on my weblog (‘A reference to some medical practices of the 1930s in the context of the Paracelsian blood concept and the transplantation of diseases’ in Electronic logbook for the month of February 2021’). After I had published this very short passage, I recalled an interview of an Italian theosoph of sorts I had listened to in November 2019. Salvatore Paladino, for the little I know of him, was a retired postman with probably some kind of theurgical abilities and with a philosophical outlook which to me seems to have been definitely theosophical in scope. He seemed to have built a following, after having dispensed some kind of medical rehabilitation at his home (de facto, a kind of shelter) in the Sicilian port city of Marsala, based on fasting, a vegan diet and spiritual exercises (if I have understood his work correctly from the few videos I watched). His ideas were disseminated through videos posted on YT. In one video entitled ‘Blood’ (‘Il sangue’, in Italian) and posted on YT in August 2014, he explains how he recovered, quasi supernaturally, after he had been viciously attacked (was it to shut him up?) and then goes on to give esoteric considerations about blood. The video (available on YT, at https://youtu.be/pPwiFDe7SJw) is some 37 minutes long and I shall therefore limit this entry to the subject matter of my shorter entry ‘A reference to some medical practices of the 1930s in the context of the Paracelsian blood concept and the transplantation of diseases’, namely the risks associated with blood transfusion according to theosophy.

[Click on the picture to start the clip which will play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode.]

7m50s-9m58s into the original clip.
If it were not to play in your browser (it does not seem to work in Brave, the path is as follows (after having made sure that your sound levels are not too loud):
[Notice the pyramid; hopefully, more on this some day.]

TRANSCRIPT IN ITALIAN  (with the caveats that, although I have an Italian surname         I have no Italian blood and that I have never studied Italian.)

[female interviewer]
Ecco, che implicazioni in questo caso esoteriche avrebbe l’accettazione di un sangue non proprio, perché hai detto le implicazioni i mediche, no quindi sono riceviamo sangue sporco e siamo puliti, ci sporchiamo, quindi acquisì ... possiamo acquisire malattie? Cosa che è successo anche il passato ... con ... in tanti casi. Ma dal punto di vista esoterico quali sono le implicazioni?  Cosa significa che introduciamo del sangue, qui che è il veicolo dell'anima, di un'altra persona nel nostro sangue?

[Salvatore Paladino]
Alterniamo la nostra evoluzione.

[female interviewer repeats]
Alterniamo la nostra evoluzione.

[Salvatore Paladino]
Non dobbiamo dimenticare che una donna, che stanno morendo perché dovevano fare il trapianto del cuore e hanno trovato una donna assassinata, gli hanno tolto il cuore, l'hanno dato a questa donna che stava morendo. Dopo un paio danni, per la donna è andata da carabiniere e ha denunziato un uomo che è stato quello che ha assassinato la donna che gli ha dato il cuore. Sta a significare che quel cuore ha comunicato a certi livelli. Perché se non sbaglio Gesù disse che il tempio del padre, il tempio dell'anima, e il nostro cuore. Ora se il cuore funziona in questo modo, se può fare arrestare degli assassini che hanno assassinato quella donna a cui è stata tolta al cuore le hanno dato di un’altra che stava morendo. Figuriamoci il sangue, che il veicolo per anni e anni e anni di delinquenti, d’assassini, di depravate, di stupratori, di pedofili, di tutto quello che ne hai, e ne dici più di coloro che bevono il vino e liquori e si sono ubriacati, hanno la cirrosi epatica, che il sangue diventa catrame, pieno di tossine, a tutto quando questo sangue schifoso viene messo per esempio in un pagano come me. Ma stiamo scherzando, questo significa assassinare la una persona.

My translation of the above into English:

[female interviewer]
So what implications … in this case, esoteric ... would the acceptance of a blood not proper have ... because you commented on the medical implications … when we receive dirty blood and we are clean, we get dirty, so we acquire ... can we acquire diseases? Which also happened in the past... with... in so many cases. But from an esoteric point of view, what are the implications?  What does it mean when we introduce the blood (which is the vehicle of the soul) of another person into our blood?

[Salvatore Paladino]
We alter our evolution.

[The female interviewer repeats what Salvatore Paladino just said.]
We alter our evolution.

[Salvatore Paladino]
We must not forget that a woman, who was dying because she had to have a heart transplant and they found a woman who had been murdered, they took the heart away from her, they gave it to this woman who was dying. After a couple of years, the woman went to the police and reported a man who was the one who had murdered the woman who gave her the heart. It means that that heart communicated on certain levels. Because if I am not mistaken, Jesus said that the temple of the father, the temple of the soul, is our heart. Now if the heart works in this way, if it can get murderers arrested who murdered that woman whose heart was taken from her, they [the doctors] gave it to another who was dying. Imagine the blood, the vehicle for years and years and years of delinquents, of murderers, of depraved people, of rapists, of paedophiles, of everything you have, nothing to say of those who drink wine and liquor and get drunk, have cirrhosis of the liver, that the blood becomes tar, full of toxins ... everything else, you name it ..., when this disgusting blood is put, for example, into a vegan like me. You have got to be kidding me, this means murdering a person.

As I was trying to check a quote by Edward Bernays (see my previous entry), earlier this week I stumbled across a horrible account of a woman who had been murdered and drained of her blood (but beware: there are gruesome pictures of the severed corpse) some seventy years or so ago in California. Please note that I simply fell upon it with the following keyword search https://archive.org/search.php?query=bernays%20propaganda.

I also happened to come across the following broadcast as I was checking the most recent broadcasts published about the mRNA vaccines on bitchute:  https://seed122.bitchute.com/T9o0riE8viLD/4EaF9cs0ATaT.mp4 (Truther Nework). As I am only a third into this broadcast, I cannot provide an informed comment on its quality  –
I simply felt that it was a nice coincidence.

Lausanne, 6th February 2021