A report written by an Australian
expert in clinical trials and pharmacological regulatory affairs which
examines the safety and efficacy profiles of the mRNA vaccines.
Philip Altman’s report on the mRNA vaccines
Dr Phillip Altman is an Australian with ‘expertise
the areas of clinical medical research and pharmaceutical drug
regulatory affairs’ in both that country and New Zealand which
spans almost
50 years. His ‘experience
involves more than 100 clinical trials
(covering Phases I,II, III and IV, i.e. from first administration to
animals, then man, to post-approval trials), and a similar number of
new drug applications, TGA appeals, and applications to modify
existing approvals.’ [My emphasis] In addition, he ‘founded
the Association of Regulatory and Clinical Scientists (ARCS), which
includes more than 2,000 scientists, clinicians, and associated
health professionals involved in both clinical trial and regulatory
affairs, in Australia and New Zealand, where ARCS continues to be
the foremost educational forum for both industry and government
(including the TGA) personnel, involved in clinical trials and
regulatory affairs.’
So I assume that to describe him as a professional in the
fields of clinical trials and pharmacological regulatory affairs with impeccable credentials would not
be too much of an exaggeration.
Here is the foreword Wendy Hoy, professor of medicine and
director of the Centre for Chronic Disease at the University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, courageously wrote for this report:
am pleased and proud to endorse the attached letter and monograph,
meticulously compiled by Dr Phillip Altman and his colleagues. They
address some important aspects of
COVID19 management and policy, especially in Australia, with a
focus on the nature, deployment and effects
of ‘vaccines’. It is abundantly clear that there has
been repression and suppression in scientific circles and the
media of any views or suggestions that run counter to the
government/mainstream narrative.
[My emphasis]However, many studies now indicate that the
Covid19 vaccines, especially the mRNA vaccines, are less than ‘safe and effective’, and the ramifications are truly
confronting. Armed with these facts, the scientific and medical
communities can now begin proper discussions of potential
solutions that improve the benefit/risk ratios for the public and
do not harm careers and livelihoods of professionals seeking thebest outcomes for their patients. [My emphasis]
The report’s table of contents is as follows:
PART A: Background – COVID-19 Gene-Based ‘Vaccines’
1.The Nature of the COVID-9 Gene-Based ‘Vaccines’
2.Regulatory Status of the COVID-19 Gene-Based ‘Vaccines’
the Gene-Based COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ Work
4.Threat Posed by SARS-CoV-2
5.Initial Perceptions of the COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
6.Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children
PARTB:Emerging Picture of the
Safety and Efficacy of the COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
7.Failure to Demonstrate a Favourable Risk/Benefit Case for
Vaccinating Children with COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
8.Serious Adverse Effects of the COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
9.Potential Toxicity of the Spike Protein Produced by
Gene-Based ‘Vaccines’
10.Long-Term Potential Genetic Damage and Cancer Potential of
COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
11.mRNA Does Not Remain at the Injection Site and Is Not Rapidly
12.COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ Do Not Prevent Infection or Transmission
13.Diminished ‘Vaccine’ Efficacy and Potential Negative
‘Vaccine’ Efficacy
14.The COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ Do Not Provide a Similar and
Acceptable Risk/Benefit Across All Age Groups irrespective of
individual Clinical Status including Natural Immunity
Conclusion Appendix A: Curriculum Vitae – Dr Phillip M. Altman Appendix B: Australian COVID-19 vaccines Adverse Event
Summary & Analysis