Summary: Robert Malone on the dangers of vaccinating children, possible side effects (which he claims are irreversible and could be passed on to future members of a family); a new technology not adequately tested; children’s immunity after getting COVID.

‘Before you inject your child’

(a statement by the father of the mRNA technology)

Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology upon which both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s jabs are based, an expert who has been issuing warnings about the technology for several months now, came out last week with the following recorded statement. 

First, however, a few words about Dr Robert Malone taken from his website:

I am an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. I hold numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.
So, what has brought me to the point of daily podcasts, interviews, op-eds, advocacy with legislators and building a twitter feed of almost a half million people? It started with my own experiences and concerns regarding the safety and bioethics of how the COVID-19 genetic vaccines were developed and forced upon the world, and then expanded as I discovered the many short-cuts, database issues, obfuscation and frankly, lies told in the development of the Spike protein-based genetic vaccines for SARS-CoV-2. Personal experiences involving identifying, developing, and trying to publish peer-reviewed academic papers focused on drug repurposing and the rights of physicians to practice medicine as well as what I have seen close colleagues go through have further influenced me. Finally, as unethical mandates for administering experimental vaccines to adults and children began to be pushed by governments, my research into what I believe is authoritarian control by governments that are being manipulated by large corporations (big finance, big pharmaceutical, big media and big technology) influenced my changing world view.

Please note that Dr Malone was a little emotional during his recorded address and, as such, he even got to mix up “parent’s cells” with “children’s cells. There are some other minor instances where his actual speech departs from his prepared text, as published at
The official stance of the Global Covid Summit (an ‘alliance of physicians and medical scientists committed to speaking truth to power about Covid pandemic research and treatment’, to which Dr Robert Malone is a signatory), on the vaccination of children is available at

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If it does not, click on or here.


My name is Robert Malone. I’m a physician and a scientist, but, more importantly, I’m a father and a grandfather. I don’t usually read from a prepared speech, but this is so important that I wanted to make sure that I got every single word and fact – scientific fact – correct. I stand by this statement with a career dedicated to vaccine research and development. I’m vaccinated for COVID and I’m generally pro vaccination. I’ve devoted my entire career to developing safe and effective ways to prevent and treat infectious diseases. After this, I’ll be posting the text to this statement so that you can share it with your friends and family. Here’s the thing.
Before you inject your child, a decision that is irreversible, I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the RNA vaccine technology I created.

There are three main issues that parents need to understand before they take this irrevocable decision.

The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your parent’s [obviously, he meantchildren’s” – read his published statement] cells. This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs. These organs include their brain and nervous system, their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots, their reproductive system. And most importantly, this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system. The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable: they cannot be reversed. You can’t fix the lesions within their brains. You cannot repair heart tissue scarring. You cannot repair a genetically reset immune system. And this vaccine can cause reproductive damage that could affect future generations of your family.

The second thing you need to know is about the fact that this novel technology has not been adequately tested. We need at least five years of testing and research before we can really understand the risks associated with this new technology. The harms and risk from new medicines often become revealed many years later. I ask you to ask yourself as a fellow parent if you want your child to be part of the most radical experiment in human history.
One final point: the reason they’re giving you to vaccinate your child is a lie. Your children represent no danger to their parents or grandparents. It’s actually the opposite. Their immunity after getting COVID is critical to save your family – if not the world – from this disease.

Finally, in summary, there’s no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children against the small risks of the virus given the known health risks of the vaccine that is [sic] apparent, you and your children may have to live with for the rest of your lives. The risk/benefit analysis is not even close with this vaccine for children. As a parent and grandparent, my strong recommendation to you is to resist and fight to protect your children.

Additional link

Lausanne, the above was published on the sixteenth day of the twelfth month of the year two thousand and twenty-one.