Tags: DNA mutation from the mRNA injections; reverse transcriptase; cell senescence; polymerase theta; DNA damage; ovaries and cytochrome P19A and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B; sterilisation of rats through vaccine shedding; Peter McCullough, Richard Bartlett, Daniel Nagase, Lee Merritt, Richard Fleming, Stephanie Seneff; transcript; some links (at the bottom of this page).

Have the injections changed the DNA of humans forever?

This is a purely rhetorical question as it is too early to be able to either confirm or refute conclusively either position. However, based on a study published in Japan in June of last year as well as on a recent study published in Current Issues in Molecular Biology, several doctors whose positions on this issue firmly put them in the category of medical heterodoxy (and therefore at a great risk for their financial, reputational or even physical integrity) are of the opinion that the mRNA injections unfortunately do alter the DNA of humans. On 15th July, the vlogger ‘Tim Truth’ uploaded a compilation (‘Did humankind just have its genome poisoned? More doctors demand investigation’) of such public statements made by a handful of courageous North American doctors since June of last year: doctors Peter McCullough (USA), Richard Bartlett (USA), Daniel Nagase (Canada), Lee Merritt (USA) and Richard Fleming (USA) and an excerpt of an interview of Stephanie Seneff, senior researcher at MIT.

Given the sometimes stupendous lies our governments, the media and the manufacturers of these mRNA injections have been able to get away with, it is absolutely crucial that one displays a healthy dose of scepticism towards anything our governments, the media or even the manufacturers of such experimental injections say in relation to the C-19 pandemic (or to any other similar future outbreaks – whether real or not) and that one carries out ones own research and draws ones own conclusions. 

Please find below links which will allow you to watch Did humankind just have its genome poisoned? More doctors demand investigation’ either on this page  or on BitChute as well as a transcript of the statements made by the doctors who appear in the clip, together with a few links  to the studies mentioned in the clip plus additional links (all at the bottom of this page).

[Click on the picture with the right button of your mouse, then on picture-in-picture’ in the menu and finally place your cursor on the picture at the bottom of the screen to display the ‘Play’ icon [i.e. the white arrow pointing towards the right] to start the clip, which will thus play in ‘picture-in-picture’ mode.
If it does not, click on https://zbbb278hfll091.bitchute.com/qsqOliWyhidn/f45j2vPw1Zzp.mp4.

Did humankind just have its genome poisoned? More doctors demand investigation
First published at 09:55 UTC on July 15th, 2022.
Tim Truth

All links found through my own research!

[Drs. Bartlett, Gold, and McCullough on Table Talk with Joni Lamb at Daystar Part 1
Peter McCullough, MD
Published 17 July 2022 2,450 Views
Drs. Bartlett, Gold, and McCullough appeared 8 March 2022, on Daystar the largest Christian broadcasting network in the world.
They discuss medical freedom, COVID-19 vaccination, and new dangers to the body with the mass vaccination program worldwide.
Joni Lamb
Tell us a little bit about the study that just came out of Sweden. That is just so alarming.

Peter McCullough
The news is buzzing out of uh Lund University, Malmo, Sweden, Markus Aldén is the first author; the first demonstration in a human hepatic or liver cell line that the Pfizer vaccine, in fact, reverse transcribes and instals DNA into the human genome.

[Somebody issues a Waow.]

Joni Lamb
So, in simple terms, what does that mean, Doctor Bartlett?

Richard Bartlett
Basically, uh there’s an enzyme that can take that messenger RNA vaccine information and put it into the DNA of the person, into their DNA. And we were told that could not happen. So this is in a lab, but it’s showing that the … You remember, the vaccine is messenger RNA?
Joni Lamb

Richard Bartlett
And we were told that that messenger RNA could not go into your DNA, but this is showing that, in … in a lab, it can.

Joni Lamb
And so what happens when it does?

[Reverse transcriptase and MRNA
dnagase Published 21 March 2022 3,358 Views

If something is reverse transcribed and alters the DNA of a sperm, or an egg, that DNA change, if that sperm or egg survives and turns into a human being, lasts forever. The entire human genome has been poisoned with a gene that has never been in the human genome, ever in history.

[Peter McCullough at North Dakota Conservative Advocates]
Dr. Peter McCullough - Navigating Through COVID
freedommatters USA Published 12 May 2022 3,181 Views

Pfizer, given at physiological concentrations in a haematoma cell line, that Pfizer is actually taken up – the lipid nanoparticles are taken up in cells – and then the RNA is copied by a human reverse transcriptase called Line-1. And then the DNA mirror image of the Pfizer product is taken into human chromatin. And it’s taken into the nucleus. It’s exceedingly likely that this is entirely installed into the human genome. Now, many labs are racing right now to confirm this. But this is extremely disturbing. We should never take genetic products on a mass scale that change the human genome or have the possibility to change the human genome. It should never be done.


[Drs. Bartlett, Gold, and McCullough on Table Talk with Joni Lamb at Daystar Part 1
Peter McCullough, MD
Published 17 July 2022 2,450 Views
Drs. Bartlett, Gold, and McCullough appeared 8 March 2022, on Daystar the largest Christian broadcasting network in the world.
They discuss medical freedom, COVID-19 vaccination, and new dangers to the body with the mass vaccination program worldwide.

[A woman who is part of the audience.]
If you’re pregnant and you have this done, can that then affect your baby?

Peter McCullough
Yes, this is an alarming finding. The CDC says on its website very explicitly: this will not change your DNA. The paper that came out of Sweden – now there’ll be many more to confirm it. And the steps are to a) confirm it, to confirm that the entire code is installed, and [b)] then to actually confirm that it’s expressed, meaning that the spike protein now is continuously expressed from human cells. But because the lipid nanoparticles are taken up everywhere, that means somatic cells in your organs, but also your gametocytes – actually, the cells that actually are the sperm and the egg. If they are carrying it, that indeed means that in fact it could be passed to the daughter cells of the next embryo.

Joni Lamb
And so that could be uhm....


[Dr. Stephanie Seneff: How mRNA Vax Sets Up Long-term Diseases
by Veronika Kyrylenko 23 June 2022

 Stephanie Seneff
They showed that within six hours these are … these are liver cancer cells that they exposed to the…. to the RNA to make the spike protein. And they, within six hours, they had converted the RNA into DNA. And … and this is something I’m very fascinated by and I’ve been doing a lot of research lately on something called uhm polymerase theta. And polymerase theta is … is expressed in cancer cells. And polymerase theta is uh … is a repair enzyme: it works to repair DNA. And in fact, there’s other papers that are coming out now that even further support this idea, which is that … there’s some fascinating papers – I’ve found at least three papers from some 20 authors collaborating in China, Beijing, China – on the … exposing the spike protein … you know the …. basically the vaccine, exposing it to five uhm cells in the lungs. And those cells end up uh forming what’s called syncytia. These cells uh end up, several cells, merging into one giant cell and collaborating or blending all their nuclei together and spitting out micro nuclei, which are evidence of severe DNA damage. So they showed that the … the spike protein by itself causes the cells to to create this giant cell and to uhm … and to have severe DNA damage and to uh release inflammatory agents that are going to cause a lot of damage to surrounding cells. And they become what’s called uhm senescent. They … they reach a stage of senescence, which is really, really interesting because senescence uhm is uhis a stage cells are in when they refuse to multiply any more, they stop reproducing, but they don’t die. And they continue to live and in living they release inflammatory agents. So they … they cause a situation of chronic inflammation in this senescence state. And they’re induced into this senescence state by the spike protein because they suffer from so much DNA damage they don’t dare reproduce any more. And that is a very dangerous place to be. So I’ve been looking at all kinds of research on senescence and senescent uhm … you know … neurons in the brain, senescent cells uh … you know in the body and the tissues, senescent uh immune cells that become incompetent, immune incompetent. So I’m predicting that all the cells that are uh that tend to multiply a lot – and that includes cancer … includes these fibroblasts, that includes all the immune cells – they multiply, they … they …. they make new copies of themselves; they’re very susceptible to DNA damage, especially when they’re exposed to that spike protein. So I’m predicting uh several … several consequences from that. It’s just mind boggling. But the fact is that this state uhm this DNA damage, provoke…makes the cell produce this thing called uh polymerase theta, which is a fascinating protein that isn’t involved with DNA repair but makes a lot of mistakes and which comes into play when the other repair methods have failed. And it uh it causes uh very big genetic uh mutations, moving around with the genes into different places; it can’t … doesn’t  … no longer keeps the genome intact. And that produces these micronuclei. And this protein polymerase theta is upregulated in cancer cells like breast cancer cells. They produce more of it because they’re struggling with DNA damage, trying to fix a DNA. They end up with a lot … a lot of big problems. And the polymerase theta has only recently been shown to be able to convert RNA to DNA. That’s the important punch point of this story: that protein is very good at taking – starting from RNA – and making DNA. And it needs to do that in the process of repairing these DNA breaks. What that means is: it could take foreign RNA to get into the human genome and that foreign RNA could be the spike protein RNA. So this is … this part’s theoretical, but it ... it’s all there. I mean: the research is done to show that it’s possible. And that the paper that you referred to showed that it happens, that the RNA gets converted to DNA by cancer cells. It could be polymerase theta that’s doing that. There’s also Line-1 that’s over-expressed in cancer cells and also can convert RNA into DNA. Then the question is whether that DNA goes into the genome or not. And … and that’s an open question right now. But with this uh story with the uh with the RNA uhm the polymerase theta – it makes a lot of sense to me – that can put foreign RNA into DNA in the genome. So it has the capability to do that with the RNA that the spike protein that codes for the spike protein. And then you could have essentially … ultimately you could have a genome, human genome that can make uhm spike protein. And what the consequences of that, I have no idea, but you could even pass that on down to the future generations and it could become a permanent feature in their DNA. That’s not beyond the realm of … that’s not impossible. We don’t understand enough about, you know, these things. And we have no business fooling around with this kind of technology without adequate knowledge about how it works.

[Dr. Lee Merritt interviewed on Talk for Freedom by Brad Carrigan
First published at 00:39 UTC on 13th July 2022.
Digital Truth Calgary

They’re made with CRISPR-Cas9. Now, what’s the big deal? I keep hearing CRISPR-Cas9? What’s the big deal about that? Well, this is the technology they use to make GMO crops. Now people need that … just so people know … I mean, you know when you hybridise … in the old days when we wanted to make bigger apples, you found your best apple out of your tree and you saved the seeds and you then … you made sure that that tree pollinated with another tree that had really good apples. And you could make … you could cross-breed them, but it wasn’t gene splicing, OK? That’s a safe way to do this, OK, for the most part. But what they did is … now with … with gene splicing – which is an old term now –, they would just kind of crudely cut and put things in like the GM potato – which is a nightmare –, but they’d see what happened; they’d see what the result was. It was kind of very crude, but now uhm they have this… But here’s the problem: even if you got the right gene in, and … and now you’ve got … Let’s say I want to make a sweeter apple. So I’ve got the new gene in the apple. Then I breed it with a wild apple, right? Another of the same species but wild apple. Well, what happens is only 50% of that offspring has the gene. And then when they … when they breed some more, again only 50% of that off[spring]. So now 25% of the second generation. And then 12 and a half per cent of the third generation. So it dilutes out in the population. It’s not a very effective way to … to actually make GMO crops. What you do uh is with CRISPR-Cas9 – and it’s kind of complicated, even a little above my level of understanding completely about how – but it … it makes double cuts in DNA in such a way that everyone of your offspring will have this new gene. And then everyone of their offspring will have this new gene and everyone of them. So in roughly 10 generations, everybody’s got the new gene. Now … you know … and it doesn’t take very many years and something like an apple – or even quicker … you know … you know … in peas or something you can grow very quickly. But how about humans? That … if we are giving – which we have very good evidence that they’re putting a gene that we don’t know what it is into us and more than one probablyuhm this gene is going to be, if you put it, if you took it or your children took it and they’re going to be lucky enough to not be sterile and have children, their children will have that gene. And that gene has now become … they … they become what are called gene drive individuals. They’re the people that started the cast; they Cas9. So they’re a gene drive individual. That means they will push that gene out to everyone of their offspring. And within 10 generations, or roughly 200 to 300 human years, our whole human race will be taken over with whatever gene they put into us.

[Genetic Alteration of humanity
dnagase Published 4
April 2022 166 Views

One of the things that I talked about when talking about cancer was reverse transcriptase, how the story that you’ve been told that mRNA doesn’t change the DNA is a lie because bodies, human bodies have something called reverse transcriptase, which can turn mRNA into DNA. And once something is turned into DNA, it can change the cell for the rest of that cell’s life. The problem – as was leaked by a Japanese study last summer – was that the lipid nanoparticles – made here in UBC [University of British Columbia] with your money –, they were designed to target three organs: the liver, the spleen and ovaries. And here’s the thing: had I kept thinking about reverse transcriptase, talking about reverse transcriptase, I would have realised four months ago that ovaries have reverse transcriptase too. So any mother, any mother to be, even if she is not pregnant yet, if she gets an mRNA vaccine, that mRNA, if it’s using the UBC technology, the UBC lipid nanoparticle technology, those mRNAs are going to go to the ovaries. And guess what? In the eggs, there’s reverse transcriptase. And when there’s reverse transcriptase, that spike protein mRNA gets changed into DNA. And when it’s changed into the DNA, it can go inside the egg cells and permanently change the DNA for future generations. There are things throughout the human genome called non-reading frames. There’s DNA that stays silent, that is never transcribed into proteins until the next generation. So if that spike protein DNA created from spike protein mRNA from the Pfizer or Moderna jabs, if that gets inserted into a non-reading frame, that mutation is silent. It is hidden inside the DNA of that egg cell, which means an embryo, when that excel is fertilised, can grow into a normal embryo, a normal child, a normal adult, except for one thing: there is a hidden spike protein mutation in the DNA that the adult doesn’t know about because it’s silent. And it’ll only show up when that adult tries to have another child. And then DNA goes … undergoes something called recombination where nature mixes the genes from that adult mother and father to create a new human being. And during that mixing process sometimes silent DNA segments get reactivated. 5 billion people have been injected so far on this planet. The spike protein has been put into the human genome into at least 1.25 billion people on this planet. And if that gene is silent, there’s no way that I can tell that that gene is there; I won’t be able to tell until problems start happening in their children and grandchildren and the great grandchildren. This is the magnitude of evil we are dealing with. We are dealing with people who have the money, the power to pollute the entire human genome.

[Dr. Lee Merritt | Session 86: The Fog Is Lifting
8th January 2022 23K views
Corona Investigative Committee

You know, that’s the biggest tragedy here because not only are we killing people with this, but we are inflicting them with artificial DNA and RNA that MIT now admits can be interpolated into our DNA permanently. And one of the things I found was there was an article uh called uhmSelf-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseasesNow, I mean, what they did is they … they … they want to get rid of – apparently, there’s these big mice outbreaks in Australia that just occur overnight. So they wanted to decrease the mice population … mouse population. So they … they captured a bunch of these mice, they … they injected them with these self-disseminating vaccines. And then they … that sterilised the mice by killing the … the female ovaries, then those mice went out into nature and they shed on other mice – it’s not apparently airborne, and that’s a point about what’s happening to us now: it’s by contact. So they shed on them and then those mice became sterile and then they … they … the bigger group ... and then they shed on yet even a bigger group of mice and they became sterile and then it kind of petered out in the population. If you look at how those self-replicating uhm immunogenic contraceptives, they’re called, how they work, they … it’s built just like the J&J vaccine: their DNA, these were DNA vaccines that were made out of a … what they call a replicant deficient species specific virus. And it was meant to shed and to cause problems with other viruses. And they have another paper about the numbers.  If I want to decrease the … the animal population by this per cent and I know the birth and death rate, this is how many people are – that was a Freudian slip – how many animals I have to capture and … and inject in order to have it go through the population and sterilise and … and decrease the population by this amount. To me, that’s a very worrisome study, especially when you marry it up with the Japanese study that was done on pharmacokinetics [https://www.docdroid.net/xq0Z8B0/pfizer-report-japanese-government-pdf#page=17 OR https://archive.org/details/japanese_study_lnp_concentration_ovaries]. And it showed that these agents – which everybody in vaccine research must have known about; the people that say they thought it stayed in the arm have to be lying –, uhm and it showed that these things uhm uh distributed 64 times in the ovary versus the skeletal muscle. I don’t think you could be this clueless if you were really involved in the development of this stuff. Because I can read science, I went back and I looked when they started talking about vaccines. I started looking about the basic science, how they were doing this and, at that time, the Novavax site – Novavax makes this lipoprotein coding that houses the DNA; that’s the RNA, that’s the … that’s the … the genetic component of this – these were developed to be genetic therapies and oncolytic therapies. In that regard, you can’t have them just sit in the arm and you also can’t have them just randomly go places. They have to be targetable. And Novavax, they call it the … the beautiful – you are going to love this name –the … this glycoprotein coating that they’ve developed is called Matrix M. And they bragged about how it was … it was targetable. So we have a targetable agent that goes to the … that now is going to the ovaries. And that is very similar in construction to this depopulation of mice agent that was done.

[COVID Criminals WILL Be Held Accountable, Says Atty. Dr. Fleming in Warning Against Novavax
by Alex Newman 16 July 2021        
COVID Criminals WILL Be Held Accountable, Says Atty. Dr. Fleming in Warning Against Novavax
First published at 15:10 UTC on 16th July 2021.
The New American

When we go over here to Pfizer and Moderna, down here at the bottom, you’ll see the zero goes over here to a lipid nanoparticle. This is a cholesterol and fat molecule put together surrounding the mRNA that will just simply fuse to the cell. And you see a whole lot of mRNA here. And that’s because when the virus comes in, you maybe get hundreds or thousands, but when these lipid nanoparticles from Pfizer Moderna come in, they carry 13.1 billion. They go through the same process of getting the ribosomes and making spike proteins and getting to the T-cells and later to the B- cells for antibodies, but they also go straight up into the nucleus. And we now know for a fact that uh some secondary studies have been done that came out in the last few weeks that show that this mRNA from the … either the virus itself or from the uh vaccines gets incorporated into our human DNA and all but three sets of our chromosomes. So of 23 sets of chromosomes, we now have data that shows it gets into all but three. Genetic material is being injected into your cells and, as you’ve all heard, turns your cells into the manufacturing plant for making the spike protein. SARS-CoV-2, whether it be from the virus or from the vaccines, reverse transcribes or gets into our human DNA. This virus, whether it be the virus itself or the vaccines, inserts itself into all but three of our 23 sets of chromosomes: chromosome 8, 15 and 20 still seem to be protected or not … not transcribed. But we now know that giving this to people will get it into our human DNA, so all those questions about ‘Does it? Or doesn’t it?’ It does.

[Reverse transcriptase and MRNA
dnagase Published 21 March 2022 3,358 Views

It’s one of the articles I was reading was supposedly a leak from a Moderna production line engineer and one of his colleagues. And what he leaked out on to 4 Chan was that he was a production line engineer and manager and on the Moderna production … production line in December of 2020 – this is when the first vaccines were being rolled out – he noticed something very unusual. There were manual add ingredients. And that’s very out of the ordinary for a vaccine that they’re trying to make millions of doses for. If they’re making millions of doses of something, they dump the ingredients into the machine, go home, have a coffee, come back the next day, collect the pre-filled files. But unlike any other vaccine or production line that he was involved with, the Moderna vaccines had manually added ingredients that no one knew about. So he looked into it. One of the supposed ingredients he alleged on his 4 Chan post was an mRNA for a protein called cytochrome P19A and there was another one whose acronym I actually don’t remember right now [CDKN1B]. But what was significant is these are two proteins that are involved in ovaries in having ovaries, be able to ovulate and develop successful eggs. People who have mutated versions of these proteins, they have premature ovarian failure. They can’t have kids. They don’t ovulate and any eggs that they do ovulate can’t turn into embryos. And I thought to myself: ‘This is like pure evil, like why would they be deliberately putting on top of spike protein genes into their vaccines now they’re putting infertility genes.’ You had three mRNAs, according to this Moderna engineer, in the injections: a spike protein and two proteins for mutated versions of ovarian proteins. And one of the other ingredients that this production engineer said was going in it was something that I had never known even existed. And that’s for a reverse transcriptase stimulator. They found an activator and they were putting that in the modern injections according to this production engineer. So I thought to myself: ‘Why on God’s earth would they put a reverse transcriptase stimulator into the injections unless they intentionally wanted all the RN… mRNA in their injections to be permanently integrated into the DNA?That’s the spike protein and two proteins to inhibit successful, healthy ovaries from doing their job. And this is a lipid nanoparticle that every single one of us paid to create because this was made at UBC [University of British Columbia], it was researched and developed at UBC. First, the lipid nanoparticle targets the spleen, then the liver and then ovaries. Those were the three organs that the lipid nanoparticles ended up in the highest concentrations when they looked at the rats after 48 hours – 48 hours after the injection: liver, spleen and ovary. Now you can’t tell me that’s a coincidence: two inhibitors of ovulation and a lipid nanoparticle that’s designed to carry that mRNA to the ovaries. If something is reversed transcribed and alters the DNA of a sperm or an egg, that DNA change, if that sperm or egg survives and turns into a human being, lasts forever. The entire human genome has been poisoned with a gene that has never been in the human genome ever in history. The genetic alteration we know about is the spike protein and then maybe these two other mRNA sequences that were inserted into the Moderna injections. I do not know if Pfizer did the same thing. Now if that spike protein gets put into a transcribed region of the DNA – and a transcribed region of the DNA is the part of the DNA that’s in everyone’s body that’s active, that’s making proteins, the part of the DNA that’s being used to make fingernails hair, proteins for my brain to keep thinking, digestion proteins. Those are reading frames, they call it, because the body reads the DNA and makes proteins based on what it read. There’s something else in the DNA called a non-reading frame – those are parts of the DNA that are silent, that are not transcribed. And the spike protein appears to be so toxic that, if an embryo ever had a spike protein gene, that spike protein DNA reverse transcribed from spike protein mRNA that embryo would probably die because it’s making spike proteins instead of new fingers, new arms, new legs, new feet. However, if that spike protein gene ends up in a non-reading frame, that embryo has a good chance of growing up to be a perfectly healthy baby, a perfectly healthy child, a perfectly healthy adult because that spike protein DNA is hidden in an inactive part of the DNA. But that doesn’t mean that we’re all clear because every generation, when a new embryo is made, there’s something called recombination, where the genes from mothers and the genes of fathers are mixed together. And when recombination happens, genes that were previously inactive can get reactivated. So now all of a sudden, even though you had a healthy child who grew up into a healthy adult, who’s able to have kids, the grandkids are going to be suffering from spike protein problems because their DNA has been tainted because of what happened here in the past two years. This has never been done in human history that we know about before – that a genetic toxin has been put into the entire human genome, a genetic toxin that is capable of hiding and skipping generations. This is what has been done to us. What are you going to do about that? Are we going to tell that child ‘Nope, your mom got a genetic engine injection, you might be a silent carrier of a genetic experiment created by Pfizer. We can’t let you have children otherwise this genetic poison created by the pharmaceutical industry will continue to plague the entire human species for the rest of eternity.’ Can we say that to a child? I don’t think I have the heart to. What’s the alternative? That we have this genetically evil product that’s been placed into human beings into the entire human species through deceit. Do we have that for the rest of eternity? I don’t know. My hope is that at some point science and technology might be able to pick all those genetic contaminants, all those spike protein DNA out of someone’s body. But according to the science and genetics I’ve learned, that’s a near impossible task because if someone grows into a successful human being from an embryo that has a silent insertion of spike protein DNA, every cell in their body also has that hidden segment of spike protein DNA – and pulling that out of every cell of someone’s body that’s not a technology that I’m aware of.

Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line
by Markus Aldén, Francisko Olofsson Falla, Daowei Yang, Mohammad Barghouth, Cheng Luan, Magnus Rasmussen and Yang De Marinis
Current Issues in Molecular Biology  2022, 44(3), 1115-1126

Dr. McCullough: COVID jabs’ alteration of DNA could extend to reproductive cells, affect babies
McCullough noted that if mRNA in COVID shots travels to reproductive cells, as studies have already shown, then babies’ genetic makeup could be affected.
Emily Mangiaracina
Tue Jul 26, 2022 - 5:11 pm EDT

Doctor warns that COVID jabs can forever alter DNA, cause serious reactions in children
Dr. Daniel Nagase said children are especially susceptible to having their DNA altered, since they have higher levels of reverse transcriptase than adults.
Emily Mangiaracina
Thu Dec 23, 2021 - 9:19 pm EST
#3  https://yandex.com/search/?text=Daniel+Nagase+reverse+transcriptase+&lr=10520

OR https://archive.org/details/japanese_study_lnp_concentration_ovaries
