Summary: Hugo Talks on the power of negative self-suggestion in the context of the C19 mRNA vaccines (the nocebo effect after administration of a placebo); the Australian aborigine bone-pointing curse; black magic; medical disinformation agents planted in the mainstream media and picked up by so-called alternative news outlets; clip (embedded) and links.

Bone-pointing syndrome, modern scrying devices, statins and scripts (or the nocebo effect in the context of the C19 mRNA jabs, as explained by Hugo Talks)

The basic meaning of magic [sihr] is to make something appear in a form other than its real form.
The Arabs called magic magic because it replaces health with disease.
Al-Azhari (282/895-370/981) [Abu Mansur Muhammad Abu Ah-mad ibn al-Azhar al-Azharl al-Harawi; source:]

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On Sunday, a clip in which a Saudi cardiologist recommends that the messenger RNA-based vaccines against C19 be suspended in the light of their adverse safety profile (some serious cardiovascular complications and even death) went viral after an outspoken critic of the same vaccines, the British cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, had published the clip on his Twitter account with the following glowing teaser: ‘"BREAKING: World eminent Cardiologist Prof.Abdullah Alabdulgader calls for suspension of mRNA jab because of cardiac harm concerns *President of The international congress for advanced cardiac sciences *Founder of Prince Sultan Cardiac Center/Saudi Arabia This is huge
(; no longer on Twitter but available at*/

My initial reaction was that this Saudi cardiologist (Prof. Dr Abdullah A. Alabdulgader) was a little late to the party, but that it was better to be late than not to show up at the party at all. However, upon trying to find the platform where the clip was posted for the first time, I became a little suspicious because Dr Abdullah Abdulrahman Alabdulgader appears not to have a Twitter account, his YouTube account has only two videos and he seems to be involved in another psychological operation, the Green Agenda: ‘Dr. Alabdulgader believes that we are at the start of a true revolution in the history of medicine, and his understanding of the broader role of the human heart in ethical, religious and social contexts has drawn major media attention. He was recently elected as a member of the scientific board of the International committee on Global Geological and Environmental Change.’
(International Congress for Integrative Health & Medicine)

Hugo Talks, an English vlogger who holds unconventional views on C19, the Great Reset and tutti quanti, has recently criticised members of the medical community like Dr Aseem Malhotra who have changed their stance from actively promoting the C19 mRNA jabs to calling for their withdrawal. Hugo Talk does so on the grounds that the Hippocratic oath doctors take requires that they do no harm (‘primum non nocere, secundum cavere, tertium sanare’) and that if people like him (Hugo Talks) expected little good from an experimental concoction based on a novel technology with no demonstrated safety profile, trained doctors ought to have known better.
In fact, Hugo Talks believes Dr Aseem Malhotra to be an agent for the second phase of the C19 plan, which according to him is to instil fear into the minds of the jabbed and cause psychosomatic damage to their health based on the nocebo effect (‘A detrimental effect on health produced by psychological or psychosomatic factors such as negative expectations of treatment; spec. adverse effects reported after administration of a placebo.’, Shorter Oxford English, Sixth Edition, Oxford University Press, 2007). A process he believes is similar to the bone-pointing curse used by Australian shaman witch doctors:

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Hugo Talks, this English vlogger who holds unconventional views on our times and whose clips are peppered with New Testament quotes, concludes as follows:

[…] it’s not the shaman who is bringing about their death, it’s the person’s belief in the power of the shameless curse; it’s that belief that freaks them out, that stresses them out. The witchcraft isn’t in the act of the curse: it’s getting the victim to believe it’s true beforehand. So, when the curse is enacted, they believe their fate is sealed – as they say, a self-willed death. And that belief of the shaman and his power over life and death was indoctrinated in them through growing up in the tribe and hearing stories and propaganda being fed daily, being fed daily to them. These stories, these scripts within the closed environment of the tribe and now the public in this environment, who also have daily scripts and stories fed to them by the mainstream media through their black mirror devices [TV sets and smartphones], and those members of the public who believe what they are told – who truly believe in this system – are these modern day witch media spin doctors now pointing the bone at them. And they are doing this by slowly leaking, slowly revealing information of the damage done by the jab. And this is now infiltrating into the jabbed-up people’s minds through the very same media that told them to go and get it – deliberately being leaked to project fear into their minds, to control them, to turn them into hypochondriacs. Is this the modern day witchcraft equivalent of bone-pointing to the masses who took something they shouldn’t have? Do you get my drift? So, you know, if you’ve taken any of these jabs, my advice is to stop watching the media: turn it off; stop looking at it; stop engaging with it; stop giving your power over to it.

Is The BIG REVEAL Modern Day BONE POINTING / Hugo Talks
Hugo Talks
First published at 16:44 UTC on 16th January 2023.

Other links

THE BIG REVEAL Part II / Hugo Talks
Hugo Talks
First published at 17:48 UTC on 8th January 2023.

Life-saving statins for 25m Brits

Top UK Cardiologist just went Off Script LIVE on BBC news, calling for immediate suspension of Cov V pureblood

The Big Reveal / Hugo Talks
First published at 10:18 UTC on 2nd October 2022.
Hugo Talks

Lausanne, the above was published on the seventeenth day of the first month of the year two thousand and twenty-three.